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Exciting stuff about me!



Well, I don't know anyone one who doesn't think that I'm extremely strange...

(this is a good start....)

I also have a rather obsessive personality - RSC, Ben Folds, Divine Comedy, planning my gap year (for like the last 5 years...), midi sequencing (though I've got Sibelius now, so that IS good :o) ) Ooo, and theatre - I LOVE theatre, any of it, especially doing technical stuff... this is a career plan, uh huh...

That's me!

So, um, what to do?

Well, I'm currently taking my A Levels in Philosophy and Ethics, Music, Maths and Further Maths (AS  Level). I might put some stuff - essays and things - that I've done for these on here eventually - you never know...

I love music.  I play sax (alto, although tenor, baritone and soprano are cool when I can get hold of them...) and piano (badly) and I'm teaching myself the flute. Ooo, and clarinet - I play that too.

This is me. Its one of the only recent pictures I have of me... (at school just before leaving for Honduras). I don't look quite like this anymore, though - Now my hair is short-ish and purple. And I have more of a tan :D (or at least I did when I wrote this^ just after I got back - I'm back to stylishly (?!) pale now... roll on Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, USA etc - woohoo for gap years!)

Also - ignore the horrible colour clash between the shirt, the clothes and the hair... please :o) It was cold - all my clothes were for a hot country, so I just put them all on at once...


The choices we make, not the chances we take, determine our destiny