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*Welcome to Jenna's website. Everything is in a work of progress here. This past short term I've had the time to work on things like music, art, reading. But more importantly, I've had the time to develop this website as a personal reflection. Hopefully if I get my sorry ass up and about, I'll eventually get more things on this website. Photos, journals, links, music so you can keep up with your riot grrrl friend.*

*One of the first things you might ask yourself when you visit this website is "what is a riot grrrl?" Hmmm... Well, there are very good websites out there that are more devoted to defining and giving the herstory of Riot Grrrls. However, I'm not going to bother trying to copy and paste long winded defintions or timelines...

Instead, I'm only going to give you a paragraph. You can read that informative link given above. Riot grrrl is a feminist based movement that originates from punk- to reject the sexist aspects of it. Not only a musical movement- it is political and social. It's a move to break social barriers and have womyn doing their own things. Womyn can influence music. Womyn can be political active and vocal. Womyn don't have to settle with conformist society. More listed in Music and Feminism.

*So why is part of my category "indie" instead of punk? Indie is very political progressive music. The rejection of mainstream record labels, the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) philosophy is relatable to punk. But for me, I think that indie is very progressive as music because of the integration of womyn and men in bands. While indie bands tend to be more male dominated, they do have female band members- making music as a bridge to bring everyone together (which is what it's supposed to do). Again, this will be discussed in the Music section. I realize this isn't a very good description of these music genres, but bear with me.*

*I plan to put up very good stuff on this website. It's the detailed substance of the inner life of Jenna. It's going beyond Livejournal, Xanga, etc. First of all, I am able to design this webpage the way I want to, without trying to figure out how to go about formatting my journal.*

*So now that I'm in college, what do I really like to spend my time doing? How much have I changed in the past year since you've known me? What college do I even go to? Well to find out that information, go to my fucking Livejournal... Especially if you havn't already. Like Russ states, "thoughts finally stated out loud."*

*This is going to be a site geared toward issues I'm interested in, such as art, music, feminism, politics, international politics, poetry, etc. This site will link you up to what is going on around me (websites etc.) and what else I'm doing.*

*I've put lots of hours into it, yet it's still in the primarily stage. However, it takes a lot of work to do websites, and I'm not exactly always on top of my shit.*


Jen's Riot Bio Artsy Riot