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Disclaimer:  Please read the following before downloading:   By downloading the movie you acknowledge we are not responsible for any problems you may have as a result of downloading and viewing the movie file be it of technological incompatibilities, viruses, or any other issues or circumstances of a related or unrelated nature.  Be warned there is some cursing in the movie. 
8/19/2007 -
The Master is now up on YouTube split into 4 parts.

Click here to watch the movie on YouTube.

Special thanks to your-7008ffa13b, DarkDOOM, and David of Light for helping us get the movie up.

There used to be a torrent file of the movie but I do not know if its in circulation anymore.  We would appreciate an email from anyone who knows of its existence still.  (
Special thanks to Jeff Reifman for posting the original torrent file of The Master at  the now defunct Common Flix. 
If you do find the movie in a zip file it is strongly recommended that you remove the movie file from the zip file in order to view it.  The movie runs much better once it is taken out of the zip folder. 
The Master is a non profit film.
Please feel free to distribute the movie among others, unmodified of course.  We'd like to share The Master with as many people as possible.
If you want to post a file of the movie unmodified on some sort of P2P service that would be appreciated as well.  Please send all inquiries to
Send Questions and Comments to 
Check back again for extras and an faq to show up on site. IMPORTANT: If you tried to contact us from around December 1 to March 10th 2005 at our former address we may have failed to receive your mail. Please send the mail again if you think we may have not received your mail. We apologize for the inconvenience.

   Home         Story         Faq             Download the Movie          TerroristsAccusations?         Credits