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our life is great and need a little one to it even more beautiful


about the procedure. This procedure starts from Day 3 of your cycle. You will have to take harmonal injections to stimulate multiple eggs. This injection is easy (Insulin needle) and you can take by yourself. This injection goes on till day day 11 or 12. During this time, you will have to go to the office every other day fro vaginal ultrasound and bloodwork. They do this to make sure that the eggs are developing as expected and they might increase or decrease the dose to achive this. On day 12 they give another shot to release the eggs. After 36 hours you will have to go to the clinic and they will retrieve the eggs using a thin needle through vaginal wall. This process takes only 10-15 minutes but it needs anesthesia. That day you have to take rest. next day you can resume your normal activities. As such this has no side effects in the long run. But some people get ovarian hyperstimulation during the process. This can be cured by taking rest and drinking lots of fluids. I'm also sending you some useful links.