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The Adventures of Melvin the Head-Bunny
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Well, this week has been boring!
Now Playing: Emilie Autumn - Opheliac (Double Disc CD)

Good grief, Mousie's been soooo boring lately!  She's been sleeping most of the time because she was sick, and she's missed this week of school...  Thank goodness she had Monday off anyway because it was her birthday, but being sick on your birthday still sucks mauve monkey marbles!  When she hasn't been unconscious, she's been playing this game called Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia, or working on our site for me.

I am a bit of a taskmaster, I admit.  But I don't see it as a failing.  No!  You see, it just means I have good people skills and inspire loyalty!  Mousie's laughing at me right now.  I am magnanimously ignoring her.  Until tonight when she's asleep, then I'm gonna shove one of Fen's nasty-stinky workboots under her nose.  HA!  Hahahaha!

Anyway, under my direction and special brand of encouragement (Mousie calls it "slave-driving"), Mousie has made a lot of changes to the site.  Our All Hallows section is mostly new and shiny now...  And she learned to make animated graphics in Photoshop, so now the icons at the bottoms of the menus are sparkly and original.  I'm very proud of her, I only had to smack her upside the head and tell her to get back to work once!  You really should check it out, we've done such a good job that I'm sure you'll be impressed!

 PS: We are now on the official Emilie Autumn forums under the screen name "valley_yuri"...  So if any of my fans are on there, feel free to email me and I'll get back to you when Mousie decides she feels like answering my messages for me.

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 1:21 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 8 September 2007 1:25 AM PDT
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