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*vote on cd cover*

This is the plan for who gets to design the CD: You guys design the front cover, and whoever wins the vote for the cover, I will work off of that design and design the rest of the CD insert with that design in mind, which means the winning design WILL appear on the front of the CD, and I will design the rest of the CD (artist info pages, etc.) according to that design, only because it's easier because we're still accumulating artist info until September, and this way it also lets the designers focus on the cover - they don't have to deal with getting artist info put together. Get it?? Okay, here are the requirements:

- Must keep the design to five colors max. It's expensive to print many colors, so try to keep it to five colors or less.

- NO MICHELLE BRANCH. Sorry, but since she's not an artist on the CD, therefore she has nothing to do with the project (no offense Michelle!). You can get artist photos from the websites in the Current Artists section of this site. Not all websites are listed, but I'm doing my best to get them all.

- If you do include artist photos on the inside cover, try to get as many as you can and not limit it to like, one or two photos of one single artist. It's a compilation CD, so try to make everything equal!

- All designs must be original!

- Please don't use a crappy program like MS Paint. Try to use higher-end programs such as Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop. If your program is not listed here but you consider it to produce high-quality images, use your good judgment. If you don't have any of these programs, you can download a free trial of Photoshop at: in the Downloads section.

- Save the design in HIGH-QUALITY JPEG or JPG format and send them to me at: They can be as an attachment or, if you're an AOL user, you can just insert in into an e-mail, but do NOT resize the image.

- The measurements are:

LENGTH - 4 7/8" (decimal: 4.875)
WIDTH - 4 7/8" (decimal: 4.875) > thanks for the decimal conversions, Malia!

- You can submit more than one design, but try to keep it minimal! Let the other designers have a chance :-)

- The deadline for submitting designs is Friday, August 16th. In your e-mail, along with the design, please include your e-mail address, name (your name will be kept private during the poll for CD design, and it will only be revealed if your CD design wins. If you feel uncomfortable giving out your full name, just give me your first name for now), and the name of your design (if it's not given a name I will make one up for you). When the 16th rolls around I will post all the designs that fit the requirements and let people vote (like we did with the CD name). All candidates' names are anonymous (so we don't play favorites) and will only be revealed if their design wins.

Good luck!