Mail City
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Mail City
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A way of introduction....

This site is dedicated to oasis, formula one and general banter about nothing. If you don't like what ya see, bugger off, but if ya want to add links or funny emails to this site - GO FOR IT! We have competitions, games, downloads, links to very scary websites and much more to ya happy. If it does work, seek help. D'ya really, really want to have a link to our website? Just click on the link below! Enjoy, have fun (not too much fun) and don't forget to check out our forwards page - where you can find quite scary, but hopefully laughable emails.

i think now would be the best time to say that any loss of friendships because of this website and any damage caused by any downloads from our website IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE OUR RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!

Want to wind your mates up? Check out these fab links. God, I'm gettin' soo cheesy:

Great Emails
Free E- greetings
Mad Links
Your Views
It's Poll Time (and i don't mean dancing)

FREE Online Greetings

Oasis stuff:

Tour Dates
Oasis Poll

Why not tell your friends about our website. We are still developing the website and you can help it evolve by emailing me at: Don't be frightened now! If you've got an funny email you want online send it to us now. Help our website expand by telling a friend about Medley online. Please! Go on, click on the link...

get this gear!