Title: Lost in the Dark, Cleansed in the Flame Author: Margie Rating: NC-17 (for the naughty sex parts) Pairing: X/S Summary: I don't know. I like the idea of a psychic link through a Claim, and the plot devices bringing back the Initiative can do for you. So I put the two together. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Joss owns it all damn him! Feedback: Yes please! margaritagomez1@msn.com Archive: If you want it just email me to tell me where it's going. It will eventually be on my own website when I get the chance to update (www.angelfire.com/indie/margarks/index.html) Author's Note: ** Warning ** This fic may get a little dark in the angst and torture of Xander and Spike sort of way. Nothing too physically bad (at least that I will describe, your imaginations are your own), but the mental anguish may hurt a little… Okay - in my world X/S are together already. Spike has claimed Xander, and created a psychic bond between them. Spike is chipped. Anya doesn't exist. And Buffy has accepted and understands X/S's relationship. It's pretty much AU, and I have no idea where exactly it would fall in the timeline of the show…Sometime after S4 but before Buffy dies in S5? Or something like that. *** Chapter 1 - Separation Xander woke groggy and stiff. He'd apparently slept on the floor for what felt to him like days. He sat up slowly bringing his knees up and resting his head between them. He took a few deep gulps of air trying to wrest the nausea out of his system. He squinted as he peered around the room, the brightness shining off the walls causing his headache to pound even harder. The room was completely bare. Floor, ceiling, and walls were all white. Upon further investigation he noticed a small seam in the wall behind him. He followed it with his eyes as it outlined what appeared to be a door. Of course there was no knob on his side of the entrance. His headache was receding slowly. He was finally able to stand without a strong need to bend over and heave. He walked the room, running his hands along each wall, finding nothing more than the initial seam he'd discovered with his eyes earlier. He turned with his back to the wall, and slid slowly down. When he felt his ass make contact with cool stone, he had to suppress a sob. How had he gotten into this situation? His mind tried to retrace the steps he'd taken last night, or at least the last night he remembered. No telling how long he'd actually been here already. He hadn't done anything abnormal that he could remember. They hadn't even gone patrolling last night. Instead he and Spike had headed over to the Bronze to shoot some pool. Taking one night off to relax and just be together. He smiled at the remembrance of that night. Spike had been particularly horny. And in between shots Xander had to frequently bat his lover's hands off his ass. Finally after three games of pool and several beers, Spike hadn't been able to wait any longer. He'd grabbed Xander's hand and pulled him outside and toward the east alley. Once there, Spike hadn't wasted any time. He dropped to his knees, unzipping Xander as he went and pulled the not quite shocked man's penis into his mouth. Xander had offered half-hearted protests, while casually thrusting into the cool wetness surrounding him. Before he could climax, Spike released him. Groaning in complaint, Xander pouted at his mate. Spike only smirked, pulling his own hard cock out of his jeans. Thrusting forward, Spike took both their cocks in his hand and began fisting them together. The smooth feel of Spike's palm contrasted deliciously with the feel of his penis' rough ridges. Each pull causing Xander's head to loll back as his climax drew nearer. Forcing his eyes open, he leaned forward until he was capturing Spike's lips with his own. He slowly traced the soft puffy lips before plunging his tongue in to taste the remains of his own precum. Tasting himself in his mate's mouth always made his arousal double, sharpening his pleasure to a near pain. Within a few moments they'd both cum. Spike removed his button up to clean them both off a bit, tossing it into the dumpster at the end of the alley. They shared a few more quick kisses, before Xander pushed Spike back in the direction of the club. "You need to go pay for the last round." Xander insisted. "Don't wanna go back luv. Let's just go home and have a proper shag." Spike leered at him. "We will." Xander again directed Spike back to the Bronze. "Just as soon as you pay for the last round." "And just what are you going to be doing while I'm gone Xan?" "I'm going to be standing in the shadows trying not to let anyone see my cum stained shirt and jeans, while I wait for you!" Xander answered back, trying to hurry the vamp along. "Okay luv." Spike gave him a quick buss on the cheek before striding through the entrance of the club. That was pretty much the last thing that Xander remembered. He'd leaned back against the wall trying to get comfortable as he waited, and then…nothing. He scrunched his brow trying to force more memories to the surface, but it did no good. {Spike?} Xander tried to reach his mate. It wasn't the first time. He'd been calling to Spike since almost the moment he'd woken. For some reason this last attempt seemed a bit more final. Xander felt the first tear as it trickled down his cheek, not bothering to wipe it away. *** Spike was frantic. When he didn't find Xander after exiting the Bronze, he'd assumed that his lover had just headed home. Probably too ashamed to wait outside in case anyone noticed the wet stains on his clothing. Spike had smiled at the thought that his Xander could be so shy in public, yet so brazen in bed. There was no doubt that his Xanpet was a contradiction, a delicious one at that. When he had reached the apartment and found no sign of Xander he tried calling out to him through the bond, but received no response. This was the first time since he'd Claimed the whelp that they hadn't been able to reach each other. For one brief agonizing moment, Spike thought Xander must be dead. He slumped to the floor, his will gone. Then his head snapped up. No! If Xan were dead, he'd know. He'd have known the moment it happened. With that thought firmly planted, he quickly stood calculating the amount of time he had before sunrise and the distance it would take to reach the slayer. He left their apartment building at a dead run. *** The click of the door brought Xander to his feet instantly. He waited as the door swung open revealing a middle-aged man holding a clipboard and wearing a white jacket. There were two large men behind him in military garb, obviously meant as protection. Xander felt a perverse sense of pride that they were worried enough about him to bring two guards. Or maybe that was just standard procedure? The tiny spark of pride was quickly becoming replaced with a deep foreboding. At least Xander now knew who had taken him. Now he just had to worry about why. "# X2573 please follow me." Without looking up the doctor turned on his heel. The guards approached him obviously intent on forcing him to follow whether he wanted to or not. Rather than allow them the satisfaction, Xander quickly stepped out of the room moving in the same direction the doctor had gone. He made sure to sweep his eyes up and down the corridor before following, looking for any possible exits in case he had the opportunity to flee. He felt the jab of a soldier's gun on his back at his delay. Turning quickly he followed the doctor, trying not to imagine what lay ahead. *** Buffy opened the door to a disheveled and panting Spike. Quickly she ushered him into the living room and out of the rising sun's path. "Spike? What's going on?" Buffy asked, settling the vamp on the couch. Her heart was racing at the thought of something bad enough to scare the vampire into such a state. When he finally looked up, Buffy's breath caught in her throat. The look he bore was one of quiet despair. "Xander's gone." *** Chapter 2 - Pain Xander tried to force the panic he was feeling down into the pit of his stomach. He'd followed the doctor to a room at the end of the hall. Once there the two guards had strapped him down into what looked like a dentist chair and then all three had left him alone. {Spike!} Xander's mind screamed. It was the waiting that was really getting to him. His own imagination was running wild and the images he created were anything but comforting. The worst part was he wasn't sure what had happened to Spike. Had they gotten him too? Why wouldn't he answer Xander's call? Was he unconscious somewhere? Or worse yet. Was he dust? Xander refused to believe that. Xander closed his eyes and tried to concentrate his will. He'd never had to really focus when trying to reach his mate. Normally Xander could feel him there all the time, buzzing in the back of his mind. All he had to do was think about Spike for the connection to snap forward and communicate his thoughts to his lover. But this time Xander focused his whole being on making that connection. He began to take deep breaths counting each one until he felt his muscles relax. With each breath he brought forth a different detail about Spike. The feel of his cool hands, the tickling of his breath, the sight of his ice blue eyes. Until all of Xander's being was focused on the mental picture of his mate. Tentatively he sent out a querying thought, {Spike?}. No answer. He tried again. And again. Until finally he was just repeating a pleading chant in his head. {Please Spike. Please Spike.} Begging for reassurance that his lover was whole and safe. Xander almost cried out in relief when he felt the first soft whisper of Spike's mental touch. {Xan?} *** "Fuck all Buffy! I don't bleedin' know!" Spike screamed for the tenth time that morning. "Do you think if I'd heard anything, or seen any signs of danger I would've left Xan alone?!" Buffy placed her hand gently on the vampire's shoulder. Turning him until their eyes could meet. "Spike. I know you would never have let anything happen to Xander if you could help it. I’m not accusing you of anything. I'm just trying to see if there's something that you hadn't noticed as strange at the time, but now…" She trailed off. Spike slumped onto the sofa, defeated. "No." He shook his head wearily. "Nothing." When he looked back up at her there were tears in his eyes. "Why can't I feel him? I can't hear his voice anymore. He's gone." The words left his mouth in a whisper as the first tear fell. Buffy was by his side in a second, one arm wrapping around his waist, the other moving up to bring his head down onto her shoulder. "There maybe plenty of reasons you can't feel him right now. Maybe he's unconscious. Or maybe they drugged him and it's messing with his head." She felt Spike's growl at the offered explanations. "Don't worry Spike. We'll get him back. And then we'll make whoever's taken him pay." She vowed as she continued to soothe the troubled vamp. Suddenly Spike stiffened. Buffy tensed as she saw the play of emotions running across his face. {Xan?} {Spike?! Thank God! I thought you were dust!} {Luv, what's happening? Where are you?} {You have to get out of town Spike. Hurry. They'll probably be looking for you next.} Xander tried to imbue his thoughts with urgency. {Not leaving without you luv. 'Sides, the Big Bad doesn't run scared.} Spike answered. {Now where are you?} {Don't know Spike.} Xander was torn. He desperately wanted Spike to save the day and rescue him from whatever mess he'd gotten into. But he was also afraid. He knew what the Initiative had done to Spike the first time, and was scared of what they'd try this time around. {Who is it Xan? Who took you?} Spike demanded. When Xander didn't answer Spike was afraid they'd lost touch once more. But no, he could still feel the slight buzz in his mind that told him his lover was still there. {Xan?} He prompted. {It's the Initiative Spike.} The words sounded hollow and far away making Xander's mental voice seem scared and alone. Something he'd never heard from Xander before, not since they'd taken up together. {Bloody wankers! Don't worry Xan, we'll get you back. And then we'll make the bastards pay.} Xander's concentration began to falter. He could hear the tap tap of someone's steps coming closer to the room. {He's coming back Spike.} {Who luv?} {The doctor.} {What doctor luv?} Spike felt his own panic rising. He'd had his own experiences with Initiative doctors, and knew that whatever they'd planned for Xander couldn't be any better. {I don't know Spike.} Xander could feel the connection fading in and out. {Spike?} He tried calling out once more. {I'm scared.} The whispered words cut Spike to shreds. His own reply lost as the connection was severed. NO! {Xan?! Xan?!} But his lover was gone. *** The two men watched their prisoner with detachment. They knew the moment the connection had been made, the tiny monitoring sensors going unnoticed by the boy. "I thought the whole purpose of the drug was to keep them from speaking." The younger man pointed out. The older man sighed inwardly. Exasperated at the thought of having to work with the man next to him. "We only had to keep them apart for the initial test. Once we establish how strong the connection is we'll need to bring the other in anyway. His knowing who has the boy won't change that." "What if he attempts a rescue?" "Do you think that you're working with a fool?" The older man spit out. "I've got a man watching him. If he tries anything he'll just be making our jobs easier. Instead of having to track him down, he'll come straight to us." The older man grinned. "If the connection works the way we think it does, I'd be surprised if he could stay away." They watched as the doctor reentered the room, noting how each muscle in the boy's body tensed. Leaning forward the younger man turned on his microphone. "Begin the testing for subject X2573. All recording devices have been activated." *** Xander screamed as another shock passed through him. He'd lost all feeling on the left side of his body about 2 hours ago, and was surprised that his right was still functioning. What were they doing? What were they testing for? Xander tried to pay attention, tried to figure it out. But his body was exhausted and his mind was weary. Tears streamed down his face, but he could no longer feel them. Now he just prayed for the bliss of oblivion that unconsciousness would bring. *** Buffy had called Giles soon after the vamp had appeared on her doorstep. Hearing his car pull into the drive she gently moved Spike's head out of her lap to answer the door. "Buffy? What's going on?" Giles asked immediately upon entering the house. "Xander's missing. Apparently the Initiative's back, and they've taken Xan for some reason. He was able to tell Spike, but then something happened. I'm not sure." Silent tears fell down Buffy's cheeks as she spoke. "I think they're hurting Xander. Spike…Spike cried out and had some sort of seizure." She pointed at the limp form on the couch. "I can't get him to wake up." "Dear Lord." Giles' face was ashen. What must they be doing to Xander to cause such a reaction in Spike? Moving quickly Giles stepped into the house, shedding his coat as he went. He headed for the kitchen and grabbed a few bags of blood from the fridge, glad that Buffy still stocked up for Xander and Spike's visits. He heated each bag before returning to the living room. "Call Willow and Tara. We're going to need their help." Giles instructed as he punched a hole in the first bag, letting it ooze into the mug he'd brought from the kitchen. "Tell them to stop by the Magic Box and get whatever they need for a location spell. They might also grab volumes 1 through 4 of the Hentarii text and the trunk in my office with the Watcher's diaries. They could prove useful." Buffy sped off to call the girls, while Giles attempted to force feed Spike the much needed blood. He let out a relieved breath when he felt the slight suction as Spike began to sip from the straw in his mouth. *** Xander was floating. He tried to look around but discovered he was covered in darkness. Was he dead? This sure didn't feel like heaven. Of course he'd mated himself to the evil undead, so maybe saint Peter had revoked his pass. So was this hell? Either way he was free from the pain. At least for a little while. *** The phone rang in the small observation booth. "Yes?" The older man answered. "He passed out 22 minutes ago sir. And he's still unconscious. The Watcher arrived and appears to be feeding him blood." The voice reported. "Well that wasn't wholly unexpected." The older man stroked his chin in thought. "Good work. Remain at your post and be sure to notify us immediately when the vampire goes on the move." "Yes sir." The voiced clicked off. The older man turned toward the younger, a small smile of satisfaction curling his lips. "It's begun." *** Chapter 3 - Spike Spike fought his way back to consciousness, his first and only thoughts for Xander. He found himself game faced and growling, having to restrain himself from attacking the Watcher and Slayer watching over him. Someone was hurting Xander. Attacking his mate. Someone he couldn't get his hands on. His fists clenched at his sides, the nails digging into his palms and leaving small crescent shaped pools of blood. The only thing stopping him from chasing the bastards down was the fact that the sun was still shining. He listened half-heartedly to the Watcher's plan, nodded a curt greeting to the witches when they arrived, and dutifully drank the rest of the blood he'd been given. All of this he did in an off-hand cursory fashion. His focus remained centered on two things. The faint awareness he still had of his lover, and the internal clock that told him exactly how much time he had before the sun would set. Upon waking he'd found that he had not completely lost the connection with Xander. He could tell that his mate was unconscious, only because he no longer felt any of the echoing pain they'd shared only hours before. He tried to send reassurance and love back through the bond, hoping it would help to comfort his Xan. Eventually he convinced the gang that he still wasn't up to par. Asked if he could lay down for awhile in a room upstairs. He knew that they would never allow him to go after Xander, and he also knew he could do nothing else. So he let them believe that he agreed. That he would wait, too weak to do much more than that anyway. He lay, listening for Xander's voice. Waiting to hear that his lover had regained consciousness. He got nothing but silence. Spike gritted his teeth, hating his weaknesses. Hating the sun, preventing him from going to his Xan. Slowly, as the sun crept below the horizon, Spike made his way out the second story bedroom window. Dropping to the ground, he swept the street with his eyes, finding nothing he headed east following the pull of the Claim. *** "Hostile 17 is on the move sir." "Follow him. Make sure to keep all recording devices activated. We'll have a unit meet you at the perimeter." "Yes sir." *** The fight was brief but fierce. Five men came out of the shadows, circling Spike as he snarled and spat at them. The first man attacked, Spike lashed out falling to his knees at the first zap from the chip. Ignoring the pain he stood again, taking down the first man with a well placed kick to his midsection. Behind him three men attacked at once. Two going for his arms to hold him in place while the other came forward with one of their stun guns. He knew what it was immediately, having been on the receiving end more than once. In a sudden blaze of movement he clapped his hands together, throwing the men on each arm into one another. They collapsed in a heap on the ground before him. But the combined pain from the chip and a blast from the stun gun had rendered Spike unconscious. The remaining men dragged him through the woods not bothering to carry him fully. *** "The subject has been captured sir." "Very good. Bring him in for the procedure." "Yes sir." The soldier clicked off. The younger man again voiced his concerns. "Are you sure this is wise?" "The wisdom of the course is irrelevant. It is necessary." The older man admonished. "But to free him from his chains - " The older man interrupted. "It is necessary." For a moment there was silence between the two. "They are the strongest of the pairs so far." The younger man offered. "Yes. They are our best hope." The older man turned to face the younger once more. "Time is running short." *** Spike woke to the feel of metal slicing through his skin. Immediately he vamped out. Tears pricked his eyes, but he refused to cry out as he felt warm fingers prise the cut open further. The slick feel of his skin being peeled off the back of his head made him shiver. He tried not to react as he felt those same fingers reach in to root around his gray matter. But his body betrayed him. Shudders wracked his frame and he gave an involuntary howl as pain shot through him with the first slice. Eventually he passed out. In a white room a few doors down from the operation Xander's young body thrashed and squirmed. Still unconscious he was nevertheless aware of the sustained torture his mate was in. The recording devices, having been set to run 24 hours, captured the last whispered word before his body finally lay still. "Spike." *** {Xan?} {You shouldn't have come Spike.} {Had to luv. You know that.} {I know.} He smiled, despite the fact that the surrounding darkness would not allow his mate to see. The smile was soon replaced with a frown. {They hurt you.} {Yeah.} {Will they kill us?} {Don't know luv. Don't think so. Would have done already I think.} {I'm sorry Spike.} {Not your fault pet.} {Should have been paying more attention.} {No luv. Wouldn't have mattered. They'd of got one of us eventually.} They were silent for awhile, just basking in each other's essence. Soon, too soon, Xander felt Spike slipping away. {Spike?} {Come back with me now Xan.} {I like it here.} {I know luv. But the others will come for us soon. We need to be ready.} {Don't leave me Spike.} {Never luv. Just come with me.} Reluctantly Xander followed. *** They woke in each other's arms, still in Xander's white room. Though he supposed it was his and Spike's now. He breathed a sigh of relief. At least they put them together. He was watching as Spike's eyes fluttered open. His face was paler than normal, and it worried Xander. He could see the white bandage taped to the back of his lover's head. What had they done this time? Another chip? What the hell for? "You okay Spike?" He whispered, stroking his lover's cheek. "Yeah luv." Spike answered hoarsely. "Don't suppose they left any blood out for me?" Xander sat up, glancing around the room. It was still as empty as it had been the first time he'd woken up here. "Nope." "Didn't figure." Spike answered, also sitting up. Though he was a bit more wobbly than Xander. Without preamble Xander lifted his wrist to his mouth and bit down hard. Spike's nostrils flared at the first scent of his mate's blood. "Xan! You shouldn't have done that." He admonished. "You need it." Was Xander's only reply as he lifted his bloody wrist to the vampire's mouth. "So do you. You're weak and injured as well." Spike protested, but instinct soon took over and he lapped at the dripping blood. As soon as the bite was cleaned and the bleeding had stopped, Spike brought Xander forward to kiss him gently on the lips. "Thank you luv." He trailed wet kisses down from Xander's mouth to his neck. Nipping and licking in especially sensitive places. "Now your turn." Quickly he dropped his fangs and scratched a short gash along his forearm, bringing the cut up to Xander's lips. "Go on. It'll help you heal." As soon as Xander had licked the last drops clean, they lay back down together. Spike gathering the young man into his arms, Xander's head resting on his chest. It was in that position that they both fell asleep. *** "Do you suppose that's how they got around the chip the first time?" The younger man asked. "No. For the Claim to take hold, the vampire must make the bite himself. He must have forced himself to endure the pain." The older answered. "Maybe we didn't have to remove the chip after all." The younger suggested. "Don't second guess me!" The older spat out. The younger didn't answer. But the seeds of doubt, already firmly planted, had begun to take root. *** Chapter 4 - Initiative (NC-17) "Why are we taking orders from a civilian?" The committee had been debating this issue for several hours. "He had the knowledge we needed." One answered. "'Had' is the operative word there. He led us to the pair, what do we need him for now?" "He knows what to look for in the testing. He knows the pair best, has been studying them for years." Another voice spoke out. "Do we really believe all his…all his talk of doom and destruction? Magic and prophecy?" "If it weren't for him, we would never have known about the Claiming." An older man defended. "Ah yes, the Claiming. What do we need this pair for? We can and we have created our own." "You haven't seen them in action. Watch the tapes. This pair is…unique. Their bond is stronger than any we've seen." "The pairs we created are nothing compared to them. We had hopes that a Claiming would be another way to curb the hostiles, that the human partner would be able to control the other. But it hasn't worked. So far all of our soldiers have been the ones made to submit." "Maybe it's just that their bond has been established for much longer." One suggested. "Or maybe it's because they entered the Claim willingly." "Our men were all volunteers." Another answered. "But none of the hostiles were." "Who cares about the hostiles? They don't get a choice." "But this one did." Silence for a moment. "The man is insane." "Yes." Weary resignation. "But we need him." *** Xander woke to a growling stomach. The pain he'd felt the previous day was nearly all gone. The perks of vampire blood and the slightly accelerated healing of a Claimant. Now most of the pain he felt was from hunger. "Have they fed you anything pet?" Spike asked softly. Xander shook his head. Suddenly Spike was standing and staring up into the corner of the room. "Bloody bastards! Bring him some food! You want us around for your bloody tests, you keep him fed dammit!" "Spike, what are you - " "Camera luv." Spike pointed to the corner. Xander squinted finally seeing the tiny hole in the ceiling. "Oh." They both turned as one as the door clicked open. Five men entered the room. Spike was immediately standing in front of Xander, growling at the soldiers before them. One man carrying a tray with some food and water. "Where's Spike's blood?" Xander asked, noticing none on the tray. In reply the soldier raked Xander's body with his eyes. "Oh." "No." Spike was adamant. "I can't keep drinking from him. He's too weak already." The soldier turned without answering, leaving the tray on the floor at their feet. Spike made a move to lunge at the hapless man but stopped as several guns were pointed his way. He settled instead for a subsonic growl that made his whole body vibrate. As soon as the men left, Xander pounced on the food. Taking the first bite he moaned in appreciation, even if it was just a cheese sandwich. As he chewed he realized his mistake. What if the food were drugged? He looked up at Spike, who smirked down at him. "No worries luv. Don't smell any taint on it." Spike reassured him. Xander ate in silence, contemplating how he was going to get Spike to feed when he knew the vamp was worried about him. After finishing the last bite and drinking down the water he cleared his throat. "Spike?" "Yeah luv." "You need to eat." "No." {You said it yourself. Buffy and the others will come for us. You have to keep your strength up so that you can help.} "No." "Spike, I'm almost healed, and they're feeding me. So I'll just keep getting better. A little blood won't kill me." Spike sighed wearily. "Okay Xan. But not today. Give yourself at least another 24 hours. I've gone a lot longer than that before. Okay luv?" "Fine. But tomorrow no arguments." Xander agreed. Spike only nodded. *** "What will we be testing for today?" The younger asked. "We'll give them a few more hours together, and then we'll take the boy." The older explained. "We need to make sure the range of emotion the bond carries is complete. They've experienced pain and fear. The next step is to see whether the opposite holds true." *** When the soldiers returned, Xander panicked. They were taking him away from Spike. He lashed out, kicking at the first man to come near him, heedless of their weapons. {Spike!} Spike was on them in seconds. The fear emanating from his mate, spurring him into action. He threw the first soldier within reach against the front wall, knocking him unconscious. Before he could go after the second he was zapped with one of their stunners. He fell, watching as they carried off his lover. It was only later that he realized the only pain he felt was from the stun gun. His chip had never fired. *** They strapped Xander down into the same chair they'd used last time. The panic from earlier returning with a vengeance, Xander cried out once more. {Spike!} {I'm here luv. I'm sorry.} {Not your fault Spike. Are you okay?} {Fine luv.} Spike would wait until later to discuss his new freedom with his lover. {Where have they taken you?} {Same as before Spike.} Xander glanced around the room. {I'm scared.} {Shhh luv. I know. I'm sorry. We'll get out of here soon Xan.} {They're coming back Spike. I'll try to block you out so you don't have to feel it too.} {No Xan don't!} But Spike could already feel Xander's resistance. Xander tensed when the doctor approached with a hypodermic needle. He hated needles. And the idea of not knowing what they were pumping into him was even more terrifying. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. The doctor didn't look much older than him. "Orders." Xander only looked away as he felt the prick of the needle piercing his skin. Soon he began to feel drowsy, his eyelids becoming too heavy to keep open. As he slipped into a hazy slumber his last thoughts were of his mate. *** Xander's eyes fluttered open, the feel of cool sheets beneath him making him smile. He turned toward his lover feeling his groin stir at the sight. Spike was laid next to him, completely naked, one leg thrown over the covers so that Xander had a nice view of his pale muscles. He reached a hand out and began caressing up the appendage in wide circles. His lover stirred and turned toward him, his eyes opening. "Morning luv." They kissed for several minutes. This was Xander's favorite way to say good morning. He loved the taste of Spike's mouth. The feel of his tongue rasping against his own. He could feel himself get harder at the thought of a bout of morning passion. His hand moved under the covers to grasp Spike's morning erection, pumping slowly as he continued the wet kisses. Moving his mouth down to Spike's neck he began to suck at the pulse point there, causing Spike to groan and thrust up into Xander's hand. *** "X2573 has become aroused sir. His adrenal gland has also activated." "Good. How is Hostile 17 reacting?" "No reaction as of yet sir." Disappointing but it was early yet. "Keep monitoring them both." "Yes sir." *** Chapter 5 - Experiments (NC-17) Spike sat on the floor cross-legged, eyes closed. He took long deep breaths, counting each one and picturing the number in his head each time. It was a technique he'd learned long ago. Concentrating on the numbers allowed him to go into a light self-hypnotic trance. Once he fell under he began to center all his thoughts on Xander. One by one each of his lover's features became visible to him. The mop of brown hair. The dark chocolate eyes. The pouty bottom lip. Until his vision of the man was sharp and clear. Then he reached out through the bond to touch his mate. At first the contact was faint and sluggish. Then suddenly, as if a switch had been thrown, the bond snapped back into place. Spike found himself in their apartment bedroom. He recognized the furniture and the bedclothes as his eyes swept the room. What the bloody heck was going on? Then he noticed movement on the bed. Xander was there, eyes closed, head thrown back in passion. What the bloody fuck?! He lunged toward the bed, intent on ripping out the heart of any creature that dared touch his Xan in that way. He stopped short at the sight of bleached blonde hair and pale skin. *** "Report." "Hostile 17 fell into some sort of trance approximately 7 minutes ago sir. He has not moved from his current position in that time." "No changes whatsoever?" "Well sir. He has no vitals that we can monitor but…the cameras do indicate that soon after he fell into the trance he also became aroused." "Good." The man nodded to himself. "What of subject X2573?" "Vitals remain the same. He's mumbled a few words here and there but we haven't been able to make them out yet. The sound techs are working on the enhancement now and should have something for you within an hour of the testing." "Good. Maintain your surveillance." "Yes sir." *** "We need firepower." Buffy insisted. "Yes, yes." Giles was rubbing profusely at his glasses. "But first we need a plan. Being aware of their location does not automatically gain us victory." "Willow and I c-could setup a glamour. Make them all believe we're demons. That way they'll take us d-down into the complex and we don't have to break in." Tara suggested. "Good idea sweetie." Willow gave Tara an encouraging smile. "We could also hide Buffy's firepower under the glamour, so they wouldn't even know we were bringing anything in." "Great Wills! Sounds like plan to me." Buffy was up and grabbing weapons before Giles could clear his throat. "Mmhmm." Giles tried to grab her attention, when she finally turned around he continued. "We will need someone on the outside. So that after we've found Spike and Xander they can help with the escape." "Someone on the outside? We'll need all four of us if we're going to be able to get Xan and Spike out." Buffy countered. "Nevertheless. We still need someone on the outside. What if something goes wrong? We need someone who isn't trapped in the complex with us." Buffy sighed in defeat. She knew Giles was right. But this would just be another delay in their rescue attempt, but finally she agreed. "Alright. I'll call him." *** "Mmmmm….Spike." Xander's body was tingling all over. His lover was licking and sucking on his balls, while using one hand to slowly pump his engorged shaft. "You like that Xan?" Spike watched him from beneath hooded lids. "You like my tongue tasting you, wetting you down?" "Fuck yeah." Xander groaned out. He squeezed his eyes shut, throwing his head back to let out a guttural groan at the feelings Spike invoked. Suddenly he heard deep angry growling coming from his right. He turned his head sharply and gasped at the sight of an enraged Spike. His head volleyed back and forth from the Spike in his bed to the Spike standing beside him. "Who? What? Spike?!" Xander babbled. The look on standing Spike's face morphed from anger to arousal in seconds. "This a fantasy luv? You dreaming 'bout me taking you?" "What?" Xander had missed the turn-off the conversation had taken. "What's going on?" "Must be a dream Xan. I reached through the bond and ended up here." Spike explained. Xander tried to think for just a moment. Hard to do since the Spike on the bed was now gently rubbing his thumb over Xander's hole, making his sphincter muscles clench and tighten in anticipation. A dream? He shook his head. Then he was hit with the memory of the last few days all at once. The white room, the pain, the needle he'd been injected with. "Drugged." He mumbled to himself. "They drugged me. Why?" "Don't know luv. But this is much better than their last go isn't it?" Spike raised a brow at him. "Ungh!" Xander grunted as the Spike in bed took him in his mouth, taking him deeply enough that the tip of Xander's cock was thrusting against the back of Spike's throat. "Fuck yeah." He came back enough to at least answer standing Spike's question. "Is he sucking hard Xan?" Spike queried. "Does it feel just as good as being down my throat? Having the real thing?" He moved closer to the bed, placed his hand on Xander's chest and began to rub his thumb over one brown nipple. Real thing? Xander's mind was trying to come to terms with the fact that he was now faced with two Spikes. So standing Spike was his mate, reaching through the bond to get to him. While Spike in bed was a dream figment? All his body knew was that there were two Spikes. Two Spikes to lick and suck and fuck him until he cried out with the pain/pleasure of it. Spike watched the emotions flutter across Xander's face. And he knew the moment Xan realized that he had two Spikes at his disposal. He could smell the increase in pheromones and was surprised that Xander wasn't already cumming in his dream double's mouth. Xander slowly pushed DreamSpike off him, turning them around so that he was now on top. Looking to the side he saw that RealSpike was already naked, his hard cock bouncing against his stomach as he neared the bed. He dipped his head down to take in one of DreamSpike's dark nipples, teasing the puckered flesh with his teeth and tongue. He felt his heartbeat quicken as the bed dipped under RealSpike's weight. "Fuck Xan! Bite it. Please, fuck!" DreamSpike was begging him. Xander shivered both from the deep wave of arousal that came from his lover's pleas and the idea of not knowing where RealSpike was and what he was planning. RealSpike leaned down and began sweeping his tongue over Xander's ass. Occasionally he would stop and slap one meaty globe, and then lick the reddened flesh until it cooled once more. With each stinging slap, Xander's cock dribbled more and more precum. Xander was so hard, he thought one more slap would send him over the edge. Pulling away from DreamSpike he glanced behind him, only to see RealSpike coating his fingers with lube. "Please Spike! God! Need you in me." Xander moaned. "Yes pet. Soon, just need to get you ready luv." RealSpike began to swirl a finger around Xander's opening, making him shiver and thrust his ass back. RealSpike leaned forward to whisper in Xander's ear. "Take him in your mouth luv. He's begging for it." RealSpike indicated the writhing form beneath them. "He's begging to be sucked." RealSpike let out a deep groan as Xander swooped down to take DreamSpike into his mouth. The position caused him to thrust his ass up into the air, leaving him open and waiting for RealSpike's cock. Xander moaned as cool fingers breached his body, stretching his hole with each thrust. Xander didn't think his brain could process all the sensations flooding his body. DreamSpike was thrusting into his mouth, filling him and dripping salty precum onto his tongue. While RealSpike was strecthing him full, ticking his prostate as he thrust his fingers in and out of clenching channel. Finally Xander couldn't take anymore. He withdrew his mouth, causing DreamSpike to cry out in protest. He turned to glare at RealSpike, demanding to be taken. "No more teasing Spike. Fuck me. I need your cock. I'm so ready. God!" RealSpike almost came at the look Xander gave him. He grabbed the base of his shaft, nodding to Xander before pushing forward to force the head through Xander's tight ring of muscle. Xander moaned, pushing back to meet RealSpike's thrust. He was concentrating so hard on the feeling of RealSpike entering him that he was unprepared for DreamSpike's hand to shoot out and force his head back down to his groin. The urgency of DreamSpike's demand made Xander even harder, and he quickly took the saliva coated cock back into his mouth. "Mmphpmm," Xander could only mumble incoherently. The feeling of being filled completely was new and extremely erotic. To have Spike thrusting into his ass and throat was beyond comparing. The few mumbled sounds emitting from Xander's throat caused DreamSpike to buck and scream. Within minutes he was shooting his cum down Xander's throat. RealSpike groaned at the sight of Xander swallowing DreamSpike's cum. He could see little dribbles escape and run down Xan's chin. He felt his own balls tightening so he reached around to grab Xander's penis in a tight fist. He began to pump him harshly, pulling and pushing on his cock with each thrust. Xander cried out and began thrusting harder back and forth, not knowing what he wanted more. Spike's cock on his ass, or Spike's fist on his cock. Suddenly DreamSpike reached up and grabbed both Xander's nipples, twisting hard. Xander screamed. "Spike!!" He felt like he was screaming for hours, as his cum exploded out of his cock. His voice grew hoarse, but he continued to thrust forward and back until he felt RealSpike's cock beginning to pulse within him. He sighed at the familiar feel of cool cum shooting inside him, oozing out of his hole to coat his thighs. Finally all three exhausted they collapsed in a heap on top of each other. *** "They've both fallen into a deep sleep sir." "Results?" "Both subjects were recorded speaking, though the techs are still trying to make out the exact words." "And?" "Both subjects ejaculated sir." The older man smirked. He could hear the embarrassment in the soldier's voice as he reported. "Good." It was just what he'd hoped for. "Make sure to keep all recording devices on, we don't want to miss anything that might be significant. Have the all reports to me within the hour." "Yes sir." *** Buffy sat on the steps of her back porch, her arms wrapped snuggly around her own waist. She worried her bottom lip as she went over the details of the rescue operation in her head. "Buffy, we've done all the planning we can. All that's left is to pick up a few more weapons and await Angel's arrival." Giles stepped out to speak with her. "Thanks Giles." Buffy answered absently. The Watcher sat down beside his Slayer, taking in her bruised lip and anxious expression. "I know the waiting is hard for you. But this is our best chance." He laid a warm hand on her shoulder in support. "Come inside. Get some rest." Still staring out at her backyard Buffy asked, "What do you think they're doing to them?" The words escaped her lips in a whisper. "I don't know. We shouldn't speculate." Giles shook his head. "There's no telling for sure." "You're wrong." "Wrong?" Giles asked. "Waiting's not the hard part." Buffy answered, standing up to head back into the house. "Not knowing. Imagining. That's the part that kills." Giles had no answer and so followed his Slayer in silence. *** Chapter 6 - Lilith Xander was surprised when they turned in a completely new direction. He had thought that they would be taking them to the same little room he'd been in for the past few days. But then he realized that room had only had one chair. So now that Spike was with him, they'd have to take them somewhere else. He just shrugged and continued to follow the lab coats. "What the fuck?" Spike blurted when they entered the large warehouse. There were rows and rows of what Xander called "dentist" chairs, outfitted with metal restraining bands. Almost all of the chairs were filled, every other occupant a vampire, most in game face and swearing. They were led to two empty chairs, and then strapped down. Spike glanced over at Xander trying to send him waves of comfort. "Don't worry luv." Xander turned to meet Spike's gaze. "I feel guilty." "What for Xan? S'not your fault we're here." "I know that." Xander shrugged. "I don't feel guilty for that." He turned away and mumbled softly. "I feel guilty because I'm glad you're here with me." Spike cursed the metal bands holding his arms down. He wanted to reach out and touch his mate. "None of that now Xan. You know I wouldn't let you go through this alone. Can't feel guilty over something I'd do whether you wanted it or not." He reassured him. Xander gave him a weak smile and then turned to face forward as a lab coated technician approached them. They had removed his shirt before strapping them down, and now were applying electrodes to his chest, and a blood pressure cuff to his right arm. When the tech left Xander turned to Spike and asked, "Why am I the only one getting decorated?" "No vitals luv. Nothing for them to check on me." Spike smirked. "What do you think they want to learn?" "Don't know Xan, guess we'll find out soon enough." Spike answered. "You'll wish you hadn't." Both men turned to a third voice entering the conversation. It was a dark haired, olive skinned vamp. She looked almost Mediterranean in origin. "Who are you?" Xander asked. "My name's Lilith. At least it used to be. I've been Hostile 66 for the past year, maybe longer." She mused. "What are they - " As Spike spoke Lilith began to shudder lightly, her eyes rolling back into her head. When the shaking stopped he asked gently, "What happened?" "They're hurting him." She shrugged. "Who?" Xander whispered, afraid he already knew the answer. "My mate." "You don't seem too put out." Spike observed. "Don't you care?" Xander asked at the same time. "Of course I care!" She snapped back. "The Claim won't let me do anything else. But…" She looked away for a few seconds and then back. "They forced it on us. On me." Her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. "He's one of them. A 'volunteer' they called him." A single tear made its way out and traveled the length of her cheek. "You know he still calls me Hostile 66?" Xander was speechless. How could anyone go through a Claim and not *love* each other? How did that work? He couldn't imagine any other feelings when he thought about the link between himself and Spike. "What do they want?" He whispered softly. "Don't know." Lilith shrugged again. "Maybe building an army of Claimants? Their stronger you know. You must have felt it?" "What the hell do they need us for then?" Spike asked. "If they can bloody well make their own!" She had no answer, so Lilith just remained silent. "How can you just sit there, while they hurt him?" Xander asked quietly, sure if the vamp were free she'd probably rip his throat out. Lilith growled low and bared her teeth. For a few moments she didn't answer, only glared at him. But the warning growls from Spike had her returning to her human visage before answering. "When it first started." She paused. "When they first strapped us down and started testing him. Hurting him. I did everything I could to rip out of my bonds. I kept crying out to him as he screamed." She turned away. "Eventually they decided to separate us. He's there." She pointed with her chin. "On the other side of the room." Both Spike and Xander turned to see a few men in lab coats surrounding a soldier strapped to another chair. Another blonde, blue eyed, corn fed automaton. Xander shivered at the glimpse he got of the instruments being used on the 'volunteer'. "It calmed me a little. I kept struggling to break free, but I didn't feel it as strongly as before." She didn't notice Spike's frown as she continued. "And after about two months of it, I guess I got used to the feeling. There's still something in me, something wanting to tear all their throats out for hurting him, but I've learned to live with it." She focused her gaze on Spike. "You'll feel the same way eventually." Then she went quiet and turned away as the shudders started again. {Pet?} {Yeah Spike?} {I'll never feel that way.} {I know Spike. Their bond doesn't seem as strong as ours.} {Bloody right! No matter how far away they separate us, I won't be able to stop until I get to you.} {I know.} They paused for a moment, before Xander asked another question. {Spike? Why would they build an army, just to torture it?} {I don't think that's what their doing pet.} {Then what?} Spike sighed inwardly. {They must be testing them. Seeing how strong they are, how much pain they can take. That sort of thing.} {How much pain they can take?} Xander gulped. {You know you're different now pet. Stronger, heal faster. Guess they want to know how different.} Spike tried to send soothing feelings of comfort through the bond. {Don't worry pet. We'll get out soon. Witches probably already know where we are.} He assured his mate. Xander nodded and turned as another lab tech approached. His heart began to race as he caught sight of the silver glint in his hand. {Love you Spike.} {Love you too Xan.} Then there was only pain. *** "Do we have the boy's medical records?" "Yes sir." "Good. We'll have to compare them with the results of the testing." "And if they surpass the other subjects?" "Then we'll do it. I've got all the ingredients and the incantation ready. They're the best hope so far." "Sir may I speak freely?" "Go ahead." The older man laughed. "It won't change anything." The soldier looked at him as if he were crazy. "How can you believe all this stuff about magic and prophecies? Do you really think an 'incantation' will *do* anything but make you sound like an idiot in front of the men?" "I don't just believe. I know." He turned to the young man beside him. "How can you not?" He pointed out the window toward the rows of vampires and men strapped to their chairs. "Those are vampires. Not hostiles. *Vampires*. How can you see them everyday and not know that?" "They're just animals sir." The younger man replied. "As are we all." The older answered. *** Chapter 7 - Spells Xander was back in the dark place. The world around him had melted into complete black and he floated freely in the empty space. He allowed his mind to drift afraid that if he concentrated on any one thing for too long he would be forced to remember the pain. He didn't want to think. He didn't want to remember. But it was too late. The thought had already been planted and the outside world began to intrude into his dark void. His body trembled as he relived the first cut. The blade raking down his arm, and then coming back up to tease the cut open further. He felt the blood seeping from the wound, and heard Spike's cries beside him. He was actually pretty proud of himself for lasting as long as he had. They'd been 'testing' him for at least 3 hours before he succumbed. The pain was pretty unbearable but it wasn't the worst part. The bond he shared with Spike had been growing steadily stronger ever since he'd been captured. Maybe from all the exercise it was getting, he mused. So the anguish that coursed through the link from Spike almost overwhelmed the physical pain Xander was being subjected to. His only regret was leaving Spike behind. The vampire's growls and jerky attempts at escape had not ceased since the first cut. And after finding his healing abilities to be exceptional, or so it seemed to Xander, the soldier had proceeded to intensify the tests. At first Xander didn't know what they planned to do. But when the pinky finger of his right hand was jerked sideways, and the shiny blade was replaced with a small, but sturdy set of clippers, he knew. Spike's screams almost completely drowned out those of Xander's. In the dark Xander contemplated his lost appendage. Would it grow back? He hadn't had a finger, or really any part of his body, severed since establishing the Claim. Or if he thought about it, even before the Claim. Did Spike give him enough healing ability to grow back a whole finger? Then his thoughts began to drift toward his lover. Was Spike still struggling? Of course he was. Xander hated to think that he'd escaped the torture only to leave Spike to carry all the pain alone. Slowly he reached out a mental arm, stretching to touch his mate. His mind came up against a thick wall of rage. Xander shivered at the strength of the emotion, wanting nothing more than to soothe Spike and collapse the wall. He began to bombard Spike's mind with his own arsenal of emotion. Sending nothing but love, support, care, and understanding. He knew that Spike would be blaming himself for not being able to get to Xander, so Xander let him know it was okay. That no matter what Xander loved him. When he was finally able to create a small gap, Xander soared through. {Spike??} {I'm sorry. I'm sorry luv.} Xander could hear the sobs that followed the words. {Shhh.} Xander soothed. {S'not your fault. You know that.} {Fucking bastards!} {Shhh.} Xander tried again. {Stop struggling Spike. Concentrate. I need you to come to me. Can you do that?} Xander felt what he thought was a deep sigh from his lover. {Yeah luv. I can do that. Give me a sec.} Outside Spike's body stilled. His eyes closed, and if anybody didn't know better they would have thought him an actual corpse. Inside Spike was taking deep calming mental breaths, concentrating his being on one image. Xander's goofy grin, chocolate eyes, and mop of brown hair. When Spike opened his eyes again, he was surrounded by darkness. He could feel Xander's presence and drifted unerringly toward him. {Hello Xan.} {Spike!} Xander grinned. The smile fading slightly with his next words. {I'm sorry I left you alone.} {No luv. Not alone, never alone.} Spike assured him. {You're always there with me, as long as the bond stays put.} {I'm glad you're here.} Xander pulled the vampire closer. {Me too luv.} And they wrapped themselves in each other's arms. They lay together in the void, content to be in each other's presence. *** Buffy, Willow, Giles, and Tara made their way toward the new Initiative base. The glamour had been cast and the four friends were armed to the teeth. Buffy and Giles with weapons, Tara and Willow with herbs and spells. Angel watched from the shadows, following the group from a distance. His game face had appeared the second Buffy had explained where Spike and Xander were being held. Fear for his Childe had forced a long debate over who would enter the complex. But unfortunately Angel had still lost. As they neared the complex, Buffy turned toward Giles and began to roar. She flung herself at him, being careful not to do any real damage. They began a loud and gregarious fight, with Willow and Tara watching on the sidelines. Soon they heard heavy footsteps and before any of them could react, the sting of tranquilizer darts hit each in turn. "Shit!" Angel muttered under his breath. They hadn't known exactly what to expect. If they would be walked into the complex, or not. Apparently the answer was going to be not. Angel checked the four small globes he carried in his pocket. Each glowed a different color. Each attuned to a similar globe on one of the four now being carried away. If he had to, he could track each one. He checked his watch. They had just under 90 minutes to return to the surface before Angel went in after them. He hoped the tranquilizers wore off soon. *** The older man watched as X2573's finger began the slow process of regeneration. It took well over an hour but the finger had been restored completely. His hands clapped together with finality. There was no other bonded pair with that strong a link. No other Claimant had adapted that high a healing rate. He'd also noted the moment the vampire had stilled all movement. He knew what that meant. This had to be the pair. He gathered his belongings. The spell book, the candles, the sand. He made his way down into the warehouse, toward the row of seats the two were strapped in. They were both still unconscious. All the better. He didn't need to go through any explanations now. They would know soon enough. Slowly he drew a circle around the vampire. He drew a pentagram within the circle, with the vampire directly in the center. He put a candle at each point, and then brought out the small bundle of herbs he had in his bag. In a copper bowl he set flame to the bundle. Then he stood and began to chant. *** The younger man watched with smug satisfaction. This would show the others. The man below him was obviously deranged. Believing in spells and incantations. Believing in vampires and boogie men. When nothing came of this so called spell, he would finally have some proof that could get the man thrown out. And what did they need him for anyway? What use was this fabled pair? They had an army of Claimants, what was one more or less? They had the manpower and the firepower they didn't need anything else. With that last thought he stood. Making his way down toward the warehouse level. *** Xander woke slowly. He looked around, noting that he was still in the void. He smiled and snuggled closer to Spike. He would happily stay here forever, as long as Spike was with him. {Morning luv.} {Morning Spike.} Their lips ghosted over one another. {We can't stay here forever Xan.} Xander pouted. {Why not?} {You don't belong here luv.} Spike's fingers caressed him as he spoke. {You don't belong in the dark.} {But I like it here.} {I know you do pet. But it's not for you. We'll get out. Don't worry.} Spike assured him. {You belong in the light. In the sun.} Spike gestured around at the empty blackness. {Don't want you to get lost.} {I won't.} Xander leaned into Spike's cool chest. {Not as long as you're here.} {Always.} Spike answered. And then they were both up, crouching low in defensive stances. The air crackled around them, and the darkness was consumed with a bright blue flame. Xander had only a moment to note that the flame's color matched exactly those of his lover's eyes. And then the flame was speeding toward them. The flame engulfed Spike, and with a loud scream Xander plunged forward into the licking heat. He crashed into Spike, tumbling them both to the ground. The flame dancing around them. The heat was intense but not unbearable, and Xander found that neither of them was being burned. He looked toward Spike, whose face bore a look of awe and no small amount of shame. Before Xander could ask what was happening, the flame abruptly disappeared and Spike's form collapsed in a small heap. *** Chapter 8 - Escape Buffy was the first to wake. Her eyes swept the small cell, glad to find that they had all been placed together. They had all been glamoured to look like grakash demons, hoping that the Initiative would imprison them if not in the same room, at least within sight of each other. She shook each of her companions awake, checking her watch as she went. They had only about 45 minutes left before Angel came in after them. Awakened, Tara and Willow made quick work of the locks on the cell door. Cautiously they all stepped out. Buffy hefting her axe and Giles carrying a small crossbow. Once free of the small room, Willow let forth a small incantation. A tiny spark of light appeared before her. "Find Xander." Her instructions were succinct. And the bright ball of energy flew off down the corridor, the four scoobies following in its wake. *** Xander woke screaming Spike's name as he struggled to break the bonds holding him in his chair. After Spike had collapsed, Xander watched in agony as his form slowly dissolved into the gloom. He knew that in all likelihood the mental form of his lover was dissolving because he was no longer conscious enough to focus his will. But all his mind saw was Spike disappearing into nothingness, as if he'd been dusted. He turned to his left to see Spike's inert form in the chair beside him. There was sand scattered all around them, and candles dripping wax on the floor. A few feet away sat a copper bowl that smelled of smoke and incense. "Spike?" Xander called to his mate, but there was no response. "Hello Alexander." The voice came from behind him, and sent shivers down Xander's spine. "I'm happy to see that you're awake once again. We have a lot to discuss." "What did you do to Spike?" Xander demanded. "That's one of the things we will be conversing about, but I think that one should wait until the vampire is also awake." The man spoke as he slowly made his way around the chair, stepping into Xander's view. "But I promise you, it's nothing bad. Not in and of itself, at least." "You!" Xander cried, finally able to put a face to the voice and not liking it one bit. "How do you expect me to trust you? You've been torturing me for hours, and now Spike's - !" Xander gestured wildly at his mate. "It wasn't meant to be torture." The man tried to explain. "It was a test - " "Like Buffy's test?" Xander was spitting venom with each word. "Yes, much like Miss Summers' test." The man shook his head. "We had to be sure. The prophecy - " "Fuck the prophecy!" Xander interrupted. "What the hell is it with you guys anyway? How would you like it if I cut off one of your damn fingers and said - 'oh well you see there's this prophecy…'?" Xander ranted. The man winced at Xander's verbal assault. "Well, there was no permanent damage, now was there?" He asked. Xander flexed his newly formed finger, realizing for the first time that it *had* grown back. Then his eyes narrowed and he stared at his captor once more. "That's not the point! The point is you didn't know it would grow back! The point is that cutting it off hurt like hell!" Xander was breathing heavily and his eyes were wide with anger. The man had the decency to at least look chagrined. "I am truly sorry that we had to do that. But it was the only way." Xander tried to calm himself. He still needed answers. "What do you need me for anyway? What prophecy are you talking about?" "It's not just you we need Alexander - " "Stop calling me that!" "I'm sorry, what would you prefer?" "I'd prefer it if you just let us the fuck go. But since you won't do that, at least call me Xander." The man nodded. "As I was saying. We need you both. You and the vampire." "He has a name." Xander answered heatedly through gritted teeth. The man nodded once more. "I'm sorry. We need both you and 'Spike'." Xander winced at the pronunciation the man gave his lover's name. It sounded as if it had left a bad taste in the older gentleman's mouth. "For what?" "To stop the Raven." "Stop the who?" "It is said that she will blanket the world in darkness - " But before the man could answer further a bright ball of light came zooming through the air, smacking Xander in the chest. And in the next heartbeat four grakash demons came careening around the corner. *** The young soldier was just stepping off the elevator intent on humiliating the civilian in charge when he saw the four hostiles making their way into the warehouse. Immediately his hand reached for his sidearm holster. At the same time his other hand went to the radio attached to his shoulder calling out a warning. Before he could take aim one of the hostiles stopped dead, holding up what looked like a small pouch. The thing raised its arms and threw the small bag at his feet, calling out words in a foreign language. As the bag hit the ground, smoke erupted and the soldier only had time for a short yelp before he was thrown off his feet smacking his head on the wall behind him, snapping his neck in the process. *** The room was in chaos. Shortly after the demons had appeared a small bubble manifested itself around Xander, Spike, and their captor. The demons were making short work of the remaining Initiative members in the room. Explosions sent several men bouncing at once, while the rest were being held in hand to hand combat with two of the larger demons. Xander felt no guilt in cheering on the demons. Between shouts of encouragement he would check on Spike, occasionally calling to his lover. But there was still no response from the undead body lying next to him. His concern was steadily increasing no matter what reassurances the other man offered. "Xander!" He turned quickly upon hearing his name. He was sure that was Buffy's voice, but he didn't see her anywhere. "Xander!" Buffy tried again. "Buffy??" Xander was sure he'd heard the demon calling his name. "Yeah. Wills put a spell on us so we could get into the compound." She explained in between punches. "She and Tara have a protection spell around you guys, until we get the rest of these guys taken care of." She was still fighting off the soldier in front of her, not really glancing in Xander's direction yet. "Buffy tell Wills she has to free the others. The vampires, and the Claimants." Xander insisted. "We can't just leave them here to be experimented on." "The who's and the what's?" "They forced other vampires to Claim 'volunteer' soldiers." Buffy heard the sneer in Xander's voice as he said the word 'volunteer'. "They were building an army, or testing for something, I'm not sure. Stupid prophecies!" "Prophecies?" The query came from the second demon who was now looming closer to the bubble of protection Xander was in. "I can explain that Rupert." The older gentleman turned to face the demon. Xander almost laughed at the sight of an 8 foot tall demon doing a double take, but he found he didn't have the energy for it. "Quentin?!" Giles exclaimed at his first sight of the man. "You!" Buffy had finished off the soldier she'd been battling, and now stood glaring angrily at the head of the Watcher's Council. "Now as I said, I can explain - " Quentin Travers began, but was never able to finish. The battle over, Willow and Tara brought the barrier down. And as the shiny bubble popped, Buffy strode forward and punched Travers squarely in the jaw. He went down in an unconscious heap. "We'll get the others." Willow and Tara stated in unison, while Buffy and Giles freed Spike and Xander. Giles slung Xander's arms around his shoulders, and Buffy lifted Spike into her arms. "Let's get the hell out of here." Buffy began a brisk pace toward the exit. "What about Quentin?" Giles asked, following as quickly as possible. "I'll take care of him." Angel's voice was ominous with anger as he appeared in the arch leading to the corridor they'd recently come through. "Do try not to kill him." Giles instructed. "We'd like to get a few more answers out of him." "Oh don't worry." Angel's smile made Giles' shiver. "I don't want him *dead*." Within minutes they were all walking out of the complex. Angel had a firm hold of Travers. Giles was assisting Xander, who had yet to take his eyes off the motionless vampire in Buffy's arms. And Tara and Willow were bringing up the rear. Behind them vampires and their mostly unconscious Claimants were streaming out of the now defunct building. *** Chapter 9 - Answers Xander lay next to a still unconscious Spike, worry marring his boyish features. Once they'd gotten back to Buffy's house he'd insisted that everything else could wait, he wanted to sit with Spike until he woke up. He didn't want the vampire to wake up alone, unsure of where he was. Xander had been whispering words of comfort and carding his fingers through Spike's hair ever since they'd lain him on Joyce's former bed. "Spike, please wake up." Xander pleaded. "We're safe now. The gang came and brought us back to Buffy's house. Even Angel's here." Xander's bottom lip began to tremble. "Pleeease Spike." Xander whispered in between placing soft kisses all over Spike's still face. Xander's tears began to fall at the silent answer his lover gave. Exhausted, Xander gradually fell asleep his tears falling silently on Spike's chest and his arms wrapped solidly around Spike's still frame. *** "Why have you aligned yourself with the Initiative? Was it a council decision or solely your own?" Giles question Travers. "As head of the Council, any decision I make IS a Council decision." Travers answered smoothly. Giles grimaced at that answer. Arrogant pillock. "Why the Initiative?" Giles repeated through gritted teeth. "They were the fastest means to achieving the goal." "And whether or not torture, pain, and death were part of the equation didn't bother you at all!" Angel growled at him. "As I told young Mr. Harris, I'm sorry - " Travers began, but was quickly interrupted. "You're sorry?! You're sorry?!" Buffy repeated. "You kidnapped one of my closest friends. You tortured him for over 48 hours!" Buffy's voice wavered with indignation at the attempted apology. "You've done *something* to Spike - " "That's just the spell. He'll be fine." Travers interrupted, trying to placate the group. "What spell?" Willow demanded. Travers' look darted over to Angel and then quickly away, but he continued to remain silent. "She asked you what spell." Angel repeated. Travers remained silent. Stepping forward, Angel began to growl softly. "Really Rupert, if I could just speak to you alone - " Travers tried. "I think we'd all like to hear your answer." Giles replied. Angel continued to step closer to the trapped Watcher. "But if you'd like to do this one on one, I'm sure Angel would be happy to oblige." "No! I - " The smile that Angel sported was enough to break any man. "Please! I'll explain everything, just give me a moment." "I think you're times already up." Buffy answered. "It's the Raven! The Raven Rupert!" Travers rushed to explain. "You can't be serious?" Giles answered. "Who's the Raven and what does he have to do with Xander and Spike?" Buffy asked, exasperated with all the non-answers they were getting. "The Raven is an ancient demon, very old and very powerful." Giles began. "Some believe she is related to the Roman Goddess Nox, the embodiment of night. Or merely another form of the self same goddess." "Okay, so some sort of demon god. Sounds bad." Buffy admitted. "But what does she have to do with Xander and Spike?" "There is a prophecy." Travers explained. Buffy rolled her eyes. "Of course there is." "The Raven wishes to blanket the world in darkness. To banish the sun, and create an eternal night." Travers expounded. "The prophecy states that she can only be stopped by the flame that ignites when two souls, one of light and one of dark, unite. It is only they that can banish her from the world and back into the nether planes." "And you think that the light and dark refer to a vampire and a consort?" Giles asked. Travers nodded. "We studied the prophecy and all related texts extensively. The only conclusion we could come to was that the bond referred to in all the descriptions was a Claimant bond." "Why did you have to torture them?" Willow asked, tears in her eyes at the pain that Xander and Spike must have gone through. "It wasn't meant to be torture. We just had to be sure that the bond was strong enough. We had to test them." Travers tried once again to explain his actions. "Yes, unfortunately we are all intimately aware of what exactly a test by the Council entails." Giles spat back at him. "Wait!" Willow suddenly stood up, her finger pointing at Travers intently. "You said the prophecy called for two souls to unite. But Spike doesn't have a soul!" Willow's statement sounded as if she wanted to end it with a heartfelt 'ha!' but refrained. "Yes, well - " Travers hedged. Angel's eyes widened with understanding. He restrained himself from lunging at the man, just barely. Turning to Giles he asked, "Are we done with him?" Giles too had understood the moment Willow's words had left her mouth. And he could definitely see why Angel was so eager. "Yes, I believe we are." "Good." Angel grabbed Travers by the collar of his shirt and pulled. "We'll be down in the basement if you need me." And then they were gone. "What just happened?" Buffy asked quietly. "The s-spell." Tara answered. "He gave Spike his soul." "So why is Angel so angry?" Willow asked. "I mean besides the torturing thing…" "Because, he had the spell all along." Buffy answered, understanding finally dawning. "If he needs the Claimant bond to stand, he couldn't have cursed Spike. He'd lose his soul the second he woke up with Xander. The spell he used must have restored his soul permanently." And then Buffy was gone. Her footsteps echoing down the basement stairs. *** Upstairs Spike woke with a start. He remembered the heat of the flame engulfing him. He could feel it burning inside him. He remembered the shame and the ecstasy all wrapped together. Squeezing him, choking him, until he couldn't take anymore. Until he finally surrendered to the blackness. Xander woke to the sound of Spike's whimpers. He sat up quickly, and wrapped his arms more firmly around his mate. "Shhh. It's okay Spike. We're safe now." Xander reassured him. "Xan?" Spike turned, burying his face in the crook of Xander's neck. "I'm here Spike." Xander carded his fingers through Spike's hair, occasionally turning to place light kisses on the crown of his head. "It burns." Spike whimpered. "What burns love?" Xander asked, wondering whether he should get Giles. Spike lifted his head, his eyes locking onto Xander's. His hand came forward and began rubbing his chest just above his heart. "The spark." He whispered. "My soul." Xander's hand darted out to catch the silent tear that fell from his lover's eye. *** Chapter 10 - Travers (NC-17) Quentin Travers could not remember the last time he'd lost his composure so completely. Angel stood before him, vampire face to the fore. He'd known that once Rupert's children discovered the intention of his spell, he would not be able to avoid this confrontation. But he had not fully believed that Rupert would allow the vampire such free reign with him. He looked about hoping for an escape but found none. "How long?" Angel asked his voice reverberated with anger. "How long what?" The watcher feigned ignorance. In a blink Angel had him thrown up against the wall, hanging by his shirt collar. "How long have you had that spell?" "It wasn't meant for you." Angel shook him hard. "That's not what I asked you." He growled and lowered his fangs to the man's neck. "Now how long?" Travers shivered as he felt Angel's fangs scrape across his skin. "Always." The word escaped in a fearful whisper. Angel roared and flung Travers across the room. He hit the far wall with a thud and collapsed in a heap on the floor. *** Xander held Spike to his chest, trying to calm the shuddering vampire. He'd never seen his lover so affected by anything before and it was beginning to scare him. "Spike?" Xander continued to run soothing circles over Spike's back. "I don't know how to help you." Xander sniffled. "What do you want me to do?" The vampire said nothing, only snuggled closer to his mate nuzzling Xander's neck. "Is that what you need?" Xander whispered. Xander pushed Spike gently away, until their eyes met. He leaned in and gave Spike a chaste kiss on the lips, before turning to bare his neck. Spike's tongue peeked out to lick at the puncture wound still visible from his original Claim. Xander moaned and pushed forward, silently begging for his fangs. Spike slid into game face sinking his fangs in to the mark he'd been laving with his tongue. Hot, sweet warmth filled his mouth and he sucked greedily. Xander was writhing below him, his erection grinding hard against Spike's hip. Spike's own hard-on was straining the zipper of his jeans, so he reached down to unfasten them. Spike took one last swallow of the sweet elixir that was his mate, before he pulled back and brought forth his human visage. Xander's eyes were closed and he was breathing shallowly, his face flushed with arousal. Spike brought their lips together, his tongue snaking out to dance in Xander's mouth. Xander's arms came up to circle around Spike's torso. He pulled the vampire roughly to him, wanting their whole bodies to be in contact. His hands wandered until they reached his waist, pulling the shirt he wore up until they had to separate briefly to free it completely. In the same process, Spike pushed his jeans down so that he was now completely nude. Xander had lain down with just his boxers on when they'd brought Spike into Joyce's room. So he stood quickly and divested himself of the cotton barrier. They both pounced back onto the bed, grabbing at each other hungrily. Xander found himself on his back, his legs raised so that his knees were practically behind his head. He could feel Spike's cool finger probing at his opening and he groaned, pushing back against it. They were both too aroused to wait much longer, so Spike quickly prepared him. Lubing his fingers and sliding first one, then two into Xander's channel. He scissored them a few times, waiting for Xan's muscles to relax before he pulled out. The head of Spike's cock was pushing against him. Xander could feel drips of precum oozing down his crack. He grunted when the bulbous head pushed through, his hands coming around to grasp Spike's hips and pull him closer. Spike knew that Xander could have used some more preparation. The snug channel was tight around his cock, making him slow his assault just a bit. Xander loved the burning feel of being stretched by Spike, and only wanted more so he pulled roughly causing the vampire to slide balls deep into his ass. They both groaned incoherently; eyes shut tight against the feeling of being together. Soon Spike couldn't hold off any longer and he began to move in and out. His pace slow and languid at first. But Xander's urgings spurred him, the feel of his lover's hands squeezing his cheeks tight with each down thrust too much to bear. He sped up, thrusting fast and hard. The headboard bounced loudly against the wall, their grunts quick and harsh could be heard down the hall. Spike leaned in to kiss Xander. His mouth wandering until Xander could feel the cool tip of his tongue tracing the now healed puncture wounds he'd just bitten. The feeling of Spike's tongue coupled with his cool hand surrounding Xander's cock made his balls tighten and draw up. He was so close, and he wanted Spike to find release with him. So he did the one thing he knew the vampire could never resist. Xander bit down hard, drawing blood and sucking the droplets in then licking at the tiny wound he'd made. Spike roared and spilled his seed. His cock pulsating, massaging Xander from the inside. The second Spike roared his release, Xander felt himself go over the edge. His sticky cum splattering between them, coating his lover's hand and both their exposed chests. When he opened his eyes, Spike was looking at him with love and sweet clarity. Xander almost wept at the look, knowing that everything would be okay. *** Travers woke slowly. He tried to stand and found it impossible. He opened his eyes fully and looked around. He was tied to a chair, his captor sitting only a few feet away on an old cot by the wall. His heart raced at the look of evil on Angel's human features. Just then the door banged open and footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Travers looked up eagerly, "Miss Summers, thank god! Please get me out of here." Buffy ignored him. She walked over and sat down by Angel's side, her hand coming out to cover his own. "You okay?" He gave her a brief smile and a nod. "How are Spike and Xander?" "Well, from the sounds of it…Spike's awake." She smiled at him blushing slightly. "Miss Summers please!" Travers tried to get her attention once more. Buffy's head whipped around. "Shut up! You don't get to talk." She snapped at him. Buffy turned back to find Angel staring intently at the head of the Watcher's Council. "Maybe you should go back upstairs. You may not want to be here for this." Angel warned her. "No way! I want in on the fun." Buffy answered firmly. Her own eyes tracking toward the now shivering man tied just a few feet away from them. They stood as one, walking slowly toward the man. Travers screamed. "Help!!" "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Buffy asked, just before they reached him. Travers just continued to scream. *** Xander and Spike descended the stairs. They could hear faint whimpering and the sound of flesh striking flesh. Spike's nostrils flared at the smell of blood in the air. The sight that greeted Spike was heavenly. The wanker that had kidnapped his mate was tied to a chair, while the Slayer and his Sire took turns striking him. It was obvious that during the course of their little game, they'd used more than just their fists. "Well, well. Can we get in on the fun?" Spike asked. Angel looked up, the expression on his face softening. "Spike. Xander. How are you feeling?" "All right for having been kidnapped and tortured for a couple of days, I guess." Xander shrugged. Then his gaze rose to meet Angel's. "Thanks for coming deadboy." Angel only nodded. "The wanker gave me my soul back." Spike hissed out, staring daggers at the semi conscious man. "We know." Buffy replied, her gaze going back and forth from Angel to Spike. "It's permanent. He's had it all along." "Bloody fuck!" Spike cursed. "What he said." Xander pointed at Spike. He knew what this meant for Angel and Buffy. What it could have meant so many years ago. He shook his head. All that pain, for no reason. "Did you guys find out more about this prophecy he was talking about?" Xander asked. "Yeah, he explained most of it upstairs. Giles and Willow are looking into it now." Buffy answered. "So we were just killing some time." Her eyes traveled back to the Watcher. "Mind if we join you?" Xander asked, although Spike had already approached Travers. Spike punched Travers in the face, hard. "That was for taking my mate." He grinned in satisfaction. "Oh yeah, ta very much for taking care of the chip for me." Spike continued to whale on Travers while Xander watched. He reveled in his new chipless state. Turning to regard Xan, he asked "Want to get some of your own back luv?" Xander stepped forward. A determined look graced his face. "Just want one thing." "Can't kill him Xan." Buffy piped up. "Giles needs him alive." "Oh I don't want to kill him." Xander said calmly. Reaching down to grab hold of the small dagger sitting on the table beside the chair. His other hand came forward to grab Travers' left pinky, pulling it apart from the rest. "Oh well, you see there's this prophecy…" The screams could be heard all the way upstairs. *** Chapter 11 - Portents Willow sat pecking away at the keyboard of her laptop. So far they had found very little regarding the Raven, but Giles was checking on a few other leads with contacts back in England. He'd also found out that Quentin had not bothered to consult the rest of the Council on any of his recent decisions. Giles had grimaced in obvious distaste as he told Willow the story. The one good thing was that once apprised of the situation, the Council had not been happy. They had dispatched a group of Watchers to 'escort' Quentin back to headquarters. Willow sighed and leaned back in her chair. She rubbed her tired eyes, and then let her gaze sweep the room. Her eyes stopped to rest on the basement door, wondering what was happening down below. The screams had stopped several hours ago, but none of the scoobies had returned upstairs. Part of her was shocked at the idea that any of her friends could cause that kind of pain. From the sounds of Quentin's screams, it was more than just a punch in the gut. But then she thought about what had happened to Xander while he'd been gone. She'd only had a brief conversation with him, but what little she learned caused her to shudder in sympathy. She returned her gaze to the screen when she heard the familiar beep that accompanied the results of a search. She had already found several references to the prophecy but nothing that they hadn't already learned from Travers. Her eyes narrowed as she clicked on the first link. "Giles!" Willow called out to the Watcher, waiting for him to return to the dining room. When Giles entered from the kitchen, she gestured for him to look at the screen. "I think I found something." "Good lord." Giles whispered softly. "What is it Giles?" "It seems as if it's already begun." Giles murmured. Pointing to the screen he explained, "The portents described here have already been set in motion. The increased volcanic activity - there have been three times as many eruptions within the last two months than there have been within the last two years." "And the meteor shower. Don't you remember the reports last month? There was an unscheduled meteor shower June 10th. It did not coincide with any currently known comet trajectory." "If this contraption is correct, we don't have much time; 3 weeks, a month maybe." Giles swiped the glasses off his nose, pulling out his handkerchief and rubbing vigorously. "Call the others up, will you? I'll make some tea." And he disappeared back into the kitchen. Willow's heart was racing. What did this mean for Xander and Spike? They were a part of the prophecy weren't they? Her brow scrunched in worry as she thought of all that Xander had already been through. Willow opened the basement door and called down. She did not want to enter the room, afraid of what she might encounter. She was relieved to hear her friends' footsteps on the stairs below. They assembled themselves in the living room; Spike and Xander taking the couch, Buffy sitting cross-legged in front of Angel who took the armchair. Willow and Tara seated themselves on the floor in front of the coffee table. They all waited as Giles brought the tea service in, offering hot mugs to each of his charges. Xander waited until all the snacks and refreshments were distributed before he asked, "So what'd ya find G-man?" Giles took a deep breath before beginning. "I'm afraid it looks as if the prophecy is quite valid. I've spoken with several of my colleagues in England and they all agreed. Most of them were on the research committee that had gathered the initial information." He offered as proof of legitimacy. "Willow was also able to recover some more information through that contraption of hers." He gestured toward the now idle laptop. "The signs that are described as a sort of countdown to the Raven's arrival have already begun. We don't have much time left to counter her plans. Less than a month I'd say." Giles was too busy cleaning his glasses to notice the furtive glances the scoobies were trading. "The Council was able to retrieve some vital information regarding the Flame and it's uses against the Raven." "The 'Flame'?" Xander put air quotes around the word. "Is it like a weapon or something?" "Very good Xander. That is precisely what it is." Giles answered. "The Flame is an ancient sword. Legend states that it was forged by Hephaestus himself. It is the only weapon that can kill the Raven." "So where do we get the bloody thing?" Spike asked, impatient. "According to the ancient texts the Council consulted, the souls of dark and light must work together to retrieve the sword. It is housed in an annex to the Hall of the Mountain King." "The Hall of the M-mountain King?" Tara repeated. "I thought that was j-just a myth." "It's real enough." Spike answered a note of bitterness in his voice. "You telling me that we have to face the three challenges?" "I'm afraid so." Giles replied. Xander looked at his lover with curiosity. "Three challenges? Like the kind they have to do to get to the magician in those Xanth books?" "Yeah, you silly sod." Spike couldn't help the grin that lit his face as he boxed Xander's ears in affection. But the grin faded as the conversation continued. "'Cept if we fail we forfeit our lives, not just our chance to ask a soddin' question." "Oh." Xander's face remained neutral but Spike could feel his heartbeat pickup and his breathing lengthen. The vampire reached around to wrap his arms around the slightly panicked man beside him. "Don't worry Xan, I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered in his mate's ear, nuzzling his neck in reassurance. When Xander had calmed a bit, Spike looked back up toward the Watcher. "I'll go alone." "No!" Xander asserted just as Giles answered with a, "That is quite impossible." "Why the bloody hell not?" "Because the prophecy states that the challenges cannot be passed without *both* your participation." "Besides, I won't let you go without me!" Xander insisted. "I'll be all right. I just needed a minute to let it sink in." "Fuck!" Spike let out a frustrated growl. Would there ever be a time when he would be able to keep Xander out of harm's way? He looked over at the determined face of the man in question, and sighed. Not bloody likely. "Fine." Spike answered resignedly. "When do we leave?" *** Chapter 12 - First Challenge (NC-17) *Warning - implied child physical and sexual abuse. Spike had been grumbling the entire time. Xander just ignored it, knowing that at least Spike did have something to complain about. The trip had not been easy for him, having to be boxed up in a coffin to avoid the sunlight until the plane had landed. But now they'd finally arrived, a bit jet lagged but intact. They'd spent last night in a decent hotel and gotten some much needed rest, and now stood just outside the mouth of the cave. This was it. Giles hadn't been able to give them too many specifics, just that they were to go through three separate challenges. And in order to get to the room that housed the Flame, they would need to master each one. But he had no knowledge of what the challenges might consist of. Spike had a bit more information. It seemed that the reason that none of the challenges had been recorded was because they were never the same. The cave was magically enhanced to issue challenges based on each individual's, or team's in this case, strengths and weaknesses. The challenges were never designed to be completely unsolvable, just extremely difficult. There was more than just the Flame residing in that cave; there were several other treasures. And the Mountain King was happy to part with any of them, as long as they went to worthy warriors. Xander stared at the open mouth of the cave. It didn't look like anything special; certainly not a place in which he could lose his life. But apparently that was a forfeit. If the tasks could not be completed successfully, one or both of them would become a permanent resident. 'Or not so resident', Xander thought. He turned toward Spike and tentatively broached entering the cave. "Ready?" The vampire growled in return, not wanting to begin an adventure in which he would again be putting his lover in harm's way. "Do I have a bleedin' choice?" Xander walked over to Spike, taking both of his cool hands in his own warm and callused ones. He rubbed his thumbs over Spike's knuckles, bending slightly forward to place a chaste kiss on Spike's lips. "Don't." Another kiss. "Nothing's going to happen in there." A kiss and a lick of the tongue. "We're going to go in, get the flame thrower thingie, and get out." Xander placed his forehead against Spike's, forcing their gazes to meet. "'S not a flame thrower. It's a sword, you git," Spike admonished with a bittersweet smile, and a soft chuckle. "Whatever." Xander rubbed his forehead gently against his lover's. After a moment they broke apart, but Spike refused to let go completely. Keeping Xander's left hand clasped in one of his own. "Okay, let's go." They entered the first chamber side by side. Directly in front of them stood a small wooden sign with the word "Instructions" etched at the top. "Well nice of 'im to give us directions," Spike mused sarcastically, before reading on. The instructions were fairly straightforward; no details, just the warning that two of the challenges would be psychological, while the third would be physical. And that any attempts to move forward once a competitor had tried and failed any of the challenges would result in the forfeit of his life. The two men looked at each other for a moment. Without another word they moved forward to the next chamber, hands still clasped together. Spike's thumb rubbing absently over the back of Xander's hand, trying to relieve some of the boy's tension. The second they walked through the archway, Xander's whole body froze. His eyes dilated, and his heart rate kicked up. Before Spike could question him, they were wrenched apart. And only then was Spike able to discern the contents of the room. His unneeded breath caught in his throat when he recognized the living room of his mate's former home. What the fuck? At the loss of Spike's hand, Xander's mind was thrown back into another time, another reality. His breathing became erratic as his eyes swept the room. He remembered. Every detail. The sunlight filtering through the raggedy curtains over the west window. The dust motes flying through the air as he threw open the screen door and pushed through the front entrance. The shout as he stumbled on his own clumsy eleven year old feet. The sound of shattering glass as the lamp by the door fell in slow motion to the ground. Xander whimpered, falling to his knees and raising his hands above his head. He shut his eyes tight and bit down hard on his bottom lip. Drawing the blood out and sucking it down his throat, he focused on the coppery taste, rather than the pain from the strike he knew was coming. Spike was cursing and beating against an invisible wall. He could see Xander cowering by the door, a man walking toward him with rage on his face. He shouted to his lover, but Xander was beyond hearing him at the moment. Spike cursed and spit, trying to get past the invisible barrier, but had no luck. He knew this scene. Knew the man to be Xander's father. Knew what was coming next. And he was powerless to stop it. Xander could feel his father's presence looming closer. And he waited. At the first blow, Xander went careening to the left. His cheek landing on a piece of broken glass. Shards of broken bulb cutting into his hands as he pushed himself back off the ground. He could feel the small stings of pain and the drip, drip of his own blood. He knew the coppery taste in his mouth was from more than the small nibble he'd had at his lip earlier. "I'm sorry sir," he whispered raggedly. Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth as he spoke. Staring at the ground, refusing to meet his father's gaze. "I didn't mean to -" Xander's face whipped to the side with the second slap. "You never mean to, you worthless piece of shit!" He knew the words by heart, but they made him cringe nonetheless. Unbidden tears came to his eyes, and he felt them leak onto well worn tracks on his face. "Crying now? You pansy ass!" His father grabbed him by the collar and threw him roughly onto the old sofa. A spring poke him in the stomach. "You're such a goddamn faggot!" "No!" Spike cried out. "Xan!!" Why wasn't he fighting back? Why was he just taking this shit? Spike could see the wet tears on Xander's face and knew that his boy had given up. That he would let this monster do whatever he wanted and that Xander would just lie there and take it. And Spike's unbeating heart broke into tiny pieces at the thought. Xander would just lie there and take it, because that's what Xander had *always* done. "No!" Xander felt numb. He acknowledged the spring in his stomach, but the rest of his body felt like a ragged puppet doll. He couldn’t move himself. Even though his mind screamed for him to run. To get away. To stop his father from doing what he knew was about to happen. He could hear his father slipping the belt from his pants as he walked toward the couch. The words he muttered were dark and familiar. Xander's body quivered in fear, but made no other move. When his father's hand landed on his backside, Xander yelped. Not from pain, or fear, but despair. It would happen again. And there was nothing he could do about it. He was just a boy. He couldn't defy his father. He felt the cool air hit his skin as his father slipped his jeans down, along with his Spiderman underwear. The tears came faster, and were accompanied by shallow gulps of air that made Xander nauseous. The foul smell of alcohol that permeated the room, and most especially his father's clothing, filling his lungs. Spike had exhausted himself trying to break down the walls of his prison, but so far nothing. He couldn't reach Xander physically and it made Spike ill. He wracked his brain, trying to figure a way out. A way to help Xander. He began to shout as loud as he could, hoping to reach his lover. But Xander made no move to acknowledge he'd heard a word. Then suddenly Spike was howling at his own stupidity. He dropped to the ground, folding himself into a comfortable lotus position. He steadied himself and forced a mental countdown, until he'd regained control. And then he reached through the bond. {Xander, luv!} {Wha?} {Luv!} {S-spike?} Xander's mind was in chaos. How could Spike be here? Spike hadn't known him then. Spike hadn't been there to see his father - {No, luv! You're not there. It's the challenge, remember? The bloody fucking challenge!} {Challenge?} {Fight back Xan, please.} Spike urged him, trying to keep a thin veil of control over his own rage. {You're not a boy anymore! You're a man. More than that, you're my mate.} {Your mate?} Xander felt comfort in the word. In the thought that he was someone's. That someone thought him worth enough to brand him as such. {Yes, luv. Remember?} Spike was nearly in tears himself. {You're mine. I'm yours. Don't let that fucking bastard touch you!} Spike screamed at him. And then the tears did come. Tears of relief as Spike watched his mate launch himself off that fucking ratty couch. He watched in glee as Xander threw the first punch, sending his father's clumsy form reeling toward the door. Then Xander was on top of the man shouting, sobbing, and punching. Then Spike was at his side, the barrier having disappeared once Xander's father had lost consciousness. And the moment his hand landed on Xander's shoulder the room shimmered and changed. Now they sat on the floor of an empty cave, Xander's old living room gone along with the bastard that had been about to rape him. Xander was still dressed in the same jeans and t-shirt he'd walked in with. Spike took Xan into his arms and rocked him until the sobs tapered off. "God, Spike! I never wanted you to see…to know - " Xander's sentence went unfinished, his head resting still in the crook of Spike's neck. "Shhh, Xan. No worries, yeah?" Spike rubbed a soothing hand up and down Xander's arm. "Doesn't matter now. The bastard's gone." And when he got back to Sunnydale he'd make sure that Xan never had to worry about that bastard of a father ever again. "No, Spike." Xander's hand came up to caress Spike's cheek. "I don't worry about him anymore. I know you'd never let anything like that happen to me again." Spike cringed at his own lack of finesse. He should have known Xander could easily pick up on his thoughts with the bond still open and their emotions so high. It warmed him to know that Xan trusted him to protect him. But his own bruised pride wouldn't allow him to discount how easily he'd allowed Xander to be taken only days earlier. "Stop it!" Xander admonished. "You didn't let anything happen to me. You got me out then. And you got me out just now." Xander gestured across the now empty room. "I couldn't have gotten through that without you." Xander pushed himself off Spike, just enough to turn around. Enough to raise his head and his lips, to Spike's own. They kissed softly, reassuringly, until Xander's relief caught up with him. The near miss of another horrific childhood episode had Xander's adrenaline still pumping, and the kiss turned from comforting and sweet to hot and hungry. Spike moaned at the change in his boy, his cock hardening instantly. Xander moved, spreading Spike's thighs and positioning himself so that he was lying across his lover's lanky form. Their cocks rubbed against each other through the rough denim, causing them both to thrust and moan. Xander wanted nothing more than to press their groins together and grind their cocks hard until they both came. But he resisted the urge. They had two more challenges to go through, and even he wasn't far gone enough to want to go through them with sticky jeans. Instead he reached down and unzipped first Spike, and then himself. Standing again he pulled off his own jeans, giving Spike a hand up to do the same. They were standing now, both in nothing but the shirts they'd thrown on that morning. Before Spike could make another move, Xander was back down on his knees, his hot mouth taking in Spike's cool length. "Oh fuck!" Spike's knees threatened to buckle, but he regained control just in time. His hands shot forward to thread through Xan's thick hair, and his hips began to thrust forward, fucking Xan's mouth with zeal. "So hot, luv!" He could never get enough of the furnace that was Xan's body. No matter how they touched, Xan was always hot and the contrast to his own cool skin was amazingly sensual. "Hmmmm." Xander hummed appreciatively, knowing what the vibrations did to his lover. He was rewarded when Spike cried out and spurted salty cum down his throat. Pulling his mouth off the softening member, Xander licked then smacked his lips outrageously. "Mmmmm. Salty goodness." He rubbed his stomach in an exaggerated manner. "Get up here, you cheeky git!" Spike hauled him to his feet, clamping his lips down on Xander's. Their tongues dueled for a moment, until Xander lost himself to the feel of Spike's claim on him. And when Spike's hand wrapped around the engorged head of his cock and squeezed, Xander nearly shot right then. Instead he groaned and allowed his eyes to roll back into his head, his hips bucking of their own accord. He kept his eyes shut tight as Spike made his way down Xander's body, lifting his t-shirt to allow access to his already peaked nipples. His lips ghosted over Xan's skin, stopping to lave and nibble at Xander's sensitive nubs. All the while stroking and squeezing Xander's leaking cock. Finally he reached Xander's crotch; still squeezing with a free hand he brought his lips forward and then snaked his tongue out to lick just the tip. "Ungh." Xander grunted. Then he took pity on his lover, and engulfed the rest of his cock until his nose was buried in Xander's curls. He swallowed once, twice. And then sucked hard while he bobbed his head up and down the shaft. "Spike!" Xander cried out, almost crushing his skull with his callused carpenter's hands. And then Xander was coming, the rush of fluid making Spike swallow involuntarily, which only prolonged Xander's orgasm. Finally, both men sated, they lay together on the ground, wrapped in each other's arms. "Thanks. I needed that," Xander whispered softly. "I know, luv." Spike's hand came up to card through Xan's hair. "Rest for a mo'. We'll be heading out soon for the next challenge." "'Kay," Xander answered before drifting off for a few precious moments of sleep. Spike stopped to kiss him just on the crown of his head before continuing the soothing scalp massage. *** Chapter 13 - Second Challenge They held hands as they entered the second chamber. Trying to discern what the next challenge would be, they had stopped at the threshold and peeked in. The room was empty, just another cavern, so they did the only thing they could. They stepped through the archway. The moment they had stepped over the threshold the chamber was filled with noise, and Xander was abruptly yanked away from Spike and flung across the room. Brushing dirt off his pants, Xander stood up to take stock of the situation. His brow furrowed as he realized that they'd somehow stepped into a party. Although it was a pretty stuffy party from what he could tell, more like a Giles party, or what he pictured a Giles party would be like, anyway. There was what sounded like elevator music playing, and the people around him all looked like they'd been left behind a century. Everyone was laughing, talking, and drinking out of little tiny glasses. Xander tried to peer around the people milling in the room to find Spike, but he couldn't see the bleached blond anywhere. Laughter echoed around him as he wove his way through the crowd. "Cecily!" Xander's head whipped around at the sound of that name. Cecily? Spike's Cecily? He turned this way and that until he caught sight of a girl surrounded by several besotted men. Fuck! This was Spike's challenge? To relive that awful night? And there, lost in the group of admirers, was Spike. Xander's hard expression softened at the look on his lover's face. It was a mix of awkward shyness and longing. It was the longing that made Xander's own heart ache. What was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to help? *** Even as he gazed at Cecily adoringly, Spike cringed inside. He knew this was a challenge, he knew it wasn't real. But it felt real. He knew what was coming. He had already tried to change the course of events. He'd tried to walk away, to speak up, and to throw out that bloody awful poem! But each time he'd attempted a change, a difference, he hadn't been able to follow through. He knew Xander was here somewhere. The second they'd been separated as the party had appeared Spike had tried to find him, but to no avail. All he saw were the same party-goers that had been there a century before. He cursed inwardly while smiling and answering each question with the proper response. The slim piece of paper was ripped from his hand. He made a grab for it, but of course was unable to reach it. "Careful. The inks are still wet. Please, it's not finished." Spike found himself repeating the same lines he'd used that night. To his horror he could already feel the tears begin to burn his eyes. His gaze flitted over the crowd, landing on Cecily, whose own expression was one of shame and embarrassment. "P-p l e a s e." The word was stilted and stuttered in a whisper. The one word he'd been able to say so far that had not followed the script exactly. It was a broken plea, not for the release of the ill-fated poem, but for an end to this nightmarish rerun of his life. Thoughts of Xander skittered through his brain. Where was he? Maybe he wouldn't come. Maybe this wasn't a challenge. Maybe something had happened and this was Spike's own little version of hell. In the seconds he had before the poetry reading, Spike flashed back to the actual night in question. The night he died. The night he was reborn into his unlife. If he hadn't been humiliated and heartbroken, would he have ended up here? Would he have ended up with Xander? It was possible that Drusilla would have found him no matter whether he had attended that party or not. He'd never know. The highbrow Englishman's voice broke into his reverie. "Don't be shy. My heart expands/'tis grown a bulge in it/inspired by your beauty, effulgent. Effulgent?" Spike felt his face twisting in hurt and a bit of anger as Cecily turned to run away and the others laughed and mocked him. Even as his gut churned and the ache intensified he went after her. He had no choice. *** Xander watched as Spike took off after Cecily. The expression on his lover's face was more than enough to put his feet in motion. He followed as quickly as he could, calling out to Spike both mentally and verbally but receiving no answer. He knew this scene, and his heart hurt for Spike already. He knew what the burn of rejection felt like, and he knew that this was a pain in Spike's life that he'd never been able to shed. A pain that had followed him through the years and shaped him into the man he was today. Xander quickened his steps while he tried to figure out a way to free Spike from this challenge. Somehow Xander knew that he only had to reach Spike, to let him know he was there and that Spike wasn't alone, for the challenge to end. But he was at a loss as to how to do that, since he had been calling to him constantly with no results. {Spike!} Xander mentally shouted through the link. {I'm here. I love you.} He repeated over and over. *** Something tickled in the back of William's head but he shrugged it off. Cecily had retreated to a small corner of the parlor and he wanted to go to her. To apologize and make things right between them. In a far off haze William thought he was supposed to be remembering something. An image of a dark haired, brown eyed man flashed before him but was quickly lost. "Cecily?" He smiled at her reassuringly. "Oh. Leave me alone." William's smile faltered briefly, but he took a seat anyway and gestured toward the crowd. "Oh, they're vulgarians. They're not like you and I." "You and I? I'm going to ask you a very personal question and I demand an honest answer. Do you understand?" William nodded at her, trying to show her with his eyes that he'd give her anything he could. "Your poetry, it's... they're... not written about me, are they?" "They're about how I feel," William answered shyly. "Yes, but are they about me?" "Every syllable." Now was the time to be bold, to let her know of his true feelings for her. "Oh, God!" "Oh, I know... it's sudden and... please, if they're no good, they're only words but... the feeling behind them... I love you, Cecily." "Please stop!" He had to make her see, make her understand. "I know I'm a bad poet, but I'm a good man and all I ask is that... that you try to see me." "I do see you. That's the problem. You're nothing to me, William. You're beneath me." William sat in stunned silence. He'd always known that she was more than he'd ever hope to attain, but to be told so…callously…hurt. Hurt beyond measure. He stared up into the throng of people, feeling lost and rejected. He was an outsider here, had always been. They tolerated him only because his mother still retained some of her wealth. He was part of society whether they wanted him or not. So he was invited to the parties and the balls. But he was never truly accepted. He'd thought…he'd hoped…but even now that spark had been doused. He stood abruptly and pushed his way through the crowd toward the exit, wiping at the tears that streaked his face. *** Xander tried to stop him by grabbing the arm closest to him but Spike shrugged him off and continued toward the exit. Xander winced when he realized what was coming next. He'd have to find the alley, get there and try to reach through the illusion somehow. *** William turned swiftly at the sound of someone entering the alleyway. The voice that drifted towards him felt tranquil and mesmerizing. "And I wonder... what possible catastrophe came crashing down from heaven and brought this dashing stranger to tears?" "Nothing. I wish to be alone." "Oh, I see you. A man surrounded by fools who cannot see his strength, his vision, his glory. That and burning baby fish swimming all around your head." She was obviously mad. Burning baby fish? What was she on about? "That's quite close enough. I've heard tales of London pickpockets. You'll not be getting my purse, I tell you." "Don't need a purse." She paused a moment to rake his body with her eyes. "Your wealth lies here... and here. In the spirit and... imagination." As she spoke she touched his heart and head in succession. Each place she touched tingled and burned. "You walk in worlds the others can't begin to imagine." "Oh, yes! I mean, no. I mean... mother's expecting me." What was she doing to him? His breathing became fast and shallow, his thoughts scattering to the winds. "I see what you want. Something glowing and glistening. Something..." The woman was waving her hands in the air as if she could pull her meaning from it. "Effulgent?" A new voice joined the clatter in William's mind and he turned to see a young man at the mouth of the alley. Xander's belly had twisted watching his lover and Drusilla together. He knew this scene as well. And he both loved and hated Drusilla for what she had done to Spike. He had no idea why Spike could suddenly hear him, but he was going to take full advantage. William flashed briefly back to the image that had come upon him earlier. This was the young man he'd seen. The young man he'd been trying to remember. Drusilla turned to hiss at him, but Xander ignored her and focused on Spike. "Spike?" He took a few steps closer. "It's Xander. This is just a challenge. I'm here. You're not alone. This isn't real." He could see slow sparks of recognition ignite in his lover's eyes, so he continued. "You don't need her," he gestured to the vampiress, "or them." His hands flew backward to indicate the party they'd just left. "You're not *beneath* anyone. You're brave and wonderful and intelligent and courageous. And I love you for all that and more." He'd reached his goal now. Only inches away from Spike, Xander reached out to cup the vampire's cheek with a warm palm. "I love you," he repeated quietly, just before leaning in and bringing their lips together. The kiss was slow and chaste, their lips barely brushing. But Xander felt the heat as always and hoped that his lover felt it as well. When they pulled apart Xander opened his eyes to stare into the ice blue depths of Spike's. "Xan?" The one word query sent Xander's heart soaring. "Yes," was his simple reply, and then they were kissing again. When they broke apart they were once more in an empty cavern. Instead of pulling out of the embrace, Spike snuggled closer, pressing his forehead against Xander's and breathing in his mate's scent. "Thank you, luv." "Anytime." They stood together for long moments. Eventually, Xander sighed and stepped away. He didn't relinquish Spike's hand though, wanting to keep physical contact for as long as possible. He tugged on said hand, moving them both toward the next chamber. "Come on," Xander urged. "Let's get this over with. I want to go home." They stepped through the archway into the final challenge, once more holding hands. *** Chapter 14 - Final Challenge For once, the room didn't undergo any surprise changes once they'd entered it. The cavern was large and seemingly empty. Xander wondered what their challenge was supposed to be. From the plaque they'd read at the beginning of this crazy whirly-gig of fun, he knew it had to be some type of physical challenge. At least his psyche would get a break for a while. When the explosion went off it caught them both by surprise. Xander and Spike were flung to separate sides of the room, losing mental contact with each other almost immediately. Xander was blinded for several moments before his eyes re-adjusted and he began looking around for Spike. Xander wasn't particularly surprised when he discovered a clear glass wall across the middle of the room, separating Spike and himself. He sighed. He glanced around the room trying to determine if anything else had changed. What was the challenge supposed to be? Was he supposed to get to Spike? Or was there something else he was supposed to be focusing on? So far, the only thing Xander could see besides the glass partition was Spike. The vampire didn't appear to be able to see him, despite Xander waving his arms frantically in a bid to gain Spike's attention. It was almost as if he were looking through one of those police one way mirror things. He could see Spike, but Spike couldn't see him. And the bond they shared through the Claim was being blocked. On the other side of the wall, Spike was desperately trying to find a way through the barrier that had been erected between Xander and himself. Xander could see Spike's struggles and his frustration with the impenetrable barrier. Then a sudden movement from the corner of the room caught Xander's eye, and he watched in horror as a section of the wall slid open to reveal a large, rather scaly, demon. Xander was at the barrier in an instant, banging against it, trying to get Spike's attention. His lover needed to turn around before it was too late, but Spike didn't seem to hear any of his attempts. Xander's heart was beating so hard he was afraid it was going to burst out of his chest. His relief was palpable when at the last moment the demon cried out before lunging for Spike. The battle cry alerted the vampire enough to maneuver out of the way, and then the fight was on. Xander felt useless as he watched the scene from beyond the glass wall. This was worse than all those times he'd sat at the Scooby meetings and realized that he was the only one in attendance without anything special to contribute. He had to stand and watch while his lover fought for his life, doing nothing but hoping that Spike wouldn't need him. Spike seemed to be holding his own without a problem, although he was constantly looking around the room. Probably for a weapon to finally incapacitate his opponent. Then a bright light appeared in front of Xander, forcing him to take a step back from the wall. In front of him a picture of two weapons appeared. To his right was a large troll axe, to his left was a long, machete-like sword. What was this? Were they allowing him to pick a weapon for Spike? What would happen once he chose one? Would the other demon get a weapon as well? Xander didn't want to do anything that might hurt Spike, but he also didn't want to pass up the chance to help him. Realizing that the troll axe would probably be too cumbersome for this particular fight, he lightly touched the image of the sword. Both pictures dissolved, and as he watched a real sword materialized within the chamber. He wanted to yell and point and get Spike's attention but it would do no good. So he waited. Finally Spike spotted the new addition to the room and dove for it. Within minutes the demon was decapitated, and the sword and body dissolved back into nothingness. Xander was beginning to relax again, when another section of the cavern wall slid open. This time there were two demons. Neither were quite as large as the last, but they looked just as ferocious. They had long, writhing tentacles and faces that looked as if they'd been smashed flat. Xander suddenly remembered seeing them in one of Giles' books. He couldn't remember their name, of course, but he did at least remember how to kill them. Too bad there was no way to tell Spike. Then the wall lit up again, and Xander studied his two choices. The left picture was of an ear; the right was of a mouth. What did that mean? If he pressed the ear would Spike be able to hear him? Or would he be able to hear Spike? Would the mouth allow them to talk to each other? Xander looked beyond the glowing pictures to check on Spike. He was still holding his own, having sent one of the demons sprawling while he worked out his aggressions on the other. Then without warning the fallen demon rose up and tackled Spike from behind. Spike was now struggling to release himself from the strong grip of slimy tentacles, spitting curses that Xander could practically hear. In desperation Xander touched the image of the mouth. The wall glowed briefly before the two images faded. He called out to Spike, earnestly hoping he'd made the right choice. "Spike!" Xander was giddy with relief when Spike's head spun at the sound of his voice. He could see the vampire mouthing Xander's name, but was disappointed when he couldn't hear Spike's voice as well. "Their only vulnerable spot is just over the heart. It's just above their right tentacle, in their shoulder. Aim for that spot." The words rushed out of him. He watched as Spike finally broke out of the demon's hold, spinning, and in one smooth move jabbing his hand forward into the demon's shoulder. The hapless creature collapsed to the floor, even as Spike rounded on the other. The battle was over in seconds; both demons dissolving into nothingness. Xander tried to call out to Spike again, but apparently that privilege had also been revoked. The challenge seemed to go on forever. There were several more demon battles Xander watching helplessly until each choice was presented to him. He could tell Spike was getting tired, as the vampire's stamina and speed were waning. How long would this go on? What did they have to do to finally end it? *** On the other side of the glass Spike was tiring. He was worried about Xander, wondering if he had been going through the same physical challenges that he had been. That brief moment, seemingly hours ago, when he'd heard his boy's voice had been the only contact they'd had since they entered the chamber. He itched to find a way past that damn wall, but was too busy fighting for his unlife to do it. Whatever, bloody Mountain King running this thing better not have hurt his mate, or he'd be the one hurting next. Spike had been repeatedly trying their link, but nothing had come of it. He'd been without Xander's presence in his mind more in the past few days than he had in the past two years. It was a feeling he couldn't, wouldn't, get used to. Having Xan in his mind, in his bloody soul, was something that had become so much a part of Spike that he was sure the permanent loss of it would probably dust him. Spike was just getting his wind when the chamber wall slid open once more. This time his opponent was carrying a weapon, a very long, pointy, *wooden* spear. Spike dropped into a fighting stance and waited. *** Xander watched in horror as the latest demon entered the chamber. He was carrying a wooden spear, the sight of which caused fear to lance through Xander's body. He watched as Spike dodged each attempted stab. The creature was either too stupid to aim for Spike's heart, or purposely going for incapacitation instead in order to prolong Spike's agony. Either way, each jabbing thrust was aimed for Spike's stomach, the vampire's agility enabling him to jump out of the way barely in the nick of time. In one horribly slow motion moment, Xander watched as Spike's feet were swept out from under him. The normally quick footed vampire, slowed and tired from the previous battles, was unable to avoid the spear as the offending demon swept it across the floor and against Spike's legs. Xander cried out as he saw his lover fall to the ground on to his back, incapable of righting himself in time. "Noooo!" Xander screamed as the spear plunged downward toward Spike's vulnerable flesh. Then suddenly the scene froze; vampire and demon stilled as if statues. The wall in front of Xander glowed. A picture of himself stood to the left, while a picture of Spike stood to the right. Xander didn't have to think, he made the only choice he could, pressing lightning quick on the picture of himself. He felt an odd tingling sensation, and then he was there, in the chamber, the demon looming above him. He felt the searing pain as the spear made contact with his stomach and then pierced through his skin and probably several organs. The pain dulled into a throbbing numbness. Somewhere, faraway, he heard Spike's screams and his heart contracted at the agony in his mate's voice. When he looked up the demon was gone, replaced by Spike's tear stained visage. "Spike." The name whispered across his lips. "Shhh...don't talk, luv." Spike pressed kisses to his face. The demon and spear had vanished, but Xander's wounds had not. Spike laid his palm against the gaping hole trying to stem some of the blood loss but knew it was a lost cause. {Why, luv?} Spike asked, the link finally restored. {You know why, Spike. Couldn't watch you die.} Xander's eyes had closed, making Spike wonder how much longer they had. {But, you expect me to watch you die!} Spike wailed. Xander's eyes blinked opened, and he stared into Spike's blue gaze. {Yes.} Spike knew what Xander was saying. They'd discussed it years ago. Xander had made Spike promise that if the boy were ever mortally wounded, he wouldn't try to turn him. Spike hadn't thought too much of it at the time, thinking he had years to change his boy's mind. Knowing that with his added consort healing abilities that a fatal wound was highly unlikely. "Please, Xan." He whispered the words, pleading with his eyes that Xander change his mind. {No, Spike. You know I can't live like that.} Then his eyes closed again, in what seemed to Spike an extremely final gesture. {I love you.} {I love you, Xan.} Spike kissed him gently on the lips. He could tell that Xander was unconscious now, oblivious to his surroundings. He watched his boy, listening to his fading heartbeat. He could turn him now. There wouldn't be anything to stop him, and by the time Xan woke up it would be too late. Spike even went so far as lean forward and nuzzle Xander's neck, his lips finding the weak pulse point and nibbling gently. But in the end he pulled away. Knowing that Xander didn't want that. That if he tried it his love might never forgive him. And that would be worse. Worse than having Xander gone. Having Xander here, with him, and hating him. He'd rather go to hell. So he watched, and cried, and waited, until Xander's heart stopped beating and his blood stopped flowing. And when the chamber reverted to its original form, and the hallway to their final destination opened, Spike picked up Xander's lifeless form and carried him to retrieve their prize. *** Chapter 15 - The Flaming Sword After entering the final chamber, Spike laid Xander down gently at his feet. Dropping to his knees he grabbed onto Xander's hand, a wail forming in his throat. "There it is, you bloody git!" Spike used his head to nod in the direction of the sword. If Xander had been awake, alive, there was no way he could have missed it. The sword burned bright, illuminating the entire room. Without warning the wail erupted from Spike's throat. The sound a keening siren that bounced and echoed off the cavern walls. "You promised, Xan. You said nothing would happen. You said we'd grab the bloody thing and go home." Spike spouted angry accusations at his dead love. He didn't know how long he knelt there, sobbing out his anger. Eventually he stood, approaching the sword, willing himself not to smash it against the nearest wall. Xander wanted to save the world. Xander *died* trying to save the world. And he wouldn't let that be for nothing. As he approached the sword, the wall behind the weapon suddenly lit up, words appearing etched in the stone. ~~~ Once Called Upon to Guard the Way The Light of my Flame Cast Out the Dark Before the End I Will be Called Again Not to Guard, but Defend Two Heroes Immortal of Necessity At the Crucial Time Will Wield One of Light, One of Dark None Will Defeat their Strength of Heart ~~~ Spike wanted to scream. Two heroes immortal? Fuck you! Xander was dead. And if he had turned him and made him immortal he certainly wouldn't have been 'of light' anymore. What the bloody hell were these people playing at? Looking back over his shoulder his anger mounted as his eyes lingered on the still form of his lover. Spike turned back to study the sword, floating in midair before him. The words etched in stone behind the mythic weapon were a mockery to him, but he consigned them to memory in order to repeat them to Giles later. Reaching up he grasped the hilt, and pulled. The sword came away easily, the flame licking at his skin but not burning. Still crying tears of anger, longing and hopelessness Spike began to turn away. A bright glow halted him and he turned back. A bowl sat just below where the sword had been hanging. Spike hadn't noticed it before and would have passed it by had it not been for the glow. Looking inside he saw one lone seed. He studied the wall again to see if the words had changed but there was no difference. He studied the bowl but found no markings on that either, and there was no placard beside it. Was he supposed to take the seed as well? Shrugging, he pocketed the seed. Might as well take every fucking thing in the room after what it cost him, he thought bitterly. Then he picked up Xander and walked out. *** The girls were crying. He'd arrived back in Sunnydale several hours ago and broken the news. They'd laid Xander out in Joyce's old bedroom, the blood still staining his clothes. Spike wanted to go back to their place and get him something to change into. Something to make him look less...gone. But Giles wanted to go over it one more time. He almost growled. Not that Giles hadn't cared about his boy. The tears fell from the Watcher's eyes even as he asked another question. But he was a Watcher, and he was Giles. He did what he had to do. "Tell me again what the etched words said?" "Watcher, I already told you twice! Give me a bloody piece of paper and I'll write the fucking joke down for you." He grabbed for a pen and rewrote the words he'd memorized. "Two heroes immortal?" Giles' brow scrunched together. "But Xan..." Giles was cut off by a menacing growl. "Don't you think I've thought of that? Travers must have sent the wrong Claimants, because we obviously couldn't get the job done." "But...*sniffle*...even if Xander hadn't...he still wasn't - " Willow began "I *know*!" Spike shouted. "He wasn't immortal! Don't you think I know how bloody fucking obvious that is!" Willow started to cry harder and Spike found it in himself to be just a little bit sorry. Willow had always been Xander's favorite. "I'm sorry, luv," he muttered softly. "Was this all you brought back with you?" Giles broke in. "That and the seed," Spike answered, not looking up. "Seed?" Giles looked around the room. "What seed?" "Here, 's in my pocket. Forgot earlier." Spike handed over the tiny black kernel. "It's an apple seed," Giles said wonderingly. Then a look of astonishment crossed his features. "Good God!" Spike watched as Giles rushed out to grab one of his back breaking tomes. When he returned, Spike was surprised to see which tome he'd retrieved. "You've brought back *the* flaming sword." Giles' voice was excited. Something that Spike resented seeing as how nothing should be exciting anymore. "Yeah, so?" Then Giles began to read from the book. "After he drove man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life." (Genesis 3:24, NIV) "What? You think we brought back the sword that used to guard the Garden of Eden?" Spike asked, incredulous. "Not the Garden, Spike. It guarded the path to the tree of *life*. The tree that gave immortality," Giles answered, holding up the seed. "What are you saying? Is there a way to bring Xander back?" Spike jumped to his feet to confront Giles. "Yes, I believe there is," the Watcher answered calmly. Spike sat back down so abruptly he almost fell off the couch onto the floor. "How?" "The seed is the key. Not only will it bring him back, but it will make him immortal." Eternity with Xander? Spike couldn't dare to hope, but his spirits rose nonetheless. Then another thought occurred and his expression darkened once more. "But Xander's a white hat." The other's nodded, not understanding. "He's dead. He'll be in heaven. What right do we have to pull him out and plunk him back down here forever?" "Yes, well, I'm afraid there's no way to ask his permission," Giles answered. "But if bringing him back is the only way to save the world, do you think he wouldn't do it?" "I've got to think." Spike stood, strode through the living room and out the back door. Spike strolled through the neighborhood, not really paying much attention to what was going on around him. What would Xander want? Oh God, to have him back again. Forever. That was all Spike had ever wanted. But would Xander resent him? Hate him? For bringing him back. For taking him away from heaven and forcing him to live here on earth, with a demon? Could Spike take it if he did? Were they really the only hope of saving the world? Damn fucking prophecies! If they were, Spike knew what Xander's answer would be. He was and forever will be a white hat. Spike started back toward the house. Entering the front door he saw that everyone was still huddled in the living room. "Let's do it." The three words were said in a monotone rush of sound. Then Spike turned and went up the stairs to wait with his lover. *** Chapter 16 - Awakenings Spike could hear the others gathering the things they would need for the spell. They would be up the stairs and in this room in just a few minutes. He looked down at Xander's body, studying his face. At least there weren't any lines of pain visible there. Spike shuddered at the agony Xander must have gone through when the spear had pierced his body. The vampire reached out and gently took hold of Xander's cold hand, letting his thumb trace circles on the open palm. "Xander, luv, if you can hear me..." Spike's voice trailed off for just a second as he tilted his head back, as though trying to stare through the ceiling at the heavens above. "I don't know if we're doing the right thing, if I made the right choice. But I want you to know that I tried. That I wanted to do right by you, for you." Spike's free hand ran roughshod through the mass of curls atop his head. "Please believe me, Xan. I love you." He got in a quick peck on cold lips before the others arrived. Quietly he wiped away the last traces of his tears as Angel walked in carrying the sword. At least they knew why the two hereos were of 'necessity' immortal. None of the others could even touch the sword. The flame burned dangerously hot for everyone but Spike and Angel. If Angel's demon didn't preclude him of being 'of the light', Spike would have suggested the two of them fulfill the prophecy. But no matter how many people Angel helped, he would forever be 'dark', at least while his demon remained. Spike took a moment to wonder at the irony. Two demons, previously the Scourge of Europe, were currently charged with the protection and proper use of a mythic holy weapon. A weapon, Spike assumed, forged by God himself. Not only that, but they were about to steal away one of God's flock. To bring back a white hat, out of God's kingdom, in order to prevent the destruction of a world that God created. Holy fucking irony. The others were piling into the room. All except Dawn and Buffy, who were downstairs waiting, probably impatiently, but neither were needed for the ceremony. And both would probably just get in the way. Spike wasn't strictly necessary either, although Spike or Angel were needed to hold the sword. But there was no way in hell Spike was going to leave Xander's side until the ritual was complete. Until Xander's eyes fluttered open and he realized what they'd done. Spike tuned out the sounds around him, concentrating only on Xander's still form. The sounds of Willow and Tara's chanting buzzed about his ears, but he ignored it. Through the corner of his eye Spike saw Angel lower the sword, pointing the tip of the blade at the seed Giles had placed in an ornamental bowl. A lick of heated flame shot out and engulfed the bowl, setting the seed and the immediate air around it on fire. The sound of chanting grew louder, joined now by Giles' low, masculine voice. The noise increased until Spike wanted to cover his ears, and then suddenly the flame surrounding the seed flared upwards into a column of fire. It burned steadily for several minutes until all chanting ceased, then it finally redirected itself. In a snaking path it made its way toward Xander and enveloped his entire body, making Spike cry out in alarm. Xander's body convulsed once, twice, before collapsing back on to the bed, as the flame extinguished. Amazingly, Xander's body had been left completely unmarked by the fire, though his clothes were now cinders. Reverently, Spike's hand shot out to cover the area the spear had wounded, which was now fully healed. More tears sprang to Spike's eyes, and he wiped at them furiously. Bugger! He hadn't cried this much since he'd been mortal. Xander groaned, his head thrashing on the pillow. Spike quickly retrieved a blanket to cover him, not wanting his love to wake and find himself naked in front of all his friends. Spike grabbed for Xander's hand as he reached out, eyes still closed. The thrashing finally ceased, and Xander let out a harsh sigh on a ragged breath. Xander's eyes fluttered open and Spike waited for him to speak. Holding his hand, and gazing into his dilated pupils, Spike remained silent. {Spike?} Xander's eyes wandered the room, taking in the other occupants, but he did not speak aloud. Spike was almost floored by the intensity of feeling he suffered from hearing Xander's mind voice after having thought the boy was gone forever. He bit his lip until blood gushed to stave off another bout of tears. {Yes, luv. I'm sorry.} Xander nodded and turned away, Spike's heart breaking. Spike stood and ushered everybody out of the room. They went grudgingly, Willow stopping long enough to kiss Xander on the cheek and burst into tears. The boy smiled reassuringly and squeezed her hand, but didn't say a word. When they were all finally gone, Spike sat down once more, this time in a chair beside the bed. He kept his distance, even though everything in him screamed at him to touch his mate. Xander watched him, his eyes trailing the vampire's movements, but still he said nothing. Finally Xander blinked, and swallowed. His words sounded harsh, as if his mouth were dry and his throat sore. "How long?" "Two and half days. How long for you?" "Longer." Xander swallowed again, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "Was it...what was it like?" Spike finally asked. "It was...different. Quiet, peaceful." Xander sighed and turned away. "As if there was nothing left for me to worry about. I finally could just...be, you know?" "God, luv. I'm sorry!" Spike let the silent tears roll down his face. Was this any better than turning him? Spike had been right the first time. There was nothing, *nothing* worse than having Xander here with him, and hating him. "For what?" Spike was thrown by the genuine sincerity in the question. "For what?!" The vampire repeated, incredulously. "For bringing you back, for taking you from that peaceful place. For putting you back here, to fight, and worry, and...fucking save the world again!" Xander only shook his head. "*You* didn't do anything, Spike." Xander reached for his hand. "If I was meant to come back, I was meant to come back. One way or another it would have happened. And I'm grateful for the time I did have in that place. In heaven, or whatever it was. It was beautiful." Xander's expression was wistful. "But I know I'm needed here. So I'm glad I'm back. I just need some time to adjust." "So, you don't hate me, luv?" Spike asked, his voice small and remarkably vulnerable. "No!" Xander's answer was immediate, as was his reaction. He grabbed Spike's hand and hauled the vampire to the bed, wrapping him up in an embrace. "God, no. I love you, you know that." Spike was crying, his shoulders shaking as he hugged Xander back. They stayed that way for a long time, until finally Spike pulled away. "There's something you still don't know, Xan." Spike braced himself for Xander's response. "We didn't just bring you back, luv. You're here to stay. You're immortal. It was the only way." "Immortal?" Spike couldn't read the look on Xander's face. "You mean like that guy from Highlander?" Spike barked out a laugh. Only Xander would think of his life in terms of a television show. "Sort of, luv. But I doubt there are going to be any others showing up to take your head." Then his eyes turned serious. "But if they do, I'll be here, right beside you to stop them." Xander smiled, his mouth curving up in a lazy grin. "I know you will." Then he kissed him. Spike was on such an emotional roller coaster that he wasn't even sure what he was feeling at the simple sensation of Xander's lips against his own. God, he thought he'd never feel those warm lips again. He hardened immediately, his hand stealing out to touch Xander's naked chest. "Xan, pet, I need you." Spike muttered, his hands already pulling the blanket off his lover. "God, luv, I thought you were gone. I thought I'd never be with you again." And then he was crying again. "Fuck! I'm such a nancy boy." He swiped at the tears, momentarily forgetting his mission to have Xander hard and inside him. Instead of disagreeing Xander only pushed Spike's hands out of the way and began to kiss at the falling tears. And then Spike found himself on the bed, underneath Xander, being kissed and fondled and loved. He'd somehow gotten his shirt and pants off, and could feel Xander's hard cock brushing against his own leaking penis. He groaned loudly and spread his legs further, lifting them until he could secure them over Xander's shoulders. "Please, luv. Need you inside me. Need to feel you. To feel your life, your seed, God!" Spike cried out, desperate to feel his lover. To know that he was alive, and that this wasn't just a wickedly torturous dream. Xander fumbled around until he found Spike's discarded jeans, digging in the pocket until he found what he was looking for. He pulled the small tube out with a triumphant smile and then got to work readying his mate. The feel of Xander's warm fingers sliding in and out of him almost made Spike cum right then and there. But he gritted his teeth and held on, determined to have his lover inside him before he came. Before Xander could toss the tube aside and enter Spike, the vampire started begging for absolution, which nearly broke Xander's heart. "Luv, please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. God, I'm sorry!" Spike couldn't seem to get the words out fast enough. "I'm such a selfish fucking git. They said we needed you, but I did it for myself as much as for the world. I couldn't let you go. God, I'm sorry!" Xander thrust until he was all the way inside, his balls slapping against Spike's cool flesh. "Shhh. Spike, shhh. There's nothing to be sorry about. I love you. I love you." Xander repeated those three words over and over again, all the while thrusting in and out in a slow rhythm. "Xan, you died for me." The words were whispered in awe. "You gave your life up, for *me*." "I love you," was Xander's only response. And then they stopped talking altogether. The only sounds were grunts and moans of pleasure. Xander's rhythm increased, his hand reached down to grasp Spike's cock and pump it furiously. The vampire whimpered and met each hard thrust, his eyes open and watching his lover's face. They both exploded together, crying out each other's names. "I love you, too." Spike declared before they both drifted off to sleep, limbs entangled, and arms wrapped around one another.