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On Call

Welcome to On Call, a newsletter devoted to call  center workers.

With On Call, we hope to give a voice to people working in the new 'white collar factories', call centers. Work is highly casualized and there is a usually high staff turnover, which makes organizing tough. Many call center workers will stay in the industry, just shifting from company to company, from outgoing to ingoing, from market research to telesales.

On Call is an attempt to unify people who work in call centers, to reduce the isolation that many of us in the industry feel. We hope to help workers in the struggle for decent conditions. This struggle starts with information, the knowledge that we have rights, we can protect those rights and that we are not alone.

Edition 2 is now available in PDF format. Read it with adobe acrobat. A text version is now available and we'll try to get an html version out ASAP.

To get more copies of OnCall you can either:
1. Ring us and we'll mail them to you. Call 02 9594 0640.
2. E-mail us (please include a mailing address and how many you'd like) e-mail:
3. Photocopy it yourself (if you have one) - there is no copyright.

comments, suggestionsbroken links?

last updated 5th Feburary 2002