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Saturday, 22 November 2003
Music: still deciding...

Ok so to anyone who actually reads this- ik im driving you crazy with the appearance changes. im driving myself crazy! i think im just gonna leave it with this for now. at least till i get my LiveJournal and can delete this!! muahaha


oh and another thing!!! jess might not be able to do the ski/board trips. =( well @ least i still have alisha!!!!!=)

Posted by indie/kaylee at 10:44 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 22 November 2003 11:10 AM EST
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i dont know
Music: Nothing cuz im about to be showering

Well today i should be getting my LiveJournal code but jessica is banned from the computer... i hope there's some way i can get it so i can delete this stupid blog. i just reread my entries and they are stupid. i changed my template a teeny bit but hardly at all. well must run ttyl!


Posted by indie/kaylee at 9:21 AM EST
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Friday, 21 November 2003
new theme and finals!
Music: Vertical Horizon

like the new theme? i got sick of the music one :p Well finals went a bit bad... i'm afraid i failed english. i think i did ok in history except for the essay, idk if it was too short. other than that it was ok. i had flute today- im moving up to an advanced book! i wish i could do the snowboard club @ school but idk how much it is and i'd feel like i was tagging along. Well nothing else happened, my life is boring. oh yeah! i should be getting a link for a LiveJournal tomorrow, cept idk if jess will be able to get on. well byeeeee

Posted by indie/kaylee at 6:59 PM EST
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Thursday, 20 November 2003
Music: nothing again.=( will be taking lots of CD's for the exams tomorrow!

oh my god end-of-tri exams are tomorrow, monday, and tuesday!!!! i feel lucky though because for english i know exactly what i'm gonna write for my essay and can use one side of a notecard. so i need to make my notecard and study for history... ugh. well i had flute choir today. it sucked because i forgot my brace and i also had band so it my wrist isn't feeling too good right now. i am sad to see this tri go. it was so much fun. jess and i are only gonna be together 4th block for the rest of the year. waaa. well i better go study bye!

~a little stressed krista

Posted by indie/kaylee at 4:49 PM EST
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Wednesday, 19 November 2003
Music: nothing... i'm gonna be practicing the instruments though!

Hmm well nothing really happened today... just another boring day in hampton. wednesday already!! one more real day of the tri! i really don't want next tri... gym. shoot me now! and exams! ugh... please just save me the pain and shoot me. i havent studied at all, i'm slacking until tomorrow and the weekend. tomorrow will be a cram session for english and history and weekend study time is devoted to math and spanish. then monday night will be devoted to art. joy. not. well the mother's pestering me to shower so she can do laundry so i better go. maybe updates later??? maybe not since i have to practice, shower, get ready for bed and tomorrow, and hopefully look over my history study guide in 2 hours before a cool TV show comes on. he he. later!


Posted by indie/kaylee at 6:52 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 19 November 2003 6:54 PM EST
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Tuesday, 18 November 2003
nothing to do
Music: not nirvana again!!! i deserve a sticker ;). Listening to The Hives. getting myself pumped! i have no idea what i should bring tomorrow or during the midterms... hmm...

Well im not really doing anything... just hanging out. today we marched, which sucks. i might have to be in the front line which i really don't wanna be cuz then people can see me screw up and play horribly. also i wouldn't be with my friends. i'm not even sure if i'm gonna do the parades. i don't really want to... i have guitar today yeah!! i still need to learn a scale. woops! i'll do that after dinner. hopefully we can go to bull moose music- i love that place! i can't believe it's been almost 7 months since i started playing guitar!! wow. i am so pumped for snowboarding this season. alisha jess and me are doing the rec trips. SNOOOOWBOARDING HERE I COME hehehehe... well i should go learn those scales and set the table. ttyl!

~krista lee lee =p (the puppy dawg)

Posted by indie/kaylee at 3:58 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 November 2003 7:43 PM EST
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Monday, 17 November 2003
new blog
Music: surprisingly not nirvana! a CD heather gave to me! the guy's name is Paddy Casey (irish import!). it's very good, a bit like david gray (is that how you spell it?). im bringing it to school tomorrow!

Yeah... well i'm not doing anything right now so i thought i'd make this. i'm gonna make a LiveJournal as soon as i get a code from jess (she hasn't gotten one yet). carly has one of these and she was telling me to make one... so i figured what the hell? =). she's on vacation right now and won't be back till i think next week. i did the "evil scheme" today but i think it backfired. not sure =/. this is complicated. *sigh*. well not much happened besides that today, just monday. my life is boooring isn't it? oh well. well i better go do my hw and shower and stuff. ttyl.


Posted by indie/kaylee at 5:31 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 17 November 2003 5:34 PM EST
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