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[ Home ] Musings ] Me ] Canada ]

Hey everyone! I decided to change the opening page, hopefully this'll make navigation easier... I'll also post updates here.

Update : 8/12/03 1055

Good morning internet junkies :) I've added the Musings section and have added the Site Map as well.  For some stupid reason I can't get shared borders to work online, so I'll get my best people working on it ASAP.

Update : 8/11/03 171 7

Hey! Sorry its taken so long to get this fixed, but I've been all over the place, Tacoma, New Hampshire.. etc.. Anyways, Angelfire screwed my site (again), so I moved it..anyways, I'll get updates on here ASAP.

If you're taking a trip to Canada you might want to check this out.

If you want to know more about me and/or where I am and what I'm doing check out my life in a box.


Contact Me at : or IM me at ProtozoaPeet