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MeLisa & The Leftovers

This site is dedicated to MeLisa Lomelino the sexy & hilarious actress from The Leftovers. The sketch comedy show is on freeTV Network a web station that airs all independent projects. I like to watch a lot of internet shows especially comedy. For those that haven't already seen it you should definitely check out episode one where she plays Britney Spears. I also love her as Samantha & Gisele. I think that MeLisa is the next Tracy Ullman. She has the abiity to totally morph into whatever character she's playing . . . including men. She's also a writer on the show which means she's more than just another pretty face actress. If you watch the show drop me a line. FYI: MeLisa is also a singer in the band Spektral Motion. The sound is kinda No Doubt meets Madonna. VERY COOL!

Sites About MeLisa

The Leftovers Show Website
freeTV Network
MeLisa & The Leftovers on MySpace
Spektral Motion - MeLisa's Band
Making A Maury - Movie Site