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September 26, 2001

A new demo of Exodus, Version 0.1.5 is available for download. Get it here. There are also 2 new screenshots in the screenshots area.

September 24, 2001

Just some short info about the progress of Exodus. Here is a short list of bug fixes and improvements I made or am currently working at:

    - fixed a visual bug causing seams to appear on the surface of the world texture (thanks to MK42)
    - added a simple font drawing routine to display the current FPS and poly count
    - added a new variable to the config.txt file allowing to choose between different resolutions of the terrain mesh
    - working on improving the world texture generation tool
    - working on an alternative way to render sky layers

Another feature I would like to implement in the near future is detail texturing for the terrain, however I am not sure if it will make into the next patch or into a later one (depends on how much free time I will have to work at Exodus - college begins next week and I go to work twice a week - and how fast I can implement other features which have higher priorities right now.)

September 18, 2001

It's quite pathetic to write news for a homepage and being its only visitor so far... Maybe I should change the description from 'News' to 'My Diary' ;). Oh, well...

'Freak's Corner' moved to a new webspace provider (well, I wanted an advertisment window to pop up not only when accessing the main page, but each time you click at a link... hehe ;). This provider seems to be faster than my old one and makes it possible to upload the demo I was talking about in the last update on September 16. Get the demo here.

September 16, 2001

'Freak's Corner' is going officially online. And... err... I think that's all about it ;). Oh, just one more thing. There is a demo of Exodus (a small terrain based game engine I am working at right now), however not available for download yet. I had problems uploading the .ZIP file containing the demo, but as soon as I fixed it there will be a short notification at the main News page and a link to the download location will be posted in the Exodus->Download section as well.

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