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The Adventures of Melvin the Head-Bunny
Monday, 21 May 2007
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Bad Reputation by Joan Jett
Topic: Hospital Adventures
Last week Mousie took me to her work. The hospital is really interesting, even though it does have a lot of those "children".... Personally I can't see how they're called "children". Real children are much smaller, have tiny tiny fluffy tails, and little bitty long ears. And it's even interesting although it has vast oceans of that stuff Mousie calls "parking lots", but which are really parts of the far reaches of the earth. She even took me in her monster! She calls it a "car". I was scared to go in at first, but Mousie said it was okay, and actually LET herself get eaten! Apparently all the books and water bottles and stuff that were in there were tastier than we were, because when we got to the hospital the monster-car creature kept those, but spit us out.

We "clocked in" and started to work. People kept asking questions about other people that were called "patients" and Mousie directed them. I don't know how she did it, it's such a big place that a person Mousie's size can get lost! A little bunny like me knew better than to wander off, because if a person Mousie's size can get lost, how much easier would it be for a small little bunny like me to lose my way and never get back home?

Anyway, there were so many people that not many stood out, but there were a few that I remember. The first one was this black lady. She was really pretty, and looked very classy in a white sundress and what Mousie called "kitten-heel sandals". She had a gold leather bag and big sunglasses with the word "Dior" on them- Mousie told me that word means the sunglasses were expeeeeensiiive! Anyway, we were watching her wander around this big open space Mousie called the lobby, talking to ourselves what nice taste in clothes and accessories she had.... When all of a sudden the lady turned around, and we saw her HOT PINK UNDEROOS through her white skirt!

Mousie almost lost it, and pretended to be sneezing into a tissue to keep from laughing out loud at her. Then she saw her friend Alex from the food-place. (Mousie tells me it's called a cafeteria, but they don't serve meat, so where does a baby cow come in?) She told him about it, he didn't believe her, and went outside then came back in so it didn't look like he was looking. When he came back he was giggling and nodding and saying he had to go tell the gals in Admitting.

There was this other black lady who was, as Mousie put it, totally off the meds. We thought she was there to visit a patient but four hours later she wound up sitting barefoot on the carpet in the lobby and doing weird stuff. I mean, weirder than Mousie cutting up a perfectly pretty shirt to make armwarmers... Like throwing invisible rocks at windows, and jiggling her hips at people, and making rude farty-noises with her tongue and shaking her fists at people who weren't really there at all. So Mousie called security and they got her out, but the security guard said she almost got hit and that the lady was yelling how it was a plot by "the man" to bring her down. Mousie laughed and said that was funny, since a black lady in Admitting's the one that said we should call security... I didn't get it, but oh well!

We also saw this hispanic lady who just stopped long enough to say her son was allergic to nuts and she'd given him a shot already. Mousie took one look at the kid and told them how to get to the pediatric emergency room, then called down there to let them know the woman was on her way. I thought it was nice that someone was looking out for a little person like that.

After a long and exhausting day at work, Mousie finally said it was time to clock out. Before we left, she took me over to the children's side of the hospital and showed me a bunny, made all out of a bush! Mousie said that they did the topiaries to make the little sick kids feel a little happier. I think they did it because they knew I was coming. After all, I am Melvin, King of the Bunnies! RAAAA!

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 11:57 AM PDT
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