As 1997 draws to a close, Mansun stand poised on the threshold of major-league success. Pat Reid talks to their resident
axe demon, the man known only as Chad.... 	
LIVERPOOL, late summer, 1997. In the renowned Parr Street Studios, the equally renowned Mansun are labouring over what will 
become their follow up EP to their Attack Of The Grey Lantern album. Lead Guitarist and uncannily Brian Jones-resembling person, 
Dominic Chad strolls over to the TG enclosure, proferring tabs and Evian. After initial pleasantries, we embark on a brisk tour of the 
establishment. What we see is guitars. Quite a lot of them. "My main guitar's a black Gibson ES335," offers Chad. "With a Gibson 
tremolo. I've got a red one for backup and live." From the collection of guitars the band have access to in the studio, vocalist Paul 
Draper tends to use Les Paul Standards. The band also have a Rickenbacker 12-string, a Telecaster, a Melody Maker, a 330 and a 
Chet Atkins. And then there's the amps as well. For gigs Chad opts to play through an AC30 and a Blues Breaker in stereo. "I use a 
Boss compressor," he confides. "The CS-3 compressor and sustainer. Basically it's fairly subtle and just gives a little more attack to 
the notes." A subtly increased attack/notes interface is a major requirement for Chad, because most of what he plays is lead guitar, 
with very few chords. 					

"I've got the compressor on all the time, and the basic sound is the two amps. I use one of those Mesa Boogie V-Twin pre-amp 
pedals, so obviously then you've got two other channels. I've got one set up as a clean channel and one set up as a solo channel. 
That's my favourite sound, the solo channel on the Mesa Boogie, and I've got a Boss ME-8 effects unit - I use the pitch shifter and 
stereo delays on that with that lead sound." And that, in a nutshell, is the main guitar sound of Mansun, featuring on tracks as 
diverse as Wide Open Space, Mansun's Only Love Song, and the epic thrash-out at the end of Taxloss. "It's big," Chad summarises. 
"You've got the stereo delays bouncing all over the place, the pitch shifter just filling it out." It's this ambition and musical vision, 
coupled with a huge sound that sets Mansun apart from their contemporaries. "Paul's just playing the rhythm guitar," Chad explains. 
"But I wanted to have something where you could almost just have lead guitar, bass and drums and it still sounds big." 	
Grey Lantern Gear 	
In order to create their massive sound, Chad's fairly simple pedal board consists of a Boss ME-8 multi-FX processor, and the 
bizarrely-named Lovetone Meatball and Big Cheese. Chad's extensive range of guitars also includes his favourite black Gibson 

"I just start improvising anything. If something good happens that was an accident, 
we'll certainly keep it in." 	

While enigmatic frontman genius/weirdo Paul Draper writes the bulk of Mansun material, the lead lines are, naturally, Chad's territory. 
"A lot of it is putting back the little subtleties that you lose when you take an acoustic song and play it through a cranked up amp. 
Also we try to work out counter melodies to the vocal." It's not surprising then that the guitar slots in like an extra singer. "Pretty 
much," agrees Chad. "That's a trademark of our sound, I suspect; the fact that none of the melodies move with the accompaniment. 
Everything's pulled away from everything else. That's the way we hear melodies. There's a lot of vocal harmonies and counter 
melodies that we sing... but you can't do everything with a voice." If this approach sounds a bit scientific for an indie-rock-type band 
(albeit a very good indie-rock-type band), have no fear, for Chad can wig it out with the best of 'em. The live version of Take It Easy 
Chicken is often nearer ten minutes than it is five and on Wide Open Space, with its looped guitar, pitch shifter and stereo delay 
assault, Chad gets to play whatever he damn well pleases. "I just start improvising anything," he says of the often frenzied Mansun 
stage show. "We work quite a lot on eye contact and cues." To a certain extent this improvisational approach extends to the studio 
as well. "If something good happens that was an accident, we'll certainly keep it in." 				

With UK sales of 200,000 for Grey Lantern, Mansun are currently the biggest cult band in the land. Whether they can built on this 
success and cross over to a truly mainstream audience remains to be seen. But they're up for the challenge and are particularly 
enthused about taking the Mansun manifesto to America, on tour with the Seahorses. "We're really into touring," Chad says. "And 
we're really looking forward to touring the states on the same bill as John Squire. I guess by the end of the stint of touring we're quite 
looking forward to getting back in the studio, and then you do that for a while and you're itching to get back on tour again." One 
album into their career and Mansun are caught up in the recording/touring schedule. Their schedule is sewn up for the next six 
months - they tour America, where Wide Open Space has done well, then record that difficult second album. Reclining on the ugly 
but functional Parr Street upholstery, Chad seems tired - and he's fully aware that this is only the beginning. So we talk of more 
mundane matters; which is better, gigs or recording? "On stage you can let go a bit more," Chad says. "I'm very conscious of trying 
to get things right in the studio, and also you're working it out at the same time as you're laying it down." The Mansun recording 
process is often torturous - at one point, Taxloss was a mind-boggling 96 tracks. However, the band have retained a rough-edged DIY 
indie ethic, blowing raspberries in the face of drop-ins, digital editing and other rubbish of modern pop life. In the early days, the band 
never worked with producers - Paul Draper handles those duties, adament that the records reflected the raw energy of first-take 
excitement. "I think you can probably hear that in a lot of the early records," Chad laughs. "They don't sound bad. But they could 
definitely be tighter. Even if I made a mistake, I'd just play over it and keep going. You hear quite a lot of 'scrapes' on the records, and 
that's where I've just lost it and started scraping strings to cover over it." String-scraping aside, Chad's technique is to lay down four 
or five tracks of guitar and then cherry-pick the best bits: "A lot of the time the first tracks have more energy and more spontineity," 
he avers. "Althought we do exercise a lot of quality control, we also do like to try and keep that feel." And with that, Chad stubs out 
his ciggy, heading down to the control room for another day on the treadmill... 				
Mansun Fact File 		
Joe Bennett talks you through Chad's ace one-string solo from this 1996 hit.  
Despite Mansun's 'indie' attitudes and devil-may-care studio techniques, Chad is very much a dedicated lead player. He generally 
leaves all the chord work to Paul, and the solo here is an excellent example of how the band construct guitar lines in the studio. You 
can hear a second lead line coming in halfway through the solo, playing an additional lead line which is entirely alternate-picked. This 
contrasts with the textural, effect laden bends of the main part. Chad is using his Boss CS-3 and ME-8, providing chorus, octave up 
pitch shift, plus ping-pong delay (500 ms delay time, with at least 10% feedback). The tone itself is a heavily overdriven but quite 
bright sounding setting from the V-twin pedal, although the secong guitar has a more traditional rock tone. 			

FORMED?: In the summer of 1995 in Chester.  
NAME?: Long story - originally the band was called Grey Lantern, then a Man Called Son, which later became Manson. When 
Charles Manson's estate threatened legal action, they eventually became Mansun. Phew!  
EARLY DAYS?: The band's firt four track cost them £150 to record and it consisted of Take It Easy Chicken, Skin Up Pin Up, 
Moronica and She Makes My Nose Bleed.  
OWN LABEL?: The first two singles Mansun released were on their own label, Sci Fi Hi Fi. Skin Up Pin Up/Flourella was an Indie 
Chart hit in November 1995.  
LIVE?: Earlier in '97 the band made a brief tour of the US and then returned to the UK for their own tour. They also supported the 
Manics Manchester NYNEX Arena. 

Total Guitar December 1997 Issue 38 ©1997 Future Publishing Ltd.