Stryker Graff has been in this business for quite some time. Eight years to be exact. He's had eight years to perfect his career to the way he wants it. Eight years of epic matches, intense rivalries, surprise twist, unforgettable championship reigns and so much more. Eight years, Stryker Graff has made himself a household name in the wrestling profession along with his alter Sean Graves. Eight years in and out of this business, the two of the, should be quite familiar with everything that goes down behind the scenes. So when it comes to Stryker and his time in the business, one must wonder... How the hell does he always seem to fall into the same setups and traps over and over again?

So for those of you not familiar with Stryker's SIN history yet, let me tell you a quick refresher course. Stryker's nemesis from SIN is this guy named Tony Millennia. Excuse me, The Only F'n Star Tony Millennia. Yeah, Stryker actually didn't have a real beef with him or anything like that. He actually hated Sean, but Sean was too much of a punk to handle his own affairs, so he had to drag Stryker into it. Now Tony, he's the World Champion and that's one reason why he and Stryker have a problem because Stryker should be World Champion. Granted, Tony did beat Stryker to win the Championship, but that's beside the point. Tony's done nothing as of late to show he should remain champion. I mean he couldn't even hold on to that Television Championship of his. Pretty much a waste of a champion if you ask me. So anyway, Tony and Stryker have been going back and forth since the moment Stryker stepped into SIN and it doesn't look like there's going to be any quitting between them in the near future. Especially since the girl Tony's with Nikita was Stryker's girl first a long time ago. She hates to admit it, but her and Stryker both know the truth. She chose Tony over Stryker and now the three of them are in this back and forth battle with one another. Now Stryker's busted his ass off since day one and it shows in the number of guys he's defeated and how many people he's lost to. When he demanded his title shot against Millennia, he damn well deserved it and guess what... Stryker got it. Corey Page... That's SIN's Owner... He knows a real champion when he sees one and he knows that if anyone can and will beat Mr. Star, it will be yours truly, Stryker Graff. Now of course SIN closed right after this match was announced and many thought it would never take place. WRONG! The match will indeed take place and it will be Stryker Graff vs Tony Millennia for the World Championship. Now since the "closure" of SIN Wrestling, Stryker returned to Sean's original stomping grounds, XWF. You would think Stryker would be able to prepare for his match in SIN while competing in XWF with no interference right? WRONG! Since Stryker returned to SIN, Tony Millennia has been doing everything in his power to make sure the championship match between the two never took place. Tony attacked Stryker once outside the club of Micheal Graves. Stryker was again attacked by Millennia at X-Mas X-Treme during his United States Championship match, basically causing him the match and the title. So yeah, Stryker was 0-2 against Millennia in head games. And just when you thought Stryker had learned his lesson, he gets a call from Nikita for them to meet up in the middle of nowhere. You would think Stryker would tell her to go to hell and see them at Assholes and Legends right? WRONG! Stryker went to the meeting, which was of course another setup and... well... you get the idea...

When Stryker Graff woke up after his meeting with Tony Millennia and Nikita in the middle of nowhere, he expected to wake up in the middle of nowhere where the left him. That wasn't the case. Instead, Stryker woke up back in his hotel room on the bed. When he opened his eyes and looked around, his room was the same as it was before he left. Nothing changed. Hell, he was still naked wearing only the United States Championship to cover himself up. Maybe his meeting with Tony and Nikita never happened. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part. Ah well. The only thing on Stryker's mind at this moment was to get his hands on a drink. Stryker sat up to get out of bed and head over to the mini bar. There was just one little problem. Stryker couldn't climb out of bed. In fact, he couldn't even sit up. Stryker looked up and realized that his wrist were tied to the bedpost. He then looked down at his ankles and noticed that they were also tied down to the bed.  He struggled to set himself loose, but whoever tied these knots, they were making sure Stryker wasn't going anywhere.

Stryker Graff
I must have had a little more fun with the girls than I previously thought. Must not have been too good. I don't remember a damn thing. Plus I was dreaming about Tony Millennia and Nikita. God... Sean's messing with my head again. I know it. Only he would dream of those two after a night of partying.

Just then, Stryker noticed someone walking around in his room, hidden in the darkness. The figure, which Stryker concluded was that of a woman, moved around the room, cleaning up as she along the way. Not once did she look in Stryker's direction. At least, not from where Stryker could tell. Stryker sat back, just watching her straighten up. The whole time, he laid there with just the United States Championship covering up all of his glory. Stryker just gave his trademark grin, not taking his eyes off of her.

Stryker Graff
I know we got a little carried away, but you really don't have to clean up. In fact, I'm thinking about going another round or two with you. Maybe you'll be the one to take this United States Championship off of me because we both know Justin sure as hell won't be taking from me. Not like this anyway.

The woman just ignored Stryker, continuing to just clean up his room.

Stryker Graff
You know, you might have to remind me of your name one this is all over with. You're definitely the type of woman I can see myself with on a regular basis. I mean you like to keep a clean home, you know when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut. This is the life a man should be living. You know Sean? He would probably be bleeding with you to let him out so you two could talk or something. God... I sometimes wonder if he and I share the same body because we sure as hell don't share the same mind. Guess that's why I'm an alter.

Again, the woman continued to ignore Stryker and now, Stryker was starting to get annoyed. She continued to just clean up and when she was done, she disappeared in the other room.

Stryker Graff
You know, if we were going to do anything kinky and you're just teasing me, you sure as hell are a pro at this.

The woman returned with candles and she sat them on the dresser in front of the bed. Stryker just watched her with a cocked eyebrow. The woman lit up the candles, illuminating the room just a little, but still concealing her face. The woman then walked over to Stryker on the bed, knelt over him and kissed him softly on the lips. She then walked back over to the dresser and stood in front of of the bed, having the light from the candles behind her. Stryker still couldn't make out her face, but a part of him felt like her knew her just from that kiss. Then it hit him. He knew exactly who it was and knew exactly what was going on. Snickering to himself and giving that trademark grin of his, Stryker spoke up.

Stryker Graff
Nikita... I'm surprised in you. I didn't know Tony allowed you to mix business with pleasure. You know, I always knew you still had a thing for me over him. I mean, Tony's probably not a bad guy in the sack, but he's being compared to Stryker Graff. I could have sex toys named after me I'm that good. Hell, you know how good I am don't you? *"Nikita" nods her head YES* See? I don't have to go out there and advertise myself. Women hear the name Graff and they come running. So I'm not at all surprised that you're coming on to me like this. Only thing I'm trying to figure out is what took you so long?

"Nikita" walked back over to the bed and stood over Stryker. This time, she straddled Stryker' s chest, sitting right on top of the United States Championship. Stryker, with that trademark grin, prepared himself for the good time ahead. Just then, the heat from the heat came on and blew around the room, causing the flames of the candles to dance. As the flames moved around quickly, they lit up certain areas of the room. One of those areas just so happened to be the bed and as they did, it showed Stryker the face of the woman on top of him. It wasn't Nikita riding him and the United States Championship. Though he wasn't that fond of Nikita, he hated this woman more than any other.

Stryker Graff
Just what in the hell do you think you're doing here?

Stryker went to sit up, but he couldn't move his arms. He looked up and then remembered that his arms were still tied to the bed. He struggled for a moment, but his restrains were too tight and he wasn't going anywhere. He looked up at the woman on his lap, who just had a smile on her face.

Stryker Graff
Do you have a death wish or something? Untie me right now!

The woman took her hands and started rubbing Stryker's face. She caressed him for a moment before smacking him hard. She continued to slap him for a while until his face was crimson red and sore. The woman let out the sinister chuckle only she could give before biting her bottom lip and caressing Stryker's face again. Stryker just looked up at the woman who had him pinned to the bed. The woman he quite possibly orchestrated all of this was Stryker's long lost "love"... Hallie Halliwell.

Hallie Halliwell
I knew I was going to have fun with you this evening, I just didn't realize how much fun I was going to have.

Stryker Graff
Well if you can't tell by looking under that belt you're sitting on, I'm not having quite as much fun as you. At least with Nikita, I knew I would get a hell of a ride. With you, I just know I'll be taking a ride straight to hell. So tell me Hallie, why has the Goddess of Headaches come back to grace me with her unflattering presense?

Hallie Halliwell
I missed this. You know, me and you going back and forth with one another. I mean, some people would actually think we hate each other.

Stryker Graff
But... I do hate you Hallie. God, how I hate you.

Hallie Halliwell
Yeah, but you don't hate me HATE ME. You just hate me like a little sister hate me. That's all.

 Stryker Graff
If I hated you like a little sister... would that mean we committed incest that one time?

Hallie broke out into a hysterical laugh, one so loud and hard, it nearly scared Stryker to death. Hallie continued to have her moment before pulling herself together. She then fixed her hair and then laid her head down on Stryker's bare chest. She just laid there, still giggling to herself while Stryker just stared up at the ceiling.

Hallie Halliwell
I missed you Stryker... I really did...

Stryker Graff

Hallie Halliwell
I'm serious. I mean, I know I've done some terrible things and you've never held that against me. You might not have agreed with me, but you understood me. I always thought you and I were soul mates and that's why I brought you back to me Stryker. I missed having this connection and knowing that there was somebody else out there that felt the same way I did.

Stryker Graff
Hallie, is there a point to all of this or am I tied to this bed in my birthday suit for comical relief?

Hallie Halliwell
I'm trying to open up to you Stryker. This is suppose to be an intimate moment between two lovers.

Stryker Graff
Now for us to be lovers, am I suppose to love you too? I mean, I just want to make sure I'm in character while we do this. I know we both have quite the busy schedules and I don't want to hold you up from any prior engagements.

Hallie sat up from Stryker's chest and just looked him in the eye, hurt obvious in hers. Stryker, emtionless as ever, just looked back at her with his own unique dumbfounded look.

Stryker Graff

Hallie just shook her head in disbelief and then climbed off of Stryker. She pulled out a blindfold and put it over the eyes of Stryker.

Stryker Graff
So is this the part where we get to finally have a little fun?

Hallie Halliwell
I didn't want to have to do this to you Stryker. I thought that maybe you'd grown up a little bit. But I guess I was wrong. I guess, Tony and Nikita were right in bringing me into this. Maybe I'm the only one who can open your eyes.

Stryker Graff
Well you know I can't wait to see what you have in store for me, but right now, I'm hoping you would use your mouth from something other than... talking. Get my drift?

Hallie gave Stryker a forced smile before covering his eyes fully. Stryker sat back and waited for Hallie to do her magic. Unbeknownst to Stryker, Hallie left the room and another female had entered. She walked over to the bed and looked over Stryker's body. She then straddled his chest just like Hallie did. She then leaned forward and brought her face close to Stryker's. She was close enough to kiss him and Stryker thought she actually was going to. The woman then went to the side of Sean's face and brought her mouth to his ear and whispered...

Mysterious Woman
Don't you worry... You're going to love it... And if you don't at first... I'll make you love it...

Sean Graves
Why did you just say that?

The woman sat back up and just stared down at Stryker for a moment. She then removed the blindfold from Stryker's eyes and looked him in his. It took Stryker a while for his eyes to get readjusted, but once they did and they laid eyes on who the woman was on top of him, he was speechless... looking in the eyes of a ghost.

Mysterious Woman
Very familiar isn't it Stryker? Didn't you say that to someone in this exact predicament? A woman by the name of Maria Adams?

Stryker Graff
Maria? Is that really you?

Maria Adams
No. That woman died a long time ago Stryker. You saw to that.

Stryker Graff
No... this isn't happening. Hallie and Nikita and Tony... Hell, Justin is probably in on this as well. This is just some sick joke they're trying to play on me. I know what's going on. They're trying to get into my head before not only my United States Championship match this week, but also my World Championship match in SIN. This is all to get in my head because both of those bastards are afraid of me. They don't want to step into the ring with me and you know what, I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to step in the ring with me either, but they don't have a choice. Now for them to hire someone to pretend to be Maria... That's low. There have no idea what happened between her and I. They have no idea who she was or who I was back then.

Maria Adams
Oh but I do. Let me tell you a little bit about Maria Adams, a woman you were quite fond of. How many times did you try and get in her pants? Quite a bit didn't you? But she wouldn't give you the time of day. You see, Maria slept with real men. Not imitations. You couldn't even meet her standards and that pissed you off. So what did you do Stryker? What was it you did to Maria that fateful day in her home? In case you forget, I'll remind you. You forced yourself on her. You waited for her and when she tried to fight you off, you overpowered her and you raped her. You pathetic excuse for a man... You couldn't take rejection so you had to take a woman that wasn't yours. Bet you felt real good about yourself afterwards didn't you?

Stryker Graff
Shut the hell up. You have no idea what you're talking about! You don't know her and you sure as hell don't know me!

Maria Adams
No? Then how about this little reminder for you. Maybe this will show you how much I know about you... About you... and Destiny...

The mere mention of Destiny's name sent Stryker over the edge and fought with all his power to break free. He wanted to get his hands on this woman claiming to be Maria right then and there and yelled out in anger. Maria, still straddled on his chest, just laughed sadistically.

Maria Adams
Looks like I finally hit a nerve with you Stryker. I knew I would dig into that skin of yours sooner or later. Yes, let's talk about you and Destiny and the fun you two had that... "special" night.

Stryker Graff
Let me go! Get off of me! I'm going to kill you!

Maria Adams
Now I know you have said over and over again that it happened to Sean. Hell, you ever got Sean believing it. But the truth of the matter is, it wasn't Sean was it? It was you. Let's see... What's happened that night? Oh yes! I know. Destiny drugged you and knocked you out. When you finally came to, you were in this very same predicament weren't you? Tied to a bed and Destiny was on top of you as I am now. Then what was it she did? Oh yeah...

Maria grabbed Stryker's chest and caressed his body for a moment before digging her nails into his flesh and dragging them down. Stryker yelled out from the pain and tried desperately to move.

Maria Adams
Destiny was waiting for this moment with you. She wanted you more than any other woman has ever wanted you. And then she made you say it... She made you say what she wanted to hear. *Destiny's voice* Tell me you love me... Tell me you want me... Tell me I'm yours...

Fear took over Stryker's face as he tried to block Maria's voice out of his head. His hands frantically fumbled with the knot around his wrist. Maria let out another sadistic laugh as she grabbed Stryker's head and forced him to look at her.

Maria Adams
And after you told Destiny that... What did she do next Stryker? What did Destiny do to you? If you forgot, let me remind you. She raped you Stryker. She raped you right in that bed and for the first time, you knew what it felt like to have a woman in control. You knew what it felt like to be the victim. Destiny took a part of you that night, the same way you took a part of Maria. But like you told Maria... Destiny told you that you would love it and if you didn't, she would make you love it. Tell me Stryker, right here and right now, did you love it?

Stryker didn't answer. He fought with all his power to break free from his restraints to just get Maria off of him. With one move, Stryker was able to sit straight up in his bed and he immediately went to grab Maria. Only thing was... Maria was no longer on him. In fact, she wasn't even in the room. Stryker looked around and realized that no one was in the room with him. He looked down at the bed and saw that there were no restraints. He was not tied to the bed. Everything that happened just now... Was it all just a dream? Stryker thought so until he felt his chest and could feel where Maria had dug her nails into him.