All these bypass any micing and go straight from the me50 to the sonar 4 producer edition. they are one track, no layers, and i hope you guys get inspired and can add some stuff to them. both are different ends of the music spectrum, just to sort of warm up our tastebuds and diversify, from basic to confusing, etc etc. let me know what you think, gota hear some new versions.

this is a very slow song, very basic and nothing complex really going on. like i said, this only one track, and i hope you guys will only add one track, that way we can sort of get a lot of cool layering stuff going on, sort of like sufjan layering, if you will. it was tempting to not just go ahead and record more bc its so simple.

this one is a little bit heavier but still maintains a really good quality to it. it's sort of sporadic at first, but comes together. remember, it's not intended to stand alone, so get creative with layers.
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