i catch a clever word play
all rhyme and reason
for things like dreaming
just stretched capacity
for sirens screaming
platinum gleaming
in the mouth of
my inner demons
cigarette butts and reciepts
endless morning afters
i got tons of pills
to keep me sane
take whiskey shots to numb the pain
most days i stay
inside my head
cuz my dollar bills
run out to fast
pocket full of change
and a name
these walking shoes
are all i need
oil and water
tile and brick
fuck bar hoppin'
i'm corner store hoppin'
walkin' circles in the ghetto
chuggin' down
malt liquer
i sketch my dreamsz
on the wall
like resolutions
for another day
then down to the station
for vanalism
ink on my fingertips
like blood on my hands
i romanticize
my criminal life
like a sticom special
a public service announcement
telling you to go get high
(c)copyright 2002

am i the sum of my difficulties
or my victorys?
of being accepted
or being denied?
of the things i want
or the things i have?
of who i want to be
or who i don't want to be?
should i
with the culture of yesterday
or where i'm at today?
When these experiences
make me
who i want to be
who i am
standing tall in imperfection
seeking honesty and affectin
i'm all skinned knees
and big talk
searching out so much reality
that i make it all up
did i live more honestly
in those drug induced extacys
then now?
cuz i'm mostly uncertain
of what i'm seein'
i'm amused by the things
i'm supposed to know
just giving the finger
to civilized society
cuz if you don't like
what i have to say
you can kiss my ass
and walk away
i'm so filled up with hostility
pent up rage, lust, and pain
bitterness and confusion
lost illusions
of my youthfull expectation
i'm standing tall in imperfection
seeking honesty and affection
just skinned knees and big talk
(c)copyright 2002

i fight a constant
with my anger
with my passion
not to misdirect
not to hate everyone
for the hypocrisy
reflected back from
(c) copyright 2000

i want to fuck the next guy
that walks in the room
animal passion
natures cure for the blues
i want to crumple up in the corner
and die
lie in my inconsequence
and i just wanna be loved
i want attraction and lust
passion and pain
i want daisies and valentines
my tears fall
on steel strings
20 years
of melodramatic nothing
a little focus would be nice
a little less questioning
all the things i say
are just bypoducts of my pain
and i say i'm fine
but i'm a slave
to regret and loss
chained to excessive thought
i want a little peace from
the ups and downs
of life
a moment away
from the fires that make
my blood run wild
and the rain that drowns
when no one is around
i want to leave my selfish desires
and submit to buddist thought
i want to drink to much whiskey
and dance all night
but i'm the only one
who can free myself
(c) copyright 2002