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The Burn Side.

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Well, I got arrested at the senior lock-in. You know what that means? Web page updating! YAY!

Preface I am a pothead. I love marijuana. I have been raised in a christian household by loving, well-to-do, law biding (up tight) parents. I do not have an empty life which I turn to drugs to fill. I am an athelete, a clean cut good kid who gets good grades, is in enriched classes, and has been awarded for academic acheivments multiple times. I am a pothead.

My first time was in sixth grade .... which sounds worse than it is, I didn't really start till my sophomore year in highschool. I guess the rest is history, since I hit it off with delta- 9 tetrahydrocannibinol, I now consider myself a marijuana/hemp enthusiast and choose it as a healthy alternative to alcohol. I do sometimes drink but there are many good reasons why I'd prefer smoking anytime, but i'll get to that later.

Everyone should learn the FACTS of marijuana and about the LIES of the "War on Drugs". Whether you smoke or not you should know about the true goods and bads of marijuana. You should also know of the many uses of the hemp plant; for medicine, paper, clothing, "wood", and food. If you don't know the facts, FIND OUT the facts. Also if you are a begginer pot head or are interested in smoking find out just about anything about it or paraphanailia or anything simply by talking to pot heads (they are typically good natured folk). They know. Don't be afraid to ask. Everyone has to learn somehow and the only way to find out is ask questions.

With your new knowledge comes responsibility. Pass on the truthful information to friends, co-workers, EVERYBODY. The more real information people know about drugs, the less they fear them. Sharing what you know makes it easier and more enjoyable to introduce weed into your life.

I hope this page answers some of your questions or just helps you out. It's just an outlet for me and my thoughts on my drug.

Etiquette Disclaimer: This is simply suggested etiquette that should be followed for common courtesy. This does not mean this is exactly how stoners, as a whole, do or should conduct their smoking, and it's not like these are written rules that people'll get pissed at for breaking. Even the well seasoned pot head breaks these all the time. We do forget everything all the time, we probably won't even notice.

1. The rotation allow eachs person one lungful per turn. If you are using a light-weight piece like a small bowl, tooth pickish joint, or whatever, the smoker is allowed an adequate hit using the carbing/puffing technique s/he wants. The turn-taker is also allowed to finish off the chamber of smoke (carbed) on a second breath if they didn't clear all of the smoke, (it also seems very pussy of you not to clear what you fill). If you are smoking a hitter it goes a whole hitter a person unless there is a discussed reason to pass it (it's just a hitter).

2. The piece and lighter should be smoothly passed onto the next stoner. Veteran stoners will extinguish the bowl so that no bud is wasted while passing. Also if you know you are going to be smoking, everyone having their own lighter makes it quicker.

3. Bowl packers don't have to follow the rules too close. Since the person packing bowls is doing everyone else a favor, few arguments can be made by the Pats. Bowl packers can be dictators and direct the path of the bowl. They can also smoke as much of their own bud as they want, even if they're out of turn or whatever. The kindest bowl packers pack so much bud into a large bowl that the air can barely be sucked through it. They pass the bong around in order and re-pack the bowl liberally. Not everyone has the money to do this, even though stoners are usually generous people, don't consider them stingey if they don't pack another, be grateful for what you got.

4. Usually the person packing bowls takes the green (first) hit off a bowl, but not always. When the green hit is offered to someone else, consider it a stoner's compliment.

5. Don't ask for weed unless you know the person your asking on a close cani-basis, or if you FOR SURE will see them later that day and will have weed. Not that they don't want to smoke you out, it's just that it comes off as very rude and nobody likes a Pat.

6. Don't offer to smoke anyone out unless you plan on getting them at least high. If you offer to smoke them out, give them one hitter and then put it away, it's just plain mean, especially if you have more weed. If your runnin low don't even mention you have any. All it does is leave you feinding (even though weed is proven not to be addictive).

7. The best attitude to have is to relax and enjoy the company and the surroundings. Bud is about just having a good time and kickin it with your friends--every experienced stoner knows that.

Bud- This is the part of the Hemp plant you smoke. It is the female bud, a small part of the actual plant. This is the only desireable part to smoke. It contains the most THC and least amount of other chemicals which give you headaches and hard comedowns.

Come down- this is period after the peak stage off a high. This is the part where the body and mind experience fatigue making you ready to pass out or get the munchies. You get the munchies because your body craves sugar which neutralizes the delta- 9 tetrahydrocannibinol. This with the fact that food tastes sooooo good when your stoned adds to the want to sleep because you have to digest all that food.

Munchies- You get the munchies because your body craves sugar which neutralizes the delta- 9 tetrahydrocannibinol. Food is also fun when your stoned because it tastes soooo sososoo good. This adds to the want to sleep because you have to digest all that food.

Pipe- This is essentially the same thing as a tobacco pipe you've seen on tv. The only differences is that these are more decorated and sometimes have a carb. Pipes commonly called Bowls come in various shapes and sizes and can be made from glass, brass, wood, foil, an orange, just use your imagination.

Bowl- This is simply the cup that holds the weed, they are found on pipes and bongs.

Carb- This is a small hole found on the chamber walls of a bowl or bong. This small hole is a great thing, it directs where the air pressure comes from. When covered the only air can get through is through the bud being smoked. Once released the air flows faster and smoother the carb not bringing any more smoke into the chamber. This allows the toker to transfer the chamber of smoke to their lungs quickly.

Niggers What's long black and smelly? Unemployment line. Why do black people smell? So blind people can hate them too. What's the difference between a black man and pizza? The pizza can feed a family of four. Where does a white baby go when they die? Heaven. What do they get when they get there? Wings. What is it called? An angel. Where does a black baby go when it dies? Heaven. What does it get when it gets there? Wings. What is it called? A bat. You might say I'm racist and I guess I am. How long do you think a WET, White entertainment channel would last, a White History month, a caucasion american sports league, scholarships for caucasians. Not long at all. The excuse of slavery can only be spread so far. They say there's discrimination based on skin color. That didn't just come from nowhere, that discrimination was deserved. 90% of the race goes around with panty hose nipples on their heads, pants below their ass, and never finishing spoken words and calling it ebonics. There's something wrong with them, they don't think right. You know what ebonics is? its an excuse to make up words so they can rap, that way they don't have to be talented to write songs. Why the hell do you wear pants around your ankles?!? That's soooo stupid. At school the fuckin niggers wear two pairs of swim suits for gym, they sag one pair and then one regularly so their bare asses don't hang out... ... !?!?!? SAGGING IN THE POOL!?!?! Its obvious that they were a mistake, it's not right if you need to put lotion all over your entire body in order to not obtain massive amounts of "ash". What does god say when a black baby is born? Oops, burnt anoter one. I guess technically, slavery was wrong (can't believe I just said that), I want one though, how cool would that be to have a slave, serisouly, think about it. But niggers gotta keep in mind a cracker got them out of that shit too, Washington's original plan was to ship them all back to africa too, but due to lack of funds they just kinda wandered around the country leaching off the white folk, still to this day. Shoulda followed through George. I can write this racist of content on the internet and feel safe about it, you know why? Because niggers don't use the computer, scared of it, like they are dogs, and fire. If you are black and are readin this I'm cool with you, because your more white than you are black. Don't get me wrong by this, I'm cool with some black people, just 90% of them are a waste of time. Some can be cool, this is just a generalization I make due to an abundant amount of evidence, well I'm gonna put this on the inet now. I'll add later, I'm sure.