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News: Ok lots of things are going on lately. Diego Perez just had a great show with Next Haven at the 193 Degree Coffee House at the URI Student Union. He sold all of his CD's available for that night! We have more still though so just click on the covers above to order! Also SCITSTOCK 2003 is comming! Perez, Festive Pineapple, and The Pink Polka Dots are so far scheaduled to play. But there is a chance Accidie might play? (Girls?) and if you are intrested give us a shout. K? And The Pink Polka Dots have a site now, click on the Pic of J LeFay to go to that place. Also there is a music fest comming up on OCT 18th at Lincoln High School, Diego and The Pink Polka Dots should be playing that also. Peace Out!

Plastic Buddha Records' E-Zine comes out on the first friday of every month! Please submit your name and email address if you wish to recieve our E-Zine, for all the latest on Plastic Buddha artists, other Providence/ RI local music stuff, and random things from the guys at PB!
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