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Click here for the home pageClick here for Barnyard Sounds web siteClick here for John Spreier's web siteClick here for Newbird's web siteClick here for Barnyard Sounds Copyright informationClick here for the songsClick here for links to the world wide web

Click here to see the front cover of the CD

Click on the links below to download the songs encoded as WMA (Windows Media Audio) files.

U.S. Blues
Eyes of the World
That's What Love Will Do For You
Mister Charlie
Beat it on Down the Line
Stella Blue
My Sisters and Brothers
The Music Never Stopped
I Second That Emotion
When I Paint My Masterpiece
I Hear You Knocking
Double Trouble
Generation Rumble
One After 909
Aiko Aiko

Click on the links above to download the songs encoded as WMA (Windows Media Audio) files.

This web site was created by John Spreier Brought to you by Barnyard Sounds

This web site has been visited by millions of people

Click here to send e-mail to John © Copyright 1989-2003 Barnyard Sounds. All rights reserved.