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What is Man, That Thou Art Mindful of Him?
Sunday, 19 June 2005

Mankind Angels
Free will free will
Image of God praises of God
Fellowship messengers and guardians of men
Power in our words
Either + or –

2-Jesus prayed for us
John 16:20 John 17 note verse 20

All authority on earth= Adam Satan had it only until Jesus was crucified
(set up as man is the source of spoken word
He must deceive man and get him
to speak negatives

Posted by indie/mindful at 3:25 PM PDT
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Monday, 13 June 2005
Topic: Major prayer conference
If you know the words of prayer, this is something you need to consider. Over the summer, an ongoing intercessory conference called Light the Bay II is being sponsored by Harvest Evangelism--Ed Silvoso's group, if you know who he is!

It has two facets: intercessory prayer and anointing for business. If you work in the marketplace (that is, have a job), or you are a called intercessor (that is, one who prays on the behalf of others) you seriously need to consider this conference! It takes place in San Francisco and Fremont, and registration is required.

To get more information and to register, see:
Link to Harvest Evangelism

Posted by indie/mindful at 10:03 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 13 June 2005 10:11 AM PDT
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Monday, 4 April 2005
Potential in Christ

Praise the Lord

On my own, I am nothing with a powerful potential
(God created me with a powerful potential)

I cannot realize my potential on my own.
Man’s sin and turning away from God—buying into Satan’s lies about pride, strength, brains, etc. has degenerated man to a painful level!!
My potential is unrealized, and sin pulls me further and further away from it!

For my potential to be realized, I need a connection to a source of power
Jesus out of love and pain made way for the power source connection—
the Holy Spirit.

Thank you Father--creator (of the potential)
Thank you Jesus--redeemer (of the potential)
Thank you Holy Spirit--power source (of the potential)

Hope, faith and trust in God pulls me up by my bootstraps
And the powerful motor (me) starts to operate in a Godly (not Satanic) manner
Life and spirit get stronger and better. . . until I break free of Satan’s lies!!!

Father open my eyes and set me free to bless not curse this life and the people struggling in it!!

Go for it!!!

Jesus the Christ Incarnate
My only begotten Son


Reap what you sow?

Paul—sowed persecution out of ignorance
Eternal life---forgiven but- - - ?

He reaped mighty persecution---plus a mighty blessing and spiritual knowledge and was able to more than negate the former sin of ignorance!!


Healing and deliverance

Meditate---we are healed
We are unique. So the manifestation of the way we are healed is based on our personal cause for the problem!
Listening to other’ victory encourages us but often is not the solution to our problem. Our problem involves our personal growth so often is unique and requires searching the Scriptures for our answers!

Needed: no doubt
Positive confession
God’s wisdom and spiritual insight


Isaiah 40:31
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles

Hebrews 12:1-3

Creation—by Jesus
Hebrews 1:2-3 our redemption
And verse 5+6 why Satan hates but fears Jesus

Angels---minister to us Hebrews 1:14


+ Confession not Hung by the Tongue

Don’t deny the fact but confess God’s solution to the attack

Books: Hung by the Tongue-Martin
Great Confessions-Gosset
Tape: Keith Moore series

Example: I smoke. Each time confession--
a) God has freed me from cigarettes
b) God has delivered me from smoking

“Call those things that are not as though they are” is not a lie but the promised solution to a problem

Your job:
1-Find scriptures that cover the problem
2-Memorize scripture
a)head knowledge first, then becomes
b)heart knowledge—delivered; redeem from problem
3-Count your blessing—facts + scriptures
4-Holy Spriit sheds the love of God in our hearts and others
10 lepers all healed temporarily
1 returned and thanked Jesus (he had heart knowledge and was permanently healed)
9 went to the priests for confirmation—no heart knowledge—just willing to try anything!!
Probably were not permanently healed

Man + Tongue

My words have power for good or evil—no such thing as harmless words nor magic!
-Words do release authority for action. Though not magic, you can 'curse' someone by letting satan on their case with your words

My words cause action in the spiritual realm

Words of hate / words of light
Evil /truth
Dark /hope
Cause Satan’s/Cause God’s angels to move---
Spiritual force to action organized and efficient
Chaos evil but they are not as efficient or
Controlled as God’s angels

The spiritual forces on both sides are waiting for man to speak

Today there are many more men (huge population!) speaking out + or – words sorry to say most are thoughtless words so we have a mess today! God is organizing and anointing His church to speak only powerful words of light and truth—we are being educated God’s way!

Tongues will greatly help God’s light and truth and victory to occur!!!

When facing a problem---pray in tongues and trust God;Jesus the Christ God’s only begotten son

That is why the word (Bible) says Trust God—you pray in tongues (God’s way) Angels go to work on your behalf!
You must cast your cares (Turning them over to God for His handling)the angels will take care of it God’s way—not yours! The results will be better than you can imagine.
Praise God!!! And be at peace (beyond understanding)

9am Tuesday 9-23-03

God is no respecter of persons: uses weak things to confound the 'wise'

Noah—made fun for years; built a boat in the desert
Moses—slave sentenced to death at birth ended up a prince
David—overlooked and forgotten among his brothers—put out with the sheep
Jesus---illegitimate child according to man, Joseph wasn't the father
—from Galilee: Israelite 'redneck'

In God's eyes, every dog has his day!
Careful on why?
Therefore,All must focus on God not man!!

Posted by indie/mindful at 11:20 AM PDT
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Monday, 28 March 2005
Meditation #1: Jacob's Ladder
(A discussion of portals: interdimensional doorways between Earth and the Realm of the Spirit, where Heaven and Hell are found. In Genesis chapter 12, Jacob dreamed, and saw 'Jacob's Ladder', thought to be a portal)

Dated 7-9-2003
1.Portals can be limited(to heaven only for God’s faithful obedient angels)
2.For a human to 'host' a portal, he must own debt free property—satan has no authority, for there is no lienholder on the property.
3.Our prayers punch holes in the first heaven (the atmosphere)and God’s angels have free safe travel to and from portals (you plead the blood for protection of portals)

God’s glory is manifested on earth and His plan is going forward---all mankind must have a chance of hearing the Word without satanic interference.

THOUGHT: Man can use the portals also, as Elijah and Enoch did when God spirited them away.

Punching holes in the first heaven by prayer(The atmosphere: satan’s area) disrupts satan's 'interference blanket'and allows God’s light to shine again on the earth and men!!

Posted by indie/mindful at 10:17 AM PST
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Saturday, 26 March 2005
Greetings, children of God!

So much of the time, we are so busy living our Christian lives, we don't stop and think about them! Just like in anything else, that's a mistake. We will never get all the good out of our relationships with God if we don't occasionally stop and check on how we're doing.

That's what our blog is about. My friend and I will post 'thoughtpieces' on this page; ideas and philosophies for you to chew on. Hopefully, something will come up that will make your time in church more meaningful.

For instance, have you ever thought about fellowshipping with God? Lately, He's been calling my attention to the fact that too many of us treat Him like He's our employer, and our Christian life is a job. We clock in, do our appointed tasks, then go home, thanking God it's over until next Sunday!

Is that really what God wants? Don't think so!
No, I think He wants to make contact with us. I think He'd much rather hear from us and have us hear from Him than all the church 'busy-work' we can think of! I remember Scripture called Abraham the 'friend of God'---I strongly suspect Abraham knew something about walking with God the rest of us don't!

Have you ever thought about this? If so, let me know! If not, maybe this is a good time to start!

Posted by indie/mindful at 11:15 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 26 March 2005 11:24 AM PST
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