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CWF PAX TV Taping!

Saturday, March 8th, 2003
Club CWF - CWF Training Dojo
Burlington NC

Official Event Results

Courtesy of StatMark Video

1. Sexton Tyler pinned Stephen O' Hara in 8:48 with a vertical suplex into an Ace Crusher

2. Brass Munkey pinned Magic Moon in 4:38 with the "Munkey Wings"

3. Scotty Sabre pinned Kid Justice in 6:58 with a Lionsault

4. Brad Rainz pinned Joey "Spank" Silva in 8:54

5. the United Nations of Devestation (Drake Tungsten and Hugh B. Johnson) defeated Brass Munkey and American Steel Ninja in 9:51 when Tungsten pinned Munkey

6. CWF/FWA-Carolinas Heavyweight champion "Dangerous E" Corey Edsel pinned Trent Wylde in 3:32 of a non-title match with a backdrop driver

7. Brad Attitude pinned 1/2 of the CWF/FWA-Carolinas tag team champions Mikael Yamaha in 18:18

8. J-Money pinned "Slick" Ric Converse in 13:40 with a small package to win the CWF/FWA-Carolinas Cruiserweight title. Money received a standing ovation from the fans after ending Converse's seven month title reign.

The Story On CWF on PAX!

With the weather cooperating and giving us a very spring-like day outdoors, Club CWF packed the house again with another vocal sign carrying crowd for the inagural CWF Championship Wrestling television taping! The show is slated to begin airing on the hightest rated PAX network affiliate in the nation, PAX-16 (WGPX-TV) in Greensboro NC on Saturday April 12th at 9:30 am!

Live From Club CWF

Referee Vern "the Stud" Stephens looks on as Stephen O'Hara tries to remove his head from Sexton Tyler's headlock.

O'Hara twists on the wrist of Tyler.

Magic Moon grapples with the runner-up of the CWF RGL tournament, Brass Munkey.

Brass Munkey suplexes Magic Moon to the canvas.

Slick Ric Converse and Special K look on as HYP manager Brad Stutts announces that Converse would retire the FWA-Carolinas Cruiserweight Title to move up into the heavyweight division.

Commissioner William L. Cross announces that Converse would defend his title in the main event against the #1 contender, $outh$ide Playa J-Money.

Kid Justice brings Scotty Sabre to his knees early in their bout.

Sabre brings his game to the Kid from the top rope, allowing him to get the duke in his CWF debut!

Joey "Spank" Silvia keeps his eyes on the partner of Brad Rainz, who is patroling the ringside area.

Brad Rainz drops some pain on the prone form of Spank as referee Charles Richardson looks on.

Rainz swings the pendulum with Spank.

UNOD's Hugh B. Johnson clamps onto the head of the American Steel Ninja as Ninja's partner Brass Munkey looks on from the ring apron.

Drake Tungsten tags in his partner Hugh B. while keeping control of the Ninja.

The Ninja drops both members of UNOD as they were attempting an illegal doubleteam move.

Brass Munkey lectures Drake Tungsten with the educated feet.

"Dangerous E" Corey Edsel picks up the limp form of Trent Wylde to break referee Stephen's count.

Wylde goes for a ride on the verticle suplex courtesy Dangerous E.

Mikael Yamaha prepares to drop Brad Attitude to the canvas.

Attitude roars as Yamaha tries to dislocate his shoulder.

Referee Vern "the Stud" Stephens watches as Yamaha tries to reach the ropes to break the hold of Attitude.

Brad Rainz gets into the act, attacking Yamaha as his partner tries to get to his feet.

CWF/FWA-Carolinas Cruiserweight Champion Slick Rick Converse awaits ring introductions before facing $outh$ide Playa J-Money for the gold.

An intense J-Money cranks on the arm of Converse early in their title match.

Converse returns the favor by driving a knee to Money's midsection.

Money in control again, keeping the champ grounded on the mat.

Special K gets invovled as the referee admonishes Converse in the ring.

Converse plants Money from his shoulder.

J-Money tries to catch his breath after referee Charles Richardson awarded him his CWF/FWA-Carolinas Cruiserweight Title belt.

The Next Event At Club CWF

The Carolina Wrestling Federation returns to Club CWF on Saturday March 22, 2003. The March 22nd Dojo event will be the second television taping for the new CWF Championship Wrestling television show, soon to hit the airwaves across the Piedmont area of NC on PAX-16!

You may reserve seats for this next event by e-mailing to insure you have a seat for the event.

Photos from the most recent Club CWF event are just a CLICK away!

The Official CWF Website

Digital photos by Randy Hedrick for the Independent Insiders

Hooking Up The Masses!

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