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The Adventures of Melvin the Head-Bunny
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
So many changes!
Mood:  rushed
Topic: About Mousie

Okay, get this- Mousie is no longer working at the hospital with the bunny topiary that looks like a green, twiggy version of me.  She's not working right now, period!  However, she did take me to this huge conglomeration of buildings that she called "College" today, along with her mom...  (Her mom's burgandy monster is much cleaner than Mousie's gold one!)  So I guess now we're working at this "College" place.  Mousie giggled at me and said...  "Well, sort of."  She said it had changed a lot in the five years since she'd last been there, and that the Administration building made her feel like she was a Cub Scout going to a Ranger station.  Even though she isn't hairy enough to be a bear.  Or even a lion.

We had breakfast before we went and Mousie filled out this paper form.  We gave that one to a lady in a window, and I think it was a license for other people to hand us more papers, because Mousie had a ton more when she came out than when she went in.  She says she starts classes Friday- hopefully it doesn't conflict with anything else!  And she had to be there AGAIN tomorrow to take an assesment test...  like no one on the planet knows she's smart, they actually have to test her and make sure.  Sounds like a waste of paper to me, but hey, whatever!

 Now that we're back at her Mom's place, I persuaded Mousie to let me put in a blog update... Seeing as how she has to type for me and all, I do need her for a few things.  Later we're gonna go watch Stardust with her mom (second time for us, first time for her).  I'm happy, because that movie is so funny!  There's a pirate guy, Mousie says he's played by some guy named DeNiro, who's hilarious as all get out!  And such... hmm... FABULOUS!, that's it!  Such FABULOUS! costumes on that man- they really put in a lot of work for him.  You'll love it, GO SEE IT.  Anyway, I need to go because Mousie's griping about needing to pee, so I'll see you all later!  Ciao!

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 2:44 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 21 March 2007
My First Adventure?
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Lithium by Evanescence
Topic: About Mousie
Mousie is scary! Here I, Melvin, am... Sleeping in her inventory pile among all her pretty designs (my favorite is her Rock Out! Original SST because it has a picture of ME on it)..... Anyway, I hear some racket from the noisy next-door neighbors of hers and I hear her telling the most horrific ghost story! There she was, talking with her friend Funkandy and telling him about Jack the Ripper! Well, as a bunny, anything with the word "ripper" in it reminds me of my dearly departed great-grandfather who just 3 years ago was separated from his skin by an incident with a maddened taxidermist/chef....

Of course, not wanting this Jack fellow to find me, I hopped my adorable, perfectly shaped bunnytail right out the inventory door! I wandered for quite a bit until I found myself face-to-face with a gigantic Jack-o-Lantern.... I panicked! The Ripping Jack had found me! I was simply a helpless little red head bunny, caught up in the wheel of cruel Fate! I started squeaking for help, but of course none came, because I had wandered out of my safe and happy inventory and Mousie couldn't find me... I cowered before this monster Jack, and although I hate to admit it, I realized I wasn't quite the brave bunny I had thought myself to be.

Right about that time I felt warm, familiar hands scoop me up. "There you are, Melvin! I was looking for you! You were out here in the room, no wonder I couldn't find you!" It was Mousie! I had never been so happy to see her in my little bunny life as I was at that moment.

"So, how do you like my new chair?" she asked, pointing at the giant Jack I was sure was still going to kill me... But it was just a chair? Well, I puffed up my little bunny chest and stuck my tongue out at it. I knew you were a chair all along, I thought at it, and not an evil taxidermist after all! All the same.... Mousie's head is by far a safer place to nap. I think I'm going to sleep there now. And next time, I'm not going to leave my snuggly pile of EZ-Tees!

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 10:45 PM PDT
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