The SS7 Protocol Stack

GSM: An Introduction

The development of GSM started in the early 1980s. It was seen then as the mainstay of the plans for Europe´s mobile communication infrastructure for the 1990s. Today, GSM and its DCS 1800 and PCS 1900 versions have spread far beyond Western Europe with networks installed across all continents.

The story begins in 1982 when the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), consisting then of the telecommunication administrations of twenty six nations made two very significant decisions. The first was to establish a team with the title "Groupe Spéciale Mobile" (hence the term "GSM", which today stands for Global System for Mobile Communications) to develop a set of common standards for a future pan-European cellular network. The second was to recommend that two blocks of frequencies in the 900 MHz band be set aside for the system.

The CEPT made these decisions in an attempt to solve the problems created by the uncoordinated development of individual national mobile communication systems using incompatible standards. The impossibility of using the same terminal in different countries whilst traveling across Europe was one of these problems; another was the difficulty of establishing a Europe-wide mobile communications industry that would be competitive in world markets due to the lack of a sufficiently larger home market with common standards - with its attendant economies of scale.

By 1986 it was clear that some of these analogue cellular networks would run out of capacity by the early 1990s. As a result, a directive was issued for two blocks of frequencies in the 900 MHz band, albeit somewhat smaller than recommended by the CEPT, to be reserved absolutely for a pan-European service to be opened in 1991.

In the meantime the GSM members were making excellent progress with the development of agreed standards. One major decision was to adopt a digital rather than an analogue system.

The digital system would offer improved spectrum efficiency, better quality transmission and new services with enhanced features including security. It would also permit the use of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology which would lead to smaller and cheaper mobiles, including hand held terminals. Finally, a digital approach would complement the development of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) with which GSM would have to interface.

GSM initially stood for Group Spécial Mobile, the CEPT (Conference of European Posts & Telegraphs) formed the group to develop a Pan-European cellular system to replace the many systems already in place in Europe that were all incompatible.

The main features of GSM were to be International Roaming ability, good sound quality, small cheap handsets and ability to handle high volumes of users. GSM was taken over in 1989 by the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and they finalised the GSM standard in 1990. GSM service started in 1991. It was also renamed this year to Global System for Mobile communications (GSM).

Today there are approx. 105 countries with GSM networks or planned networks and many more are planned with around 32 million subscribers world wide on the 139 networks. This accounts for over 25% of the world's cellular market.

The MoU "Memorandum of Understanding" has over 210 members from 105 countries, this organisation meets ever three to four months to look at new or better implementations to the GSM system.

The MoU has a website that goes into more details at

The most important events in the development of the GSM system are presented in the table 1.

Year Events
1982 CEPT establishes a GSM group in order to develop the standards for a pan-European cellular mobile system
1985 Adoption of a list of recommendations to be generated by the group
1986 Field tests were performed in order to test the different radio techniques proposed for the air interface
1987 TDMA is chosen as access method (in fact, it will be used with FDMA) Initial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by telecommunication operators (representing 12 countries)
1988 Validation of the GSM system
1989 The responsability of the GSM specifications is passed to the ETSI
1990 Appearance of the phase 1 of the GSM specifications
1991 Commercial launch of the GSM service
1992 Enlargement of the countries that signed the GSM- MoU> Coverage of larger cities/airports
1993 Coverage of main roads GSM services start outside Europe
1995 Phase 2 of the GSM specifications Coverage of rural areas

Table 1: Events in the development of GSM

From the evolution of GSM, it is clear that GSM is not anymore only a European standard. GSM networks are operationnal or planned in over 80 countries around the world. The rapid and increasing acceptance of the GSM system is illustrated with the following figures:  

Since the appearance of GSM, other digital mobile systems have been developed. The table 2 charts the different mobile cellular systems developed since the commercial launch of cellular systems.

Year Mobile Cellular System
1981 Nordic Mobile Telephony (NMT), 450>
1983 American Mobile Phone System (AMPS)
1985 Total Access Communication System (TACS) Radiocom 2000 C-Netz
1986 Nordic Mobile Telephony (NMT), 900>
1991 Global System for Mobile communications> North American Digital Cellular (NADC)
1992 Digital Cellular System (DCS) 1800
1994 Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) or Japanese Digital Cellular (JDC)
1995 Personal Communications Systems (PCS) 1900- Canada>
1996 PCS-United States of America>

Table 2: Mobile cellular systems

GSM: A Cellular System

In a cellular system, the covering area of an operator is divided into cells. A cell corresponds to the covering area of one transmitter or a small collection of transmitters. The size of a cell is determined by the transmitter's power.

The concept of cellular systems is the use of low power transmitters in order to enable the efficient reuse of the frequencies. In fact, if the transmitters used are very powerful, the frequencies can not be reused for hundred of kilometers as they are limited to the covering area of the transmitter.

The frequency band allocated to a cellular mobile radio system is distributed over a group of cells and this distribution is repeated in all the covering area of an operator. The whole number of radio channels available can then be used in each group of cells that form the covering area of an operator. Frequencies used in a cell will be reused several cells away. The distance between the cells using the same frequency must be sufficient to avoid interference. The frequency reuse will increase considerably the capacity in number of users.

In order to work properly, a cellular system must verify the following two main conditions:

In order to exchange the information needed to maintain the communication links within the cellular network, several radio channels are reserved for the signaling information.


Types of cells



   Selective cells

   Umbrella cells

GSM: System Architecture

The GSM technical specifications define the different entities that form the GSM network by defining their functions and interface requirements.

The GSM network can be divided into four main parts:

The architecture of the GSM network is presented in figure 1.
figure 1: Architecture of the GSM network

Mobile Station (MS)

A Mobile Station consists of two main elements:

Base Station Subsystem (BSS)

The BSS connects the Mobile Station and the NSS. It is in charge of the transmission and reception. The BSS can be divided into two parts:

Networking and Switching Subsystem (NSS)

Its main role is to manage the communications between the mobile users and other users, such as mobile users, ISDN users, fixed telephony users, etc. It also includes data bases needed in order to store information about the subscribers and to manage their mobility. The different components of the NSS are described below.

The Operation and Support Subsystem (OSS)

The operations and maintenance center (OMC) is connected to all equipment in the switching system and to the BSC. The implementation of OMC is also known as operation and support system (OSS). The OSS is the functional entity from which the network operator monitors and controls the system. The purpose of OSS is to offer the customer cost-effective support for centralized, regional, and local operational and maintenance activities that are required for a GSM network. An important function of OSS is to provide a network overview and support the maintenance activities of different operation and maintenance organizations. It is also in charge of controlling the traffic load of the BSS.

GSM: System Interfaces

The figure above shows all the GSM interfaces; they are briefly explained below.
Um The air interface is used for exchanges between a MS and a BSS. LAPDm, a modified version of the ISDN LAPD, is used for signalling.
Abis This is a BSS internal interface linking the BSC and a BTS, and it has not been standardised. The Abis interface allows control of the radio equipment and radio frequency allocation in the BTS.
A The A interface is between the BSS and the MSC. The A interface manages the allocation of suitable radio resources to the MSs and mobility management.
B The B interface between the MSC and the VLR uses the MAP/B protocol. Most MSCs are associated with a VLR, making the B interface "internal". Whenever the MSC needs access to data regarding a MS located in its area, it interrogates the VLR using the MAP/B protocol over the B interface.
C The C interface is between the HLR and a GMSC or a SMS-G. Each call originating outside of GSM (i.e., a MS terminating call from the PSTN) has to go through a Gateway to obtain the routing information required to complete the call, and the MAP/C protocol over the C interface is used for this purpose. Also, the MSC may optionally forward billing information to the HLR after call clearing.
D The D interface is between the VLR and HLR, and uses the MAP/D protocol to exchange the data related to the location of the MS and to the management of the subscriber.
E The E interface interconnects two MSCs. The E interface exchanges data related to handover between the anchor and relay MSCs using the MAP/E protocol.
F The F interface connects the MSC to the EIR, and uses the MAP/F protocol to verify the status of the IMEI that the MSC has retrieved from the MS.
G The G interface interconnects two VLRs of different MSCs and uses the MAP/G protocol to transfer subscriber information, during e.g. a location update procedure.
H The H interface is between the MSC and the SMS-G, and uses the MAP/H protocol to support the transfer of short messages.
I The I interface (not shown in the Figure ) is the interface between the MSC and the MS. Messages exchanged over the I interface are relayed transparently through the BSS.

GSM: Radio Transmission Aspects

For the GSM-900 system, two frequency bands have been made available:

The 25 MHz bands are then divided into 124 pairs of frequency duplex channels with 200 kHz carrier spacing using Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA). Since it is not possible for a same cell to use two adjacent channels, the channel spacing can be said to be 200 kHz interleaved. One or more carrier frequencies are assigned to individual Base Station (BS) and a technique known as Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is used to split this 200 kHz radio channel into 8 time slots (which creates 8 logical channels). A logical channel is therefore defined by its frequency and the TDMA frame time slot number. By employing eight time slots, each channel transmits the digitized speech in a series of short bursts: a GSM terminal is only ever transmitting for one eighth of the time.

8-slot TDMA together with the 248 physical half-duplex channels corresponds to a total of 1984 logical half-duplex channels. This corresponds to roughly 283 (1984 / 7) logical half-duplex channels per cell. This is because a cell can only use one seventh of the total number of frequencies, see Figure below.

   Cell Scheme
Figure : Typical cellular scheme

Seven sets of frequencies are sufficient to cover an arbitrarily large area, providing that the repeat-distance d is larger than twice the maximum radius r covered by each transmitter.

Each of the frequency channels is segmented into 8 time slots of length 0.577 ms (15/26 ms). The 8 time slots makes up a TDMA frame of length 4.615 ms (120/26 ms). The recurrence of one particular time slot every 4.615 ms makes up one basic channel.

The GSM system distinguishes between traffic channels (used for user data) and control channels (reserved for network management messages). The Traffic Channel/Full-Rate Speech (TCH/FS) is used to carry speech at 13 kbps.

TCHs for the uplink and downlink are separated in time by 3 burst periods, so that the mobile does not has to transmit and receive simultaneously. TCHs are defined using a 26-frame multiframe (i.e. a group of 26 TDMA frames). The length of a 26-frame multiframe is 120 ms, which is how the length of a burst period is defined (120 ms / 26 frames / 8 burst periods per frame). Out of the 26 frames, 24 are used for traffic, one is used for the Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH) and one is currently unused.

   TDMA Frame Structure
Figure The TDMA frame structure

Data are transmitted in bursts which are placed within the time slots. The transmission bit rate is 271 kb/s (bit period 3.79 microseconds). To allow for time alignment errors, time dispersion etc, the data burst is slightly shorter than the time slot (148 out of the 156.25 bit periods available within a time slot).

The burst is the transmission quantum of GSM. Its transmission takes place during a time window lasting (576 + 12/13) microseconds, i.e. (156 + 1/4) bit duration. A normal burst contains two packets of 58 bits (57 data bits + 1 stealing bit) surrounding a training sequence of 26 bits. The 26-bit training sequence is of a known pattern that is compared with the received pattern in order to reconstruct the rest of the original signal (multipath equalization). The actual implementation of the equalizer is not specified in the GSM specifications. Three ``tail'' bits are added on each side.

GSM can use slow frequency hopping where the mobile station and the base station transmit each TDMA frame on a different carrier frequency. The frequency hopping algorithm is broadcast on the Broadcast Control Channel. Since multipath fading is dependent on carrier frequency, slow frequency hopping help mitigate the problem. Frequency hopping is an option for each individual cell and a base station is not required to support this feature.

Common channels can be accessed both by idle mode and dedicated mode mobiles. The common channels are used by idle mode mobiles to exchange the signalling information required to change to dedicated mode. Mobiles already in dedicated mode monitor the surrounding base stations for handover and other information. The common channels are defined within a 51-frame multiframe, so that dedicated mobiles using the 26-frame multiframe TCH structure can still monitor control channels. The common channels include:

Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH)
Continually broadcasts, on the downlink, information including base station identity, frequency allocations, and frequency-hopping sequences.
Frequency Correction Channel (FCCH) and Synchronisation Channel (SCH)
Used to synchronise the mobile to the time slot structure of a cell by defining the boundaries of burst periods, and the time slot numbering. Every cell in a GSM network broadcasts exactly one FCCH and one SCH, which are by definition on time slot number 0 (within a TDMA frame).
Random Access Channel (RACH)
Slotted Aloha channel used by the mobile to request access to the network.
Paging Channel (PCH)
Used to alert the mobile station of an incoming call.
Access Grant Channel (AGCH)
Used to allocate an SDCCH to a mobile for signalling (in order to obtain a dedicated channel), following a request on the RACH.

Speech to Radio Conversion

Figure below depicted the sequence of operations from speech to radio waves and from radio waves to speech. These operations are described in the following sections.

   Speech >> Radio
Figure : The sequence of operations

GSM Speech Coding

The full rate speech codec in GSM is described as Regular Pulse Excitation with Long Term Prediction (GSM 06.10 RPE-LTP). Basically, the encoder divides the speech into short-term predictable parts, long-term predictable part and the remaining residual pulse. Then, it encodes that pulse and parameters for the two predictors. The decoder reconstructs the speech by passing the residual pulse first through the long-term prediction filter, and then through the short-term predictor, see Figure below.

   GSM Codec
Figure : A block diagram of the GSM 06.10 codec

GSM is a digital system, so speech which is inherently analog, has to be digitized. The method employed by ISDN, and by current telephone systems for multiplexing voice lines over high speed trunks and optical fiber lines, is Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM). The output stream from PCM is 64 kbps, too high a rate to be feasible over a radio link. The 64 kbps signal, although simple to implement, contains much redundancy. The GSM group studied several speech coding algorithms on the basis of subjective speech quality and complexity (which is related to cost, processing delay, and power consumption once implemented) before arriving at the choice of a Regular Pulse Excited -- Linear Predictive Coder (RPE--LPC) with a Long Term Predictor loop. Basically, information from previous samples, which does not change very quickly, is used to predict the current sample. The coefficients of the linear combination of the previous samples, plus an encoded form of the residual, the difference between the predicted and actual sample, represent the signal. Speech is divided into 20 millisecond samples, each of which is encoded as 260 bits, giving a total bit rate of 13 kbps. This is the so-called Full-Rate speech coding. Recently, an Enhanced Full-Rate (EFR) speech coding algorithm has been implemented by some North American GSM1900 operators. This is said to provide improved speech quality using the existing 13 kbps bit rate.

GSM Channel Coding

Because of natural and man-made electromagnetic interference, the encoded speech or data signal transmitted over the radio interface must be protected from errors. Channel coding introduces redundancy into the data flow in order to allow the detection or even the correction of bit errors introduced during the transmission. GSM uses convolutional encoding and block interleaving to achieve this protection. The exact algorithms used differ for speech and for different data rates. The method used for speech blocks will be described below.

The speech coding algorithm produces a speech block of 260 bits every 20 ms (i.e. bit rate 13 kbit/s). In the decoder, these speech blocks are decoded and converted to 13 bit uniformly coded speech samples. The 260 bits of the speech block are classified into two groups. The 78 Class II bits are considered of less importance and are unprotected. The 182 Class I bits are split into 50 Class Ia bits and 132 Class Ib bits (See Figure below).

   Audio Sample
Figure : Audio sample: 1 block = 260 bits (20 ms)

Class Ia bits are first protected by 3 parity bits for error detection. Class Ib bits are then added together with 4 tail bits before applying the convolutional code with rate and constraint length K=5. The resulting 378 bits are then added to the 78 unprotected Class II bits resulting in a complete coded speech frame of 456 bits (see Figure below).

   TCH Trans
Figure : TCH/FS Transmission Mode

GSM Error Detecting Codes

The GSM standard uses a 3-bit error redundancy code to enable assessment of the correctness of the bits which are more sensitive to errors in the speech frame (the category Ia 50-bits). If one of these bits are wrong, this may create a loud noise instead of the 20 ms speech slice. Detecting such errors allows the corrupted block to be replaced by something less disturbing (such as an extrapolation of the preceding block).

The polynomial representing the detection code for category Ia bits is CRC .

At the receiving side, the same operation is done and if the remainder differs, an error is detected and the audio frame is eventually discarded.

GSM Convolutional Coding / Decoding

Convolutional coding consists in transmitting the results of convolutions of the source sequence using different convolution formulas. The GSM convolutional code consists in adding 4 bits (set to ``0'') to the initial 185 bit sequence and then applying two different convolutions: polynomials are respectively tex2html_wrap_inline432 and Polynomial . The final result is composed of a couple of 189 bits sequences.

Convolutional decoding can be performed using a Viterbi algorithm. A Viterbi decoder logically explores in parallel every possible user data in sequence. It encodes and compare each one against the received sequence and picks up the closest match: it is a maximum likelihood decoder. To reduce the complexity (the number of possible data sequence double with each additional data bit), the decoder recognizes at each point that certain sequences cannot belong to the maximum likelihood path and it discards them. The encoder memory is limited to K bits; a Viterbi decoder in steady-state operation keeps only tex2html_wrap_inline436 paths. Its complexity increases exponentially with the constraint length K.

The GSM convolutional coding rate per data flow is 378 bits each 20 ms, i.e.: 18.9 kb/s. However, before modulate this signal, the 78 unprotected Class II bits are added. So, the GSM bit rate per flow is 456 bits each 20 ms i.e. 22.8 kb/s.

Interleaving / De-interleaving

Interleaving is meant to decorrelate the relative positions of the bits respectively in the code words and in the modulated radio bursts. The aim of the interleaving algorithm is to avoid the risk of loosing consecutive data bits. GSM blocks of full rate speech are interleaved on 8 bursts: the 456 bits of one block are split into 8 bursts in sub-blocks of 57 bits each. A sub-block is defined as either the odd- or the even-numbered bits of the coded data within one burst. Each sub-blocks of 57 bit is carried by a different burst and in a different TDMA frame. So, a burst contains the contribution of two successive speech blocks A and B. In order to destroy the proximity relations between successive bits, bits of block A use the even positions inside the burst and bits of block B, the odd positions (see Figure below).

Figure : Interleaving operation

De-interleaving consists in performing the reverse operation. The major drawback of interleaving is the corresponding delay: transmission time from the first burst to the last one in a block is equal to 8 TDMA frames (i.e. about 37 ms).

Ciphering / Deciphering

A protection has been introduced in GSM by means of transmission ciphering. The ciphering method does not depend on the type of data to be transmitted (speech, user data or signaling) but is only applied to normal bursts.

Ciphering is achieved by performing an ``exclusive or'' operation between a pseudo-random bit sequence and 114 useful bits of a normal burst (i.e. all information bits except the 2 stealing flags). The pseudo-random sequence is derived from the burst number and a key session established previously through signaling means. Deciphering follows exactly the same operation.

Modulation / De-modulation

GSM uses the Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) with modulation index Polynomial , BT (filter bandwidth times bit period) equal to 0.3 and a modulation rate of 271 (270 5/6) kbauds. The GMSK modulation has been chosen as a compromise between a fairly high spectrum efficiency (of the order of 1 bit/Hz) and a reasonable demodulation complexity. The constant envelope allows the use of simple power amplifiers and the low out-of-band radiation minimizes the effect of adjacent channel interference. GMSK differs from Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) in that a pre-modulation Gaussian filter is used. The time-domain impulse response of the filter is described in Equation 1, where Equation and B is the half-power bandwidth.


A block diagram of a GMSK modulator in Figure below.

Figure : GMSK modulation block diagram


Last updated on Feb 14, 2003
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