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Thu, 29 Nov 2007

Erase Negate Delete
Topic: December

Featured Artist 12/2007


I am lucky enough to attend the same college as Ralphie Repulsive, the man who does some of the vocals for this group.  At first glance, you see him and think "Oh my god, a smiling punker!  What on earth does a supposedly angry punker have to smile about?"  The answer is that this guy has two awesome bands he's in, a great talent for art, and the END CD Just Like This.

END's new release is a wonder of electronics and a talent showcase- every member in this three-man gig is amazingly gifted and deserves every bit of success they get.  This CD is a dazzling experience and proof that Nihilism, industrial sound, and electronic media is alive and thriving (no matter how much some bands are tempted to abuse it).  Ralphie's and J'Syn Thetic's vocals are breathtakingly raw, and yet retain a musicality that other "screaming" band singers just don't have.  Danny Disaster on drums gives a steady backbeat that helps stabilize the industrial sound and grounds the group in reality.  They all sync up perfectly to create a music experience so rich it's completely possible to lose yourself in it and listen to the CD for several hours without even realizing it.  I know this for a fact- I've been late for class because of it!  (Ralphie, you gave me this CD: I BLAME YOU.)

I would be hard pressed to pick just one favorite off of this CD; I like all of the songs!  Of course, I have my preferences ("In Control", "The Void", "Only a Machine", "Forest of Suicides", "Disintegrate"), but the fact remains that this entire album can erase, negate, and delete preconceived ideas of electronic/industrial music as all depression and no creativity.  These guys have been compared to Nine Inch Nails and Skinny Puppy...  I'm sure it's because the styles of music are similar and these two bands are group-admitted influences.  However, END's lyrics tend more to the intellectual than Skinny Puppy's and the music has an etheric/otherworldly quality that I rarely hear in Nine Inch Nails (mind you, this is my personal opinion).  For all around sound, range of mood, and style... well, I'd pick END every single time.  END of story.

Links for Erase Negate Delete:

END on MySpace
END on PayPlay
END on CDBaby
END on TradeBit
END on MusicIsHere
END on DigStation
END on iSound
Don't forget to look for them on iTunes!

Brought to you by Melvin Bunny at 12:27 PM PST
Updated: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 12:36 PM PST
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