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breaking news


3/15/01 - ahh... many new items of news for you viewers and listeners at home. the illustrious kate and i spent our ghetto spring break in philly and it was the best time ever. hot damn, we got to see all of our favorite tv places [meaning love park and fdr] it was very exciting. we scooted on into kerry getz's skateshop on south street and i got myself a habitat tee to go with my lovely hoodie. hells yeah. we were lucky enough to get to meet kerry. he seriously could not have been any nicer. this is kind of a long story, but to make it short we had been in his shop the day before asking for him and he had just left. the next day we saw him skating in front of city hall and he came up to us and said that he heard we were in the shop looking for a signature. he signed my amtrak ticket and kate's day pass and made conversation before going to skate elsewhere. that was like a dream come true. *sigh* we had another brush with stardom when i was taking one of my 10 rolls of skating at love park and ryan gee rolled up in his 4 runner. we didn't talk to him or anything, but we did see him and his lovely camera, [although he wasn't filming]. it was an experience. other news- i got baker2g today from cloudbreak in OC, MD. It was a bit pricey but worth it. very hardcore streetskating. the slow motion is really annoying but the tricks are really awesome and it's worth it to watch. i'd try to see it. hopefully pictures from philly and general lauren living will be up within the next two weeks or something. i have been promised a few minutes of use of the bilby family scanner. *mwah* last but not least, my eye hurts really bad today. i don't know why. shopping and lots of food are in the plans for tomorrow. mmmmm.

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