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23rd Hour

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Welcome to 23rd Hour's website. Here, you will find info about our band, about us, and so on and so forth
June 1, 2004- We are in the final days of having an Angelfire site. Hopefully we'll have the new site up and running Thursday or Friday. Also, some really exciting news! Next month we're going to go record an EP! It will definitely have My Heart, There, and Oh The Blood on it. It will also have some other songs. We'll release it(hopefully) on July 10.
May 28,2004-Even more exciting news! This website now has a new home. We're still moving in, and setting everything up, but hopefully the website will be up and running by the end of this week(June 5th). When it gets up and running, we'll change this page so that it links directly to the new page. Angelfire has been very gracious in hosting our website, and we wish to thank them. The reasons for moving are many, namely that our new home gives us about 5 times as much space as Angelfire does. Also, it gives us a dot-come name and a smorgasboard of other nifty features. So keep your eyes open!
May 19,2004-Holy Batbucks Batman! The format of the site has changed! You'll now find the menu at the top of the screen. The old format is still around, it's just gone into hiding. We'll see how this format works out. Also, here's some big big big news. Next month(that's June) we are going to spend some time in the studio and record an EP. We'll keep you posted on it, and we might give you deals(hint hint).
May 18, 2004- If you haven't noticed, I've really been updating the site over the last couple of weeks, adding stuff here and there. I just decided to let ya know "officially" now. There is now a nifty little blurb at the top of the frame, with quotes and stuff in it, there is a poll(another coming soon), a guestbook, a history section, and some other stuff. I'm going to try to add a non-frames version soon for all of those people who can't see frames.
April 20, 2004- Added pics to the bios section. You can now see us in all of our humanity. I'm also pondering adding clips to the discography section, clips from our first CD.....Also going to try to add a counter.
April 15, 2004- There are finally pictures on the website! Go to photos, and view some photos of us performing on New Years Eve. There is also now a newsletter, if you'd like to subscribe go to KDJ and click on the blue link.
April 12, 2004- I just updated the discography section, the lyrics to all the songs on our first CD are up, as well as lyrics to songs we have completed since then, and songs we are still building. Also, Dan's bio was modified a bit. Enjoy!
April 7, 2004- Hahaha! Our name changed! So did our sound(slightly. Since the last update, David has left our band, Dan has returned, and Mike has pursued a college degree quite vigorously. We've actually started gigging(yay!) although at the moment our schedule is empty. This website will change much in the future(hopefully). Thanks!