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Athlon XP Gallery

1:32 Tank Models

Powershot SD200

Graduation Party

HP Laptop

xemozzix on Myspace

Minimal Effort

xemozzix's current wallpaper

click to download
Achtung! Willkommen zu

Boba Fett? Boba Fett!? Where?!?!

This was created to be a companion to the xemozzix MySpace page you can access in the menu to the left. You can go there for new blog entries and new information concerning xemozzix and his happenings. Check this website for interesting updates of things that are going on. They may relate to something important, or they may just be for fun, you'll never know. Check the links to the left for CONTENT!


6/13/05- Added a page for the new HP laptop i bought. You can check it out to the left, a few pictures and some explinations. You can find more detailed information at

6/9/05- New rant put up, check the left for details. ALSO! New section with a few select pictures from my graduation party.

6/8/05- Added a page for the camera i just got, put in the counter, did some other stuff. Also added a Rants page where i'll be posting random things. I figured it would be better to make a seperate page for it, rather than clutter up this one any more. Check it to the left. I'm trying to get this all to come together quickly. I also put in a little blurb about what my current computer wallpaper is, it will change as i switch my wallpapers from time to time.

6/7/05- Just put the site up today, will continue to update every so often with no things going on. Currently I'm busy training hard for Norwich University CC that is coming up in August. I'll be commissioning in the USMC in 2009 as a 2nd Lt. Thats all for now, check back for updates.

All images were taken by Joe Mozzi and are copywrite 2005
to infinity by Joe Mozzi. Except the picture of me with the
reindeer. That was taken at the MxEx photoshoot by Joe
Wilk of Still Images. Many thanks to everyone who has
anything to do with anything on this website or its content.
Thank you and Goodbye.