Welcome to Moron Mountain, the home of.....us.

Moron Mountain

Moron Mountain is a SEXOR trademark and should not be copied or distributed to minors. Viewing after the watershed is recommended due to the horrific nature of Huw Painter.

All images used on this site are property of US, use of them means credit must be given to Moron Mountain or Mike will hunt you down and reverse cock suck you.

This collection of random images is a page for me and my friends to stay in contact and re-live some classic university moments. For people leaving messages on the board, leave it clean and keep it square or the page might be kicked off.

Just like the iraqi dossier, this website has been very very SEXED up.

Site Updates

26/05/04 - Kully and Jim create moronmountain. fun for all the children.

27/05/04 - Rob swings by and gets his page done

01/06/04 - Pages are made for everyone, if yours is blank jim needs your 'stats'

02/06/04 - Lord of the rings story published for people to read (follow link on this page)

12/06/04 - Flash intro almost done now, all im saying is theres a mullet involved. Jays 'stats' are now in place, piccies will follow soon

15/06/04 - They say rome wasnt created in a day - afterall, that'd take some graft...and neither was that introduction, i'll do more on it when i can or get some more stupid movie clips together later. Any suggestions are welcome leave them on the guestbook.

16/06/04 - Jay's page been done, sorry it took so long. Andy and matt have been added on our left hand side - clayton and tom i dont have enough pictures of u - we can sort it soon (if they even know about the website or have visited)

16/06/04 - Planning on re-doing the flash presentation, it just takes a long time to produce thats all, more people and pictures will all be included, as said before suggestions on the guestbook please

01/11/2004 - new forum made for all the family and friends to get to know the morons. its better then drawing on kully's knees. p.s. the libertines are shit. HAHA MIKE!

Its new, its bad and its better then ever. its no longer a message board, we have our own forum. CHECK IT OUT

The Guestbook - Voice your concerns over the youth of today.

Below is Huw, chief moron. Astonishingly the man is still single. and no, you cant have his phone number.

Moron Mountain

Quote of the month: Kully upon seeing jay's baby "well.....it worked then"

The lord of the rings was a fine film, worthy of oscars. but, put simply, our version is better. way better. so much better that we put it on the website

That wierd moving shit that was previously at the start of the page is here if u want to show it to your grandaddy


Group Piccies
