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rationalhardcore & libertarian music archive - great for libertarian mix tapes and ideas for your band's cover songs    

rationalhardcore times - third issue:

Rationalhardcore's 3-part mission:
  1) rational approach to what punk/hardcore is
  2) rational application of Non-Aggression Axiom in art, music, and action
  3) find previous rationalhardcore-consistent art/artists and spread the message

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That much of punk was anti-culture is directly related to the imperfection of human beings and the cultures they create. Rationalhardcore seeks to understand and present this truth as it is. Relativism is wrong, and only serves as a temporary excuse for those who are confused. Whatever culture or situation one is born into, Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. Those that appear to be “Grey Areas” require discriminating minds to dissect and analyze from a truly principled (Just and Moral) point of view. That much of punk was anti-culture is directly related to the imperfection of human beings and the cultures they create. Rationalhardcore seeks to understand and present this truth as it is. Relativism is wrong, and only serves as a temporary excuse for those who are confused. Whatever culture or situation one is born into, Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. Those that appear to be “Grey Areas” require discriminating minds to dissect and analyze from a truly principled (Just and Moral) point of view. That much of punk was anti-culture is directly related to the imperfection of human beings and the cultures they create. Rationalhardcore seeks to understand and present this truth as it is. Relativism is wrong, and only serves as a temporary excuse for those who are confused. Whatever culture or situation one is born into, Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. Those that appear to be “Grey Areas” require discriminating minds to dissect and analyze from a truly principled (Just and Moral) point of view. Jack Grisham, singer/frontman for seminal Southern California Punk/Goth/Hardcore band TSOL (True Sounds Of Liberty), has been known to make statements such as “Thomas Jefferson was punk: He said there should be a revolution every hundred years to insure liberty” … It makes TSOL seem like a perfect libertarian punk band, but there have been TSOL songs (“Property is Theft”, which served as partial inspiration for the proposed replacement “Taxation is Theft” by The YDB) and Grisham campaigns for political office (lost to Arnold Schwarzenhowdyaspellit) that may lead us to a different conclusion. On their self-titled 1981 first release, TSOL is 4 for 5 (or 5 for 6, depending on how you’re counting). Superficial Love – Property is Theft –No Way Out - Abolish Government / Silent Majority – World War 3 “Superficial Love” is a great opener, which parallels forced conscription and perhaps taxation in the name of “freedom” to a personal relationship or even one-night-stand where one’s only interest in another is sex … labeled as “love”. It’s a powerful metaphor, and the song ends with “President Reagan can shove it!”… We can get into discussions of “The Real Reagan” and “Reagan-bashing as a punk pastime” in a later issue. “Property is Theft” is the oddball socialist song on an anarchist album. While the way in which property comes to be recognized as such can be an issue for debate, the property principle is probably the central building block in anarchist thought. The desperate “No Way Out” is the least interesting song on the album, but it is fast enough a hardcore song to be worth the listen. “Abolish Government / Silent Majority” is two songs pushed together, and it is the crowning achievement of TSOL’s first release. Many great riffs (with a little bit of groove, a little bit of thrash, and little bit of widdly-diddly lead work) and three major movements make up this song, the middle being an upbeat anti-military march speed-rap. A little rough around the edges, but Grisham makes a halfway-decent case for why everyday people (the “silent majority”) should oppose government and the conformist mentalities that allow it to remain standing. “World War 3” says that in the third world war, “we’re the victims”. One to use excessive make-up up like an undead new romantic dandy or even wear dresses on stage, Grisham’s trademark faux british accent would turn to more of a theatrical “Edgar Allen Poe” style to express the expected dark poetic messages on later releases. This album was TSOL in their most purely hardcore/punk form. Desperate warnings from alienated youths who might know a thing or two about something. Today’s bands need to learn a thing or two. They did it better in 1981. The members of TSOL are parting ways (probably for the last time) this winter, but their recent song, “Politics” expresses hatred for politics, rules and regulations”. It seems they may have gotten it right in the end. I am tired of people ripping on Metallica for opposing Napster. Metallica gained popularity and success from bootlegging, but it was bootlegging that they encouraged. In albums since their early demo and first record, their promotion emphasis shifted toward direct and retail album/merch sales and away from fan-to-fan bootleg promotion. The bottom line is that there came a time when Metallica was no longer offering its works for free distribution. Fans should have to buy the albums from Metallica. Napster is bootleg distribution without permission. Metallica was right. If they choose to give away some of their works for free, they still have that choice. If you decide to give some of your works away for free, you have that choice. [ In related news, Dexter Holland of The Offspring and Nitro Records has now come forward and admitted his former pro-Napster stance was wrong. Score one for artists’ property rights! ] Bono wants your money: Your VOICE won’t help you when they come for your earnings He’s everywhere, and each time more annoying than the last. Bono and other celebrities have been featured on television commercials where the message is, “We don’t want your money. We want your voice”. They’re lying through their teeth! The voice they want is one that says they can take the money of hard-working Americans and ship it off to far-away causes. That money is theoretically supposed to be used for the benefit of the taxpayers who had it taken from them. Bono and company are trying to cover up their injustice by making it feel like charity. Taxation is theft, and redirection of stolen money is not charity. Just say NO to Bono! (We may think of more reasons next time!!!) QUESTIONS ANSWERED WITH THE YDB Q) You say The Yellow Day Brigade’s ‘STOP KIDDING YOURSELF’ album is the first official rationalhardcore album … but haven’t there been bands (punk and other genres) that have written libertarian songs and albums before? Besides, lots of the songs off ‘STOP KIDDING YOURSELF’ seem to deal more with God than with libertarianism. What’s up with that?!? A) There have been other libertarian songs, albums, and bands, and part of the rationalhardcore movement’s purpose is to collect and present this existing art while building upon it. ‘STOP KIDDING YOURSELF’ wasn’t planned, but when it was finished it was clearly a libertarian album focused on tearing down leftist and statist punk and establishment culture while accepting God and Christ’s libertarian nature with open arms. It was a kind of hardcore/punk style that was different from anything at the time, but very consistent with much of oldschool hardcore. An album turned into a movement and a quest for earlier libertarian art. The follow-up album, ‘TAXATION IS THEFT’, is even more hardcore libertarian. A RATIONAL LOOK AT “PUNK IDEOLOGY" Wikipedia says of punk ideology: [Punk ideology is concerned with the individual's intrinsic right to freedom, and a less restricted lifestyle. Punk ethics espouse the role of personal choice in the development of, and pursuit of, greater freedom. Common punk ethics include a radical rejection of conformity, the DIY (Do It Yourself) ethic, direct action for political change, and not selling out to mainstream interests for personal gain.] Few people who identify as “punks” would disagree with the above statement, but strangely, just as few are willing to admit libertarianism and pure capitalism are what allow one to pursue these punk goals. I am talking about the ability to act freely and to do with one’s resources as one chooses. To add injury to insult, leftist politics actually hinder one’s ability to pursue the stated goals of “punk ideology”. One has less ability to do as he chooses when he and his resources are tied up in forced group goals. One’s hard-earned money is stolen and treated as if it naturally belongs to the government, then is spent on several things that person may actually be against. Not only is this not freedom, but it is slavery toward the creation of worse conditions for the slave. What if this slave was freed and allowed to either keep and save his money or pool it with like-minded individuals as he chooses? It is worth noting in passing that many causes of the leftist/mainstream variety are poorly conceived or even meant to reinforce slavery and prevent freedom. This is where punk ideology’s supposed “radical rejection of conformity” should spark some original thought to analyze and criticize the effects and intentions of such popular causes and forced policies. DIY, or “Do It Yourself”, is about the creative use of one’s resources. It also means being willing to try to do things in a new way when conforming to the established mainstream pattern is less appealing but perhaps more socially acceptable/expectable. Anarchy is the absence of rulers/government. True anarchy is pure libertarianism. Many call themselves “anarchists” for dramatic effect, when they are usually variations of radical socialists who would tear down current government for the purpose of placing their preferred coercive government in its place. True anarchy (sometimes called “anarcho-capitalism” or “private property anarchy”) and libertarianism are about making most or all things voluntary. In a true anarchist environment, if one believes in socialism, he may find other socialist volunteers to form a socialist group that does not force itself upon those who want no part in that group’s actions. Others may avoid socialism and government altogether. The point is the voluntary nature of these actions. It all comes down to the Non-Aggression Axiom. With the libertarian implications of punk ideology’s goals in mind, “selling out” to mainstream interests for personal gain could mean either compromising one’s libertarian approach or, arguably, taking an opportunity for personal gain at the expense of the libertarian cause (which is a cause that promotes true justice). The actions taken by punks themselves can come into play when a voluntary shift in resources can lead to greater liberty for oneself or for others. Libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism lead to fewer or no government-created “laws”, but it does not mean “might makes right”. Actually, “might makes right” is what goes along with the mob or gang mentality that goes with democratic and/or socialist government. Instances involving trespass upon another person’s life, liberty, or property are still identified. As Butler Schaeffer has noted, most of what people do when interacting in the current state of affairs is an anarchistic expression. In a more libertarian society, we could live much as we do now, but with more freedom and without the excessive rules and unjust force exercised on us by a collective that has the might to do so … a group that happens to call itself the state. Shrinking government and its power gets us closer to that society. Punk ideology’s goals can only be fulfilled through libertarianism. Support “Sweatshop Labor” with these cool shirts! If you don’t buy their products, the workers may have to take worse jobs, sell drugs, or turn to prostitution. For more info and to buy, go to The rationalhardcore and libertarian music archive is now online and functional to help you find music for libertarian mix CDs and songs for your libertarian band to cover. We need more libertarian bands, so submit the ones you know, and start your own! Play the songs we have listed if you don’t have any of your own! Rationalhardcore is: hardcore music/culture consistent with the Non-Aggression Axiom: "It shall be legal for one to do whatever he chooses so long as he does not aggress (initiate or threaten violence/force) upon another person's life, liberty, or property". Rationalhardcore tends toward paleolibertarianism and anarcho-capitalism Featured rationalhardcore lyric: “Taxation is Theft” (The YDB) - If you pay a tax, I’ll tell you what you do / It’s called involuntary servitude / Don’t try to tell me that it’s necessary / We’ll find a way to do it voluntarily / and in a way that won’t support slavery / They take your property at gunpoint / Freedom’s what you pay! / Taxation Is Theft! Taxation Is Theft! © 2006 The Yellow Day Brigade From the album, ‘Taxation is Theft’ - Non-Aggression Records The Yellow Day Brigade’s second full-length album, ‘Taxation is Theft’ (anthems for a rationalhardcore revolution), is the companion to ‘Stop Kidding Yourself’. Combined, they have 41 tracks of paleolibertarian / anarchocapitalist industrialized old-school hardcore and post-hardcore. Q): How did The Y.D.B. start? A): Three guys in a punk/hardcore band. Bassist dropped out of school and left. Drummer got his drums stuck on the highway in the middle of nowhere when his car broke down. I played guitar, and offered to the drummer the opportunity to play second guitar or bass with a drum machine, and he declined. I worked on my own, then enlisted another guy to play second guitar. He just wanted to do jazz, so we cut a jazz song and then he left. Hey, this is individualist music, and I don’t need anyone else to do it. I like taking the “screamer-songwriter” approach! Disgusted with the scene(s) and (especially leftist) politics in general, I had something relevant to say. I missed oldschool hardcore/punk, and anymore the people making “punk” or “hardcore” or whatever music don’t get it. Most people, even those who were a part of it, never really got it. That makes it my job to analyze and criticize it all. The college influence is horrible. The popularity of “punk” combines with a yearly crop of brainwashed morons, which go out and influence everyone younger and older. As for punk/hardcore music, clear thinking is absent, while emotional overload (and some green in the pocket) seems to be the goal of today’s writers. Rationalhardcore is the answer to all of that. Stop kidding yourself. Taxation is theft. I am writing libertarian industrialized oldschool hardcore anthems for a rationalhardcore revolution. I mean to lead by example. (continued next issue!) Rationalhardcore Is… Rationalhardcore is a music and a “culture” based on the Non-Aggression Axiom (or an approximation thereof) and influenced/inspired by punk & hardcore music/”culture”. Rationalhardcore is actually hardcore (punk) in its truest form. The Non-Aggression Axiom, which is the foundation of Justice (not concerning Morality), states “It shall be legal for an individual human being to do whatever he chooses, so long as he does not aggress (initiate violence or the threat of violence) against another human being’s life, property, or person”. The logical extensions of this rule do not contradict each other, and are the basis of True Justice. Private property, including self-ownership, is central to rationalhardcore and the freedom it promotes/protects. One cannot initiate force, but may act in self-defense. So what do you have to be mad about? Consider your concerns within the frame of the Non-Aggression Axiom, and this will become clear. You cannot justly force others to do things, but you may encourage them to voluntarily do things. Individuals exist, and “groups” are only abbreviations of several people with one or more similar trait(s). All actions must be understood in terms of individual voluntary human actions. In cases where voluntary actions were not allowed (involuntary actions were forced), crime has been done. The ability to persuade becomes key, as force is not a legitimate choice. That much of punk was anti-culture is directly related to the imperfection of human beings and the cultures they create. Rationalhardcore seeks to understand and present this truth as it is. Relativism is wrong, and only serves as a temporary excuse for those who are confused. Whatever culture or situation one is born into, Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. Those that appear to be “Grey Areas” require discriminating minds to dissect and analyze from a truly principled (Just and Moral) point of view. With all of the above given, it should be clear that the only things for which one can work are those respecting the principles outlined above. Things like forced monetary redistribution, forced employment/benefits, imaginary “rights” not tied to the Non-Aggression Axiom, et cetera cannot be tolerated because they amount to a mockery of Justice. Morally right/wrong actions can be encouraged/discouraged by voluntary action(s). Persuasive communication with respect for the Non-Aggression Axiom allows individuals to decide for themselves what individual human actions they will exercise. Rationalhardcore: “finally setting the punks straight!”