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Police Car
What's the deal with the terrorism accusations? While Tom and Greg Denton, and Evan Zero were heading down the block for the "warp pipe" scene, they were confronted by a resident of the neighborhood. Pulling up to the crew in his car before stopping in the middle of the road, while chomping on a cigar, he asked,

"What are you guys doing here?

Tom replied, "We're just shooting a little movie."

A fairly clear and obvious answer wasn't enough. So he asked, "How do I know you're just shooting a movie?"

Tom answered, "Well, we have a camera and we have a script."

Despite being presented with a camera and script, it was not enough. He was suspicious that there was more at play than what the crew had told him, "How do I know you're really here to shoot a movie? You know you can never be too safe these days with 9/11 and all... How do I know you're really here to just shoot a movie? I mean, how do I know you're loyal?"

Evan (only fourteen years old) answered, "We're Americans."

The man quickly replied, "Yeah, well that's what they said about the other guy" (in possible reference to John Walker Lindh).

While Tom tried to reason with the man, cast member TJ Combo now approached from the opposite end of the block in his car. Even though TJ was at a distance, Greg cringed as he saw TJ waving to the crew with a pair of lab goggles strapped to his face, which could've prompted the already paranoid man to think he was a bioterrorist or something. Fortunately, the man never noticed TJ's goggles, and was finally pressured to move out of the middle of the road as TJ's car approached him.

The man finally conceded, "I guess you guys are okay," before driving away.

TJ Combo goggles

It was odd, but the crew were just thankful they could finish filming their scene. However, it was no more than ten minutes later were they interrupted again...
Billy (Greg) had just popped out of the garbage can, excited that Jimmy (Evan) and he actually managed to warp through a garbage can (the earlier part of the scene that was never shot). As Greg and Evan continued the scene, they noticed a police car now approaching from the opposite end of the block. Somehow they had a bad feeling it was connected to their conversation with the paranoid man.

The officer pulled up and asked, "How you doing guys. What's happening?"

Tom began to explain what was going on to the officer. The officer said he had a report of people "acting suspicious with a camera". He suggested that the crew shoot on their own block, but Tom explained how we needed to shoot other scenes at that location. After hearing the crew out, the officer was kind enough to let the crew continue filming. But before he left, he stopped by the paranoid man's house and asked his wife about the situation. She simply laughed off her husband's overreaction.

Many thanks to the police officer and the paranoid man's wife for their understanding and allowing the last half of the warp pipe scene to still be possible.


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