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General News

12/2/06 - Updates!

First off, I'm actually updating this site again. That's cool, and would be even cooler if anybody ever looked at this site.

Secondly, I am aware that for some people, the page will look messed up. This is a discrepancy between Firefox and Internet Explorer. If you are using Internet Explorer, I would suggest switching to Firefox for the simple fact that it is better. I am working on a fix though.

12/28/05 - Woot! The main sub-pages are done and the date up at the very top of the page is actually right now! Check out the jobs page. DO IT NOW!!!

12/26/05 - Merry Christmas everybody!!! All main sub-pages have been filled with, at bare minimum, placeholder content.

12/17/05 - Layout for home page done. That includes these three nifty boxes here.

We desperately need people who can help any area of game production. Stay tuned for info.

Battle Damage

3/25/07 - New song. I'm calling it done, but let me know if you have suggestions. Click here to open or right-click to save.

11/1/06 - There is a music track in work, and I need a hand making it better. Click here to open or right-click to save. Tell me what you think of it.

1/7/06 - The first demo of Battle Damage has been released. Click here to download. Note that you must "unzip" the file in order for it to work. This is just a little bit of the gameplay that I have.

12/31/05 - There are some [new] screenshots on the Games page. Check 'em out!

12/16/05 - Graphics significantly improved over old versions.

Upcoming Events

Delayed - 1/14/06 - For anybody who cares, there will be come screenies and concept art from Taxidiros. Come the 14th, Taxidiros will be listed on the Games page.