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*Old Journal Entries*

September 27th, 2004 - Monday

Another day where I've got no school and basically everyone I normally hang out with is at school. So I'm left to sit here at home and play on the computer. It's not too bad I guess, but it could be better if I wasn't so lazy. Heck, I was even complaining to my dog that she had the nerve to wake me up at 9 am! How lazy is that? Last week I was getting up to go run, this week I just want to lay in my nice, soft, warm bed. Not all day though, I'll be working out again this afternoon before I go to work. Does that make me any less lazy? No! Because after I finish I'll probably go sit around with my friends from school and watch a movie. That's why, right now, I've decided to work on my web page. That's not the only reason, but it may as well be. You see, I was working on packing everything up for my big move on Saturday - less than a week! - and I stumbled upon a web page of mine in my links that was still active! *woot woot* I clicked on the link, and I checked it out. Some of you might remember the pink and black web page? Well that was started in November of 2002...before the pink and black fashion craze came around. Now, I'm absolutely sick of all these girls walking around wearing pink and black with everything, pink and black earrings, shoes, bags, pants...that I decided I better update my web page. Now it's going to be redesigned with my favorite colors, And cherries. They look interesting. Since I don't have my own songs recorded on CD - that I know of - I figured I would just make this a really fun web page where you can come read my babble, sign my guest book and do fun things. Sound good? I hope so, cause that's how it's going to be. Oh, and for those of you who requested it, I've added some new pictures.

So, enjoy the new pad! Send me a postcard or a letter, and sign the guest book. Oh and I have a cell phone now, so email me for my number. I can do text messaging!! *heh* I'm really not that bad of a cook either, so the recipes in the recipe section shouldn't be all too bad. I mean, I am still living. If you've got a good recipe, send it to me and I'll put it in there. My store, and my D.I.Y store aren't up and running yet. They will be in the future, but I need to get a credit card to buy a domain name and web space - that way I can have
October 10th, 2004 - Sunday

Wowers! I'm all moved in at my new place - well sort of. I've made a new entry in my Blogger and it's all about my move. I've got a new address, a cell phone with text messaging, and internet access now! *woot woot* So if any of you want, you can now email me. The hotmail thing is fixed and I can check my email. Thank you to whoever has already signed my guest book - I'd love it if everyone signed it though. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Love kat. 
November 4th, 2004 - Thursday

Guess what everyone!?!!?! No, I'm not a millionaire, I didn't win the lottery, and I didn't get a record contract. But, I did get a kitten and today I got a job! I am now an employee of Superstore!! I am a cashier, though I don't start till this up coming week. So, next time any of you Tahsisites come grocery shopping, make sure to go to the Superstore in Courtenay and visit me! I'll be at a checkout near you. Not only that, my kitten is orange! It's a little fluff ball, with a round belly. I don't know what I'm going to name it though I'm leaning towards "Spunky", "Cuddles", or "Puss" like Puss in Boots. Faith, my dog, doesn't really care for the cat yet but one day they WILL get along. Living on my own is a lot different than I thought it would be. For 1. It's a lot more quiet than at home. I don't have 3 dogs running around chasing each other, or my parents watching TV with the volume cranked. 2. At night I hear all the scary sounds and it's hard to sleep. 3. The neighbors aren't normal! 4. It's hard trying to meet people - or at least it is to me. 5. I miss all my friends back home! 6. You have to cook for yourself. 7. You have to clean up after yourself. 8. You watch TV more often. 9. You get lost in the housing areas. So, in the mist of my moving experiences, I am not yet a city girl, and I don't have Front Page yet so I can't do any major changes to my site. I've got lots of pictures to add, but that will come later. *kat* 
December 6th, 2004 - Monday

Oh me, oh my! It's almost xmas! My birthday just passed, and it was a great time. Well, not my actual birthday, but the days following were lots of fun and I got really spoiled. I got to watch National Treasure - which was a very VERY good movie. I also got to go out for dinner at Boston pizza...I love Boston Pizza...for their pasta. And though I didn't have them sing Happy Birthday for me, I was really hoping they would have. My family thought I wouldn't like that, but I really would have loved it. Maybe next year, right??? I've never had a restaurant sing me happy birthday, and it's only once a year that you celebrate your birthday so I mean, common! Enjoy it!

You can really tell it's winter over here in Courtenay, because this morning and this afternoon it was trying to snow along with the rain. It is very cold out here to. Work has been very stressful and tiring, dealing with many people in a rush to get out of the store and people who get prices mixed up on items and people who forget things in their car and hold up the rest of the line or people who like to blame everything on the cashier. People need to understand that the cashier doesn't make the prices and can't change the prices. So don't ask and don't point fingers! We only ring in the prices that are there, and if the store is busy and the price checker is taking a long time, don't blame us! It's you who brought the sweater without a tag to the register, not me! And I'm sorry if I forget a code, it's not the price I need for these bulk carrots it's the silly code! Geez...I should still have a "new" sticker on my forehead, because some people treat me like I should know everything. I don't. Sorry! bugger... 

School is going well, still, but I get a test almost every week, or every week, and it's tough to study 2 chapters of information and keep it down well enough to get a good mark. I'm not doing bad, but if I studied a bit longer every day I could do much better...needless to say it's a lot of information and a little bit of time. My last day of school is the 21 or 22nd, not too sure. I come back to Tahsis on the 23rd I think. I am so happy I don't have to decorate a xmas tree, I honestly don't really care for that least not with my family. It always ends up me getting pissed off and leaving. Fun eh?