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feelings/ events diary
Wednesday, 31 May 2006

Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: wouldn't it be nice~ the beach boys
so.. i feel bad for not doing this diary thing for a while and i almost felt that since i didn't do it for such a long time then it wouldn't be the same. but i've decided to write cause i have lots to say.

so.. first of all today was the first day of tryouts for soccer.. and cheer actually but yeah im not doing it.
and my head really hurts

so last night

i was like.. my leg itches
and he was like my balls itch
and then he's like i need a helping hand.
then im like.. good luck gettin that
and then eh's like ouch
and then i forgot what i said none the less he said he was going at like 930.. really really early
now he's wondering if he wants to get back with his ex sighs
he just needs/wants action
and justin AND tina
both told me to like look for sumone else
cause justin says tristan is a player and tina says i can do much better
and tina says i need a bf .. it could be true. i think it is. but i want the sparks you know. i don't wnat just anyone
well i guess i'll keep flirting with "P" but won't get emotionally attached and make sure not to get with him cause he has not bad intentions persue. but what tina says.. i won't get back what i give.
nathan talked to me
well it was about leah's "men"
he's like blah blah 2 people im like no 3!
and he's like 3!! ?? whicch one is the other one??
im like chris
and he's like who's chris or sumthing like that
nonetheless. i kinda had a lizzie moment..
but we all bonded over making fun of leah haha
let's see
it was justin me firusa nathan and colin .. yeah..
fun.. in bio class
my head hurts.. from sun.
my skin is peeling..
i hope i make varsity soccer team. i'd be okay with j.v. i guess but i'd rather be with my friends of course :D
so... let's see
firusa.. is leaving im in denial...
i hate school and... melody and i are okay
brandon called earlier i have no idea why.. but he's not answering so oh well..
and ha im not doing cheer.. so happy....
and i think i like convinced sara not to do cheer cause like then she won't be able to play volleyball next year. cause stupid cheer
turns out she's hispanic tho i knew that already cause of her myspace but liek it's confirmmed by her adn she's from guatemala. yea.. she's really nice. but i think i annoyed her and several other people
i have to get over that annoying thing
i like how like justin and tina can be so nice and like.. comforting older figures i guess you could say
i like samantha she's really nice and i don't get why people do'nt like her. i mean she's really nice to me. .but conceited as it may seem i think it's because she thinks im better like socially just a thought. but like she's better academically i think
so tristan thinks it's awkward between us.. tho i don't think it is.. but w.e.

Posted by indie/kells at 7:12 PM PDT
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Monday, 22 May 2006

Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: the ransom ~ escape the fate
what's wrong?
everything feels so off
sumthing is wrong i just know it
but i can't seem to put my finger on it
sumthing is missing
or did people change
did i change???
no that can't be it
there's seems like there's nothing to look forward to anymore
hmm will things ever get back to normal?
i used to see the good in nearly every person
now i just can't help seeing the worst in them
im losing focus and i can barely sleep
i don't know what to do with myself
tangled up in all these mixed emotions
emotions im not sure really existed in the first place

i feel to lazy to write what's going on

Posted by indie/kells at 9:35 PM PDT
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Monday, 15 May 2006

Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: hollywood hills ~ the academy is
slept liek 2.5 hours...
gots to study for math quiz.. and do math hw.. well not really. i can copy but that sucks for the other people and i have to do the gattaca thing..
um.. tomorrow i think im going to gym.
so today carlos added me on his actual myspace.. so that's.. chad, tristan and carlos a.k.a. the guys that think im "cute" that have all requested to be my friend on myspace :D
let's see cat test or w/e started today.. wasn't that bad.. i mean i took my sweet time. no it wasn't hard at all. i just gotta focus.. they were fairly interesting..
ha and today i zoned out in english class and grekov pointed it out.. and history we are watch the rise of evil.. aka. HITLER! haha
hitler was a cute kid.. i think
and i got an A on my milestone. probably cause i kissed so much ass with making her my milestone.
nutrition today i did not like. it was lame..
and.. lunch was lame too
i have no one to talk to and i love seeing tristan during both times. .but i couldn't...
but i got to see him per. 5.. when i went to get my workbook
he was trying to ditch (of course) and i think carlos got caught but eventually im pretty sure tristan got caught. anywho.. i had a pass and carlos said it was a bootleg pass.. haha loser. and mr. debtman asks.."where'd you get that pass?"
hmm i kind of think kevin g. does have a crush on me but w/e
today melissa wore an extremely short skirt
and in spanish ian is my partner... i was so close to having nathan as my partner. but i got ian instead
and today i put glitter lotion on Zack's arm.. haha
adn i discovered that colin has one green and one left eye.
angela get's high.. as well as danil no big suprise there
and hannah. ha.. im not even sure if she's still a virgin. man. and if her grandparents found out she was smoking.. wow she would get kicked out of there.
even her incompetant dad.
things are getting better with Z. like if i say sumthing i'll pay attention obviously but i know he does cause i'll hear him say sumthing about it or question it like me. i think that means sumthing like.. not that he wants to be friends exactly but that he approves of me? i dunno but he he doesn't hate mE! and maybe next year we can finally be friends.. to me is seems that his gf is more a best friend than a gf... anyways..
im not that attracted to Z anymore i think i still like the idea of liking him.. i mean hey it's fun and he really motivates me to do things sadly i chose to do ap mukai next year as well as chem over summer cause i felt we wouldn't be enuff classes tomorrow. and hmm he's not doing ap history..
he's doing ap calc and ap chem. the hardest of all the aps.. and i wanna do dp now especially caus then i'll have navarro and then he would have pe. 4th aka body dynamics 4th too. and maybe i could see him without his shirt. haha he would be there on rainy days like he was when i was in cheer. but hopefully next year it will be dance production aka DDR. :D
yeah.. so i was looking at angela's face today and. i think her nose is uneven. slightly deformed if you ask me.

i dunno .. his gf. aka trist's um seems kinda scary like her look.. i dunno why.. and according to raghu she has really bad teeth. hmm at least i have nicer teeth :D
i think she just seems like a little kid.. i think that's what is .. i dunno
hmm fuck teh gattacca thing took justin only 15 min.. so um i dunno
i wonder if should wear flipflops tomorrow? hmm i really don't like my feet..
so tomorrow i have to get teh dance production sheet and get my valley/high school paper signed..

Posted by indie/kells at 10:35 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 15 May 2006 10:41 PM PDT
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Sunday, 14 May 2006

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: remember the name ~ fort minor
i've realized you have to do everything for the right reason.. whether it's doing weed (like sean) or going out with some one (tristan) or.. wanting to go out for someone (kelly)

hmm that's all for now

Posted by indie/kells at 9:32 PM PDT
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