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RBDL has been forwarded to a new and BETTER host! this will take affect in a day or so, thank you DonPedro!

Draft Order
Pilots signed-up
All-Star Game
Screen Shots
Player pics
View/Submit Profiles


(3-23-03) Found Summer vs Winter stats (from week 2)
(3-23-03) Added ASG eligible pilots
(3-23-03) Updated Stats.
(3-23-03) You may now see player pics (that were submitted) off the profile page
(3-23-03) Added a chat
(3-22-03) Todays stats added.
(3-20-03) Updated profiles
(3-17-03) Added a new color scheme (neat huh!)
(3-17-03) Added about 7 more profiles.
(3-17-03) Took down krazi's dueling ladder.
(3-16-03) You now can view profiles!
(3-16-03) a shot's pic added to gallery.
(3-15-03) Stats Added.
(3-15-03) Team Spring dropped from league
(3-15-03) Added official home team advantage rules.
(3-15-03) Finished out the schedule for the rest of the Season.
(3-14-03) Added bio's link
(3-14-03) Now have some Screen Shots!
(3-14-03) Added more birthdays to calendar.
(3-13-03) Changed events calendar to birthday calendar.
(3-13-03) Took down Sampows site, he deleted it.
(3-12-03) Another change to the goal
(3-12-03) Rogue Trader gets updated, see what Yankee had to say: Click .
(3-12-03) Yankee said he will change the map back to normal, this Friday morning.
(3-12-03) Immoral and Feasts pics added to CR Pics gallery.
(3-12-03) Changes to the Rift Ball Map. (Close-up of Skithzar Goal)
(3-12-03) Added Zig's comedy site to links.
(3-12-03) Want to be traded? Post Here.
(3-12-03) Need people to take screen shots of the next RBDL match (to be added to the site)
(3-12-03) New look for site.

-News is wiped monthly-

Upcoming Birthdays:
Blood March 29
Interfere March 30
7hm March 31

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League run and organized by SgtPeppers
Last updated March 23
Version 1.2

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