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I Wonder...


I shut the door and sighed, leaning against it both for support and to listen for the sound of his fading footsteps, his truck starting and eventually driving slowly toward the dark end of the street. My hand wandered to the doorknob before my brain could stop it, but then I thought, "Don't you DARE open that door - you know exactly what will happen."

Damn right I did, and so did the rest of my body. Every square inch of my skin felt electrified; my heart was beating fast; my breath was shallow and a little ragged - my body was rebelling from having been teased so long, taunted and tormented with the prospect of an incredible fuck with an incredible man, but my brain had said no. All night. Over and over and over again, it said no. And it had gotten its way.

Funny how an evening that makes your nipples literally ache from constant arousal - like when you've been laughing all night and it makes your face ache - can leave you in a state where brain and body don't even seem like parts of the same creature.

I slowly pushed myself from the door and wandered toward the bathroom. I pulled off my tank top and bra on the way, dropping them over the chair. The bra's fabric, barely grazing my aching nipples, had sent a zing deep through my body to my pussy, already dripping from arousal and throbbing from neglect.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I splashed water on my face and then I instinctively rubbed my cold, wet palms up my stomach and over my nipples, sending more, smaller zings through me that didn't so much ease the throbbing but instead focused it enough to provoke a soft moan.

In the time it took me to think, "Maybe he's not gone yet," my already-lonely toes had taken me back to the door. As my brain reminded me that I was topless, I peeked out the door toward the parking lot but couldn't see if his car was really gone or not. I shut the door again and cussed my brain six different ways for being so goddamn responsible as I went back to the bathroom and finished getting ready for bed.

As I pulled off my trousers, I smiled at how wrinkled they were from my legs being wrapped around his body, pulling him toward me. I wondered if he'd noticed they were kinda sheer, but knew from the backrub that he knew they were elastic-waisted, not fitted. Easy access, we'd called them in college...

The panties, well, the panties had basically had the night that my body had wanted ~him~ to have. They were wet through and clinging to me, and every time he ground his hard cock against me, it was the panties that got all the action, that parted the lips of my pussy and soaked in the nectar they found there, that rubbed back and forth over my clit, that slid partway up my ass and tugged at me.

As I peeled them ever-so-deliciously, ever-so-slowly off my body, I could smell my sex in hot waves and my brain said, "Maybe you should have given him the panties... A little silky black something to remember you by. But of course you KNOW what would have happened if you'd done that."

The rest of my body called my brain a bitch but was glad it was finally coming around. I wandered back to the bed, THE bed, the bed where we'd kissed and gasped and rubbed and sucked our way around each other despite our clothes and I pulled back the bedspread and threw my naked self down across the sheet, cool and crisp.

I could still smell him in the pillows we had nested in, and I pulled one up over my face and inhaled again and again, bringing back his presence, his body, his lips across my neck, his hands on my body. With closed eyes, I sighed as chill-bumps rose across my skin and my nipples hardened again at the thought of his tongue in my mouth and my flashing realization of what that tongue could do with the rest of my body.

The pillow fell aside as my hands found their way to where my body had wanted his hands, where I had wanted his heavenly hands, slipping over my abdomen, past the belly button and down over my damp, matted fur. As one hand found my clit, a charge ran through me that left a gasp in its wake along with an eager vagina that took the fingertips of my other hand in with what appeared to be tears of joy.

My brain, which had finally totally come around, focused on his lips, his tongue, his extraordinary kisses, and the weight of him on top of me - the burning arousal caused by just the sheer reality of his presence. As my fingers urgently, deftly rubbed back and forth across the top of my clit, he was there. As my fingertips sought out and found the most sensitive area in my vagina and traversed it in short, strong strokes, he was there. And as I began to tense and gasp and my entire being focused to a pinpoint within my body that exploded in waves of heat and light, he was there.

When my body could take no more, a series of orgasms leaving my breathing nearly nonexistent, I rolled onto my side and curled up around the pillow that still smelled of him, and closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. And he was there.
