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The Team!
Buxton = COLD!!!!
Group Journal

World Challenge Expedition

Honduras 2004

This Opportunity came about nearly a year and a half ago now, when there was a random and unexpected assembly from a representative of World Challenge Expeditions - a company I thought I might, possibly, have heard about (were they the same organization that had sent a web acquaintance to Mongolia for a month?).

I've always wanted to travel, see a bit of the world, and generally do something more interesting than might ordinarily happen in my life! - I'm getting somewhat bored of school, great as it is - I need a different kind of challenge.

So, despite initial doubts about none of my friends going and what I would do if I, for some reason, hated it, I signed up and found... well, borrowed off my parents (and they thought I scrounged a lot of money normally?!), the £200 first installment/deposit.

Now all I had to do was raise the £2695 to go, plus any money for jabs, equipment and loads of random stuff that you seem to have a strange compulsion to buy when you're supposed to be saving!

On these pages I hope to tell you a little about Honduras, if you want to know - since, perhaps, one person even knew where it was when I was out fund raising... so, where is Honduras?

I've also written out our proposed itinerary - though this is definitely subject to change!

All World Challenge Expeditions (well, nearly all) consist of 4 main phases.

  • Acclimatization - to get used to the surroundings and environment and take in some of the culture that the country has to offer
  • Project - this can be in a community - doing basic construction, decoration or teaching of some kind - or environmental. We hope to do a project in the community, working with a local college to develop their agricultural project.
  • Challenge/Trek - This part of the expedition is to truly give you a challenge of some kind - be it physical, mental or otherwise.
  • R&R - Some well deserved rest and relaxation after all the month's accomplishments and challenges. You can choose to relax on the beach or do something a little more adventurous!

What we're doing specifically is on the itinerary page.

Here is my groups and my own fundraising efforts so far - and for anyone considering going, but worried about the money - just do it! Anything is possible if you ant it to happen, so don't let the money aspect get in the way!

And, finally, I hope to put my journal online, here - but first I have to get there! So for now an abridged account of my Buxton experience (training weekend that everyone must complete before going). In short, COLD would some it up quite well, but if you would like me to elaborate on this, click here.

Happy reading! 

The choices we make, not the chances we take, determine our destiny