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Consumerism: inherit or learned

My opinion regarding cnsumerism as being inherit or learned is that it is definetly learned. Our society with all it's products advertisments and things have taught us that we need to aquire more, consume more because without these objects we are less of a complete person. They teach us that the possessions we have make up the essence of who we are. We are taught through marketing ploys that with out these possessions we're lacking an essential part of the American ideal. Take for example Africans, living in villages, I don't that the possess this urge to consume and buy the latest fall fashions. It is because of our surroundings our manipulating capitalistic America, that we inherit this consumeristic attitude. They're so good at brainwashing us we think we're born with a consumer mantality.


Teens as Products: Movie review

This irritated me for the fact that our society is driven by objects, ideas, and advertisements. It makes me feel good to know I limit my contribution to this mass monopoly of the typical product line, by never watching tv, buying name brand clothes, or the latest cd's or "trends." I don't like that our freedom of expression is formulated by fascists companies. America is controlled by like four major companies, doesn't that infuriate anyone? Our identity is slowly being taken from us and we're being molded in the American puppet controlled by media, brands, and advertisers. I hate marketing for the basic principle I don't find it necessary to buy things you don't need. I don't need trends and I don't follow them, but I'm still really "cool...."


Killing us Softly: Another movie review

I think that this was a very well done movie. Although at times analogies and examples were exaggerated the main point that was being conveyed I strongly agreed with. Women are objects and we live in a world that we have to work harder to gain equality. The more I learn the angrier I get. It angers me how untruthful and manipulative ads are in making women feel insufficient. Who says advertisers are responsible for telling our society what we should be. I hate advertisers the bring no benefits, they give women a degrading view of themselves, and then encourage us to buy something to alter who we already are. Consumerism is evil. I get slightly irritated when people think there's complete equality between men and women. Men don't have to deal with being objectified and desired like a piece of meat. The media doesn't attempt to be something their not. They're encouraged to speak up, be stong, be assertive, be aggressive. These attributes should not be segregated to a male dominated role. These shouldn't be confined to a certain sex, but our media is doing just that. They are attempting to force women into a certain role, a certain thing that is "acceptable" to the average consumer. We aren't objects and we shouldn't be sold as a product.


What is Culture?

Culture is based on the tradition, ethnicity, language, and behavior of a certain group of people. The background and heritage of certain individuals may contribute to their culture. The geographic location also influences culture. Culture is encompassed by many factors that together allow people to associate themselves with in a certain group within a larger society.

My Culture:

I am a part of the senior slackers culture. Together we talk about how much we don't care about school and when is the next day we can leave school. Our passions are derived, mainly, from our desire to get out of high school and receive our dimplomas after graduation. All we do is eat, sleep, and skip our classes. We leave school together sometimes in a group or sometimes in just with a few small individuals. We ahve certain traditions of leaving school and getting coffee, or lunch, especially Chinese food.

The senior slacker group has many resemblences to the senior church group that I am apart of. Our conversations are dominated by an emphasis on a hate of school. We only desire to hang out with friends and not do school work. In the church group there is a deeper bond, deeper relationships. High school slacker groups we'll only remain for the next 7 days, but the church group will remain throughout college.

The slackers have different identifiable parts being that they are rarely at school and rarely eat lunch. when we are here we seem bored or distant, minds wandering in another place. We appear disshelved. We do the bare minimum of work since we only have 7 days of school left. Although we may appear lazy, there is so much good about them. We have a carefree nature, never having to do anything. We are connected by looking towards the future where eventually we will be learning about topics we are passionate about. We anticipate change and adventure, not the boring routine of being in high school.