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Back... to the Future!
Live House Narciss, 8/6/01

Narciss' List for the Week
Imagine being able to see several cool visual kei bands any day, every day. What a dream!
Coming soon: Syndrome, La Mule, Kaggra, Ash... in the space of three days! Holy fuck!

Kayo and I
Just minutes after my haircut.... ooooh la la!

Please Put On Your Gas Masks
I'm going to do the "Adolf Shuffle" now!

But first, shopping!
The only flaw is that Anders introduces every song "This is Clayman!" "Pinballllll Map!" "Only... for the... Weak!" ...surprise us once in a while, geez!)

The singer was dressed like a Sekima-II demon, the bassist was a kogal guy (overly tanned, too much blue eyeshadow, yuck!)

La'Deathtopia's Guitarist
Y-i-k-e-s! After the show, though, I saw him riding a bicycle in a Gilligan-esque fashion, so he probably isn't -really- from the devil!

La'Deathtopia's Vocalist
Uh-oh, co-ordinated hand movements! The blackest of the Black Arts!

Between Sets
The "bar" (actually just an 8"x11" hole -- haha, you laugh, but I'm serious!) is in the back. So is the loo. So is the merch table with demo tapes and photos. So that's where everyone goes, even though the space can only hold five of the 50 people who want to drink, pee, or buy shit. Probably the only downside to Narciss, aside from it's relative distance from my house.

Yoshihiro (Bishop)
On da mic!

Junzo (Bishop)

Yoshiyuki (Bishop)
Calling all gods

All Salute!
How did this start, even?!

Gidi Plays On
Bass and guitar; and the guitarist here has writing all over the right side of his face, but you can't tell very well from this pic.

Yo Boyyyyyyy!

The Next Generation of Rockers
Note the middle fingers!

The KressCam
Feel free to invade my personal space there, unclefucker cameraboy!

Happy Birthday Shin (Roza-Lia)

Me, Atro, Yuki, Okun
"Hey, let's take pictures of ourselves while we wait for the bands to come out!" "Okay!"

August 6

Pleasant Surprises

now playing: In Flames's The Tokyo Showdown (2001)

So you read the bad news, about the Fuss debacle. But of course "Love's got you down? Love will pick you right back up!" applies to music just as much as it does to girls, right?!

I emailed Junzo (the bassist for Bishop -- remember them? We just fell out of touch for a few weeks is all). "I'm gonna try and come to your show on Monday at Narciss."

"Cool," he replies, "our staff will have a ticket for you, see you then." I am infinitely, inexplicably cheered up.

Ah, also, yesterday (Sunday) I got a haircut. It's respectable now; my bangs can reach the tip of my nose, if I pull hard enough! I had to look neat; I -wanted- to look neat. And now it dries faster as well, so that'll save me a few extra minutes every day under the blow dryer -- one of the few times I can't listen to music. But I missed the extra bounce at the Narciss show while headbanging... but the other 160 hours in a week it's perfect. Ya gotta know when... to... hold... 'em,... know... when... to... fold... 'em...? What the hell am I talking about?

Oh, also on Sunday, after the haircut, Kayo showed me the way to Recofan, a CD store I hadn't been able to find. We got there, and they had the BIGGEST selection of used visual rock CDs and videos I'd ever seen -- all conveniently stuck in one central place. No more filtering through Deen... D&D... T-Bolan... Deeps...TM Revolution... Dragon Ash... etc to find Dir en grey! Yahoo!

They only had Ain't Afraid to Die though. Bleah. As a consolation, though, I did snatch up Pierrot's Dictator's Circus V - Vol. 1 on DVD for the low price of Y2100. "The Nice Price!" The first time I saw it was over at Sung's house, after Tenk had gotten it... and she demonstrated the "gay swing" from Adolf as the video played. Ahhh, memories!

Because we hadn't woken up til noon, and the haircut wasn't finished til 3:30 (it's a salon, so you get a massage, coffee, cake, all that kinda stuff -- plus a good cut), we were running kinda late. (PS - I stopped going to barbers after my 15th birthday, when I lamentably made the mistake of getting a crew cut. Ugh! Barbers have NO idea what they're doing unless you order one of two cuts: "short" or "extra-short".) We were running so late, in fact, that we only had time to RUSH through Book Off, Disk Union, Oscar's, and DCD after hititng Recofan and the computer store. And of course I saw nuthin' good, because how are you supposed to find precious gems when you're running through the store and constantly checking your watch?!

In addition to the Pierrot DVD I got a CD/video box set, for Y500 (cheap!) from a band called Shizuku. Not bad, but not great either. Most notable was the fact that during a video, the drummer's floor tom clearly had fallen down, but he was too lazy to set it right again, so throughout the whole video, his drum is either lying on its side or standing up straight as it should be, depending on how the editor pieced together the footage. Jeez, bastard!

I saw a bunch of Sleep My Dear stuff too, but too much -- I couldn't decide which one to get! The "Best Of" was tempting, but so was the "Ask for Eyes" album, Code. So i got neither. Welcome to my my logical world!

I also got a briefcase (actually it's a laptop carrying case, but it's small, light, durable, cheap, and holds 16 CDs nicely). The store I bought it at tried to sign me up for the store's card, and during the pitch I heard "Y500!" which I assumed to be Y500 off your first purchase, which is the deal everywhere else in Tokyo when you sign up for a members card. So imagine my shock when they CHARGED me $5 extra, the dildos! Kayo straightened them out, though, after she was done watching the last scene from Titanic that they were showing in the A/V section of the store. And i got a cool little optical mouse made by Justy, which works great despite it being half the price of Microsoft's and Logitech's equivalent mice... and that's about it. Oh, christ, no it's not, we had dinner at a place called Jackie's Kitchen, which is part-owned by Jackie Chan. It's a chain, apparently. The food was good, but the portions were small. It was right across the street from Book Off, and we were sooooo hungry by then, you could see our ribs poking out through our skin. So we took a shot. Now we know better! (It's so dumb for a restaurant to give small portions, too -- the food barely costs any money, in comparison with the other stuff a restaurant has to pay for (rent, employees, taxes, etc...) They could've doubled the portions, at no cost to them, and then actually attracted and kept customers. But no!)


Egads, before the show, I went to Shinjuku to meet up with some friends I made during "training" -- Christine, Jessica, and Hilary. We ended up going to an all-you-can-eat pizza place called Shakey's -- very classy! Hil was the only one brave enough to try the seaweed and ginger pizza... I think all of us gave the peach & pineapple pizza a shot, though. The slices were tiny, and the sauce was thin, but overall, 'twas a nice diversion.

We also did some shoppin' -- and I got In Flames' The Tokyo Showdown (which doesn't come out in the U.S. for another week or two I hear, hehe) and The Jester Race (not my favorite album by them -- Clayman is, by far -- but it had Japan Only demo versions of a couple songs, and it was only $17, and I had to get it someday, so why not now?) Both were cheaper than normal because they were used. I think I'm gonna give them to Erik, because he saw and bought a Phil Collen model black 3-pickup Ibanez Destroyer for me (I'm paying him for the guitar -- the discs are more like a finder's fee type of thing!) So in two years, when (if?!) I head back home, I'll have a nice new geetar to look forward to -- unless someone steals it from his house first! :P

Ah -- and I got a Pierrot single from last year (but I don't know which one! All I can read in the two similar kanji-filled titles is the kana: Wareru in one, Wareta in the other... and it's "produced by Pierrot and Tatsuya Nishiwaki", if that helps!) So I got that for $5, and a bootleg Hide DVD, used, for THREE bucks! It's the Hide: A Story and His Invincible Deluge Evidence videos. Sung bought it a while back and said it wasn't so hot, just Hide walking around L.A. mostly. But for $3, I get the videos for Rocket Dive and Pink Spider, which is enough for me. The other 2 hours I can watch some night when I can't sleep.

Okay, so I show up at the gig, my ticket's waiting. For another $5 I get a drink, and that's the extent of my expenditures that night, so already I'm happy (that's another CD I can buy tomorrow!) Oops -- i forgot to mention that I rode the train for free, hehe: I now have a train pass good for certain stations, so I can get on or off at those stations (one of which is Shinjuku) for free. I got on the train at Shinjuku for free, went to Urawa (normally a $5 ride), and getting there, went to the ticket booth to say, "Hey, I got on at Shinjuku, here's my pass... I'm going to pay for a ticket now so I can get through your ticket gate, look how honest I am."

But the ticket booth guy was busy/flustered trying to fix one of the ticket machines, so after 10 seconds of waiting, some Japanese businessman just passed through the gate. I followed two seconds later. Screw it, I had been traveling for over an hour, I wanted to get to the show!

And on the way back, all i had to do was buy the cheapest ticket (Y150) so I could board the train -- on the other end I used my pass, so that's how one can save a nice chunk of money traveling... all this is quite improper though, so you didn't hear it from me! (Everyone does it though.)

The first band, Acet-al-Dehyde, was okay, just high school kids starting out, but not too bad. There were a lot of people in the club, maybe 40 -- which is double the usual number (it's only 5pm). Only a few of the people were watching the Acet-al perform though, the rest were sitting around talking and flipping through the advertisements and "anketto" (questionnaires) we got at the door. Then as soon as lead Acet-al left the stage, EVERYONE leapt up and ran to the front of the stage. It was really unusual -- I mean, the lights went UP, indicating "10-minute intermission while we set up the next band", and still everyone was crushed toward the front! Wow, who is this next band coming up?!, thought I intrigued-ly!

The singer sure was freaky!

They're Roza-Lia. Nice and heavy and fast, and they all had a really cool look, and moved around on stage, and just overall did really nice. Plus it turned out to be the drummer's birthday, so one minute they're all headbanging furiously and screaming like inmates at a prison asylum about to be burned alive, the next minute they're bringing out a birthday cake and blowing out candles and singing Happy Birthday... then back to screaming like madmen and giving the middle finger to the crowd again (giving the middle finger to your fans, and the fans giving it back to you -- right in your face -- is apparently the highest praise a band can receive. I see it at every show, but I'm still getting used to it. I mean literally, they do it RIGHT in their face; the guitarist leaned into the crowd and just "bang!" middle finger, three inches from this girl's eyes, and "bam!" someone in the front leans forward and gives the finger to the lead singer as he screams and goads them on. It'll be interesting to see if these 16 year old girls giving everyone the finger will also do it at when they go to see western metal bands in Tokyo...

Lars: Why the hell is everyone giving us the finger?
James: We shoulda kept Jason!
Kirk: <starts crying>

Oh, before I forget, has anyone seen those cool anime-ish Metallica t-shirts? They're pretty damn cool.

Anyway, Roza-Lia were quite good. Then there's a break while another band sets up, and half the crowd leaves, and La' DeathTopia come out, and they're okay, but not in the fast & heavy vein that I'm most fond of. Though there were a few cute girls with big 80s hair that ended up headbanging a lot, swinging their heads around like, i dunno, maces (you know, those medieval weapons, the spiked ball on the chain that knights would whip around and then conk people on the head with? Geez, aren't you glad you weren't born in -that- time period?!). It was cool to watch.

During that set, I notice that Gidi has an anketto in my pack; which can only mean that they're playing tonight! But that can't be, I'd have known. So I check the schedule on the wall behind me. La' Deathtopia... Bishop... Gidi! Woo hoo! (Gidi are the guys I met in Ikebukuro a few weeks ago... then I met the guitarist again after the Pierrot show... ) Serendipity!


But first, after La' DeathTopia, Bishop is up. For a brief second, after the curtain is pulled back, I'm worried that they might have a drummer; the club drumset is sitting there just waiting for someone to sit down behind it, and it's been a few weeks since they emailed me, or I emailed them... maybe the free ticket was there way of apologizing?! Oh no! But my fears are allayed as Junzo(b), Yoshihiro (v) and Yoshiyuki(g) (shit, i -think- it's Yoshiyuki! Yoshi-something! Ah! Sorry! Brain freeze!) come out on stage. The second song they do is Masochist, which is the one I liked best of the disc they gave me, but then they played something I hadn't heard before. It was very techno, almost a dance track -- with the digital drums they can do that very easily -- and they started moving allllll over the stage. Fast, catchy, very cool.

Bishop Again
Pray at the altar of Bishop!

Like Fuss, though, I don't think they fit in quite perfectly with the other acts on the bill; I dunno, maybe in Japan it's different -- in the U.S., usually the bands are all photocopies of each other on any given night, whether it's punk or metal or plain old rock; they dress the same, they act the same, they sound the same, the play similar looking guitars, they do similar looking poses, and all that. At Narciss this night, most of the bands looked like Dir en grey did a couple years ago -- lots of vinyl, plenty of purple and red and yellow hair sticking up and out at sharp angles, big boots, that kind of thing. Bishop, meanwhile, were more... mature? I don't know if that's the right word -- it makes them sound old and the other bands sound young & dumb, which is not the case. Maybe a better word is laid-back. Hmm... not really. Well, let's just say the tempo never reached that super fast dundundundundundun range, and that Yoshihiro never screamed or broke his voice or acted psychotic, and there was no headbanging. They moved around a bit, but not as frenetically as some of the crazy-heavy acts I've seen, which is okay -- the music demanded a more non-whacked-out-on-drugs stage presence.

I'd still like to join them though... but half of me says, "They don't NEED a drummer!" Their best songs were the ones that came off as a bit techno sounding, like something you might hear at a rave, only with guitar in it. Having me join as drummer would destroy that vibe, totally, and I think that vibe is what sets the apart. I'll have to talk with them, see what they think. It would be fun to play with 'em though...

So for Bishop's set, I moved to the front of the stage, and stood against the far right wall (the only place I could stand without blocking everyone else's view.) Between Bishop and Gidi, this pink-haired girl (who is Chinese, from Hong Kong, as it turns out) asks me which band I came to see... in English! So we have a cool conversation about bands, and about CD prices in Japan, the U.S., and Hong Kong, (j-rock albums are cheaper in Hong Kong, and pricier in the U.S.) and which bands she likes, and which bands I like and all that. I'm glad she talked to me; a lot of times you can see a girl -wants- to say something, but is just too shy to say "hey", and sometimes I just feel to out of my element to take the gargantuan leap of actually saying hello to someone I don't know -- my god, what if they just laugh?!! It sounds so silly now, but you know how it is -- it's just hard to walk up to a stranger out of nowhere and go "Hi, I'm me" for some reason. So now I have a new rule of speaking to at least one stranger at each show.

Then Gidi comes out.

Cool fuckin' shit!

The guitarist (who was the guy I first said hi to on that Ikebukuro street corner, and whom I later exchanged pleasantries with after the Pierrot concert) comes leaping out on stage, just totally hyperkinetically, and as luck would have it, I'm positioned right in front of his place on stage. So he comes leaping out, with the rest of the band, and then you see him stop for a very very quick millisecond, and we make eye contact, and you see his eyes flicker, and he's thinking (just for a super-fast second!) "Oh, he's familiar! Where do I know him from?!" (either that or "my god, that's the -ugliest- 16 year old girl i've ever seen")!

Gidi Giddy

They run through several songs... heavy, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and they really really rock. A few of their riffs were as good as anything off of Megadeth's Rust in Peace -- which is probably the biggest complement I have ever offered to anyone!

The Gidi Fire Department
Looks on in helpless horror as fans burst into flame!

Some of the songs just really locked into a heavy, catchy groove -- not a hip-hop groove mind you! -- and you couldn't help but headbang. So I did. (Up til then, I hadn't -- I don't know why; I think because I was the only foreigner, and one of maybe two or three guys, and I didn't feel I belonged to the dominant headbanging group (basically, the teenaged girls there). But that third song they did was just too powerful to ignore!

Gidi Up!
Is there ANYthing cooler than a headbangin' schoolgirl?

After Gidi (the katakana actually says "Giji", but the website name is www.mmjp.or.jp/gidi, so that's what I'm using) comes the last band, Kress Devia (pronounced Da-VAI-ah), who are a four-piece (that's one strike against them already! Two-guitar bands are where it's at)! This is the band Atropos had come to see (the singer is "adorable"), but they didn't do much for me... the guitarist (who, if I may say so without sacrificing my heterosexuality, was far cuter than the singer) had a good guitar tone for rhythm, but his solo tone sucked -- no sustain, and it was too "crunchy", and not smooth, as a good solo tone should be (imho!)... and the songs weren't so memorable; I can't recall any riffs per se. But the rest of the audience seemed to be having a good time, so what do I know?!

Kress Devia
The Final Act

So that's the show... then after the show, I met up with Bishop and hung out with them for a while, then with the guitarist from Gidi (Yuri is his name!), then I said hello again to the bassist from Gidi (he was the other guy I officially met in Ikebukuro), then I harassed everyone from Roza-Lia, except the singer who had had the good sense to flee the scene early! Gradually, the bands and straggling fans (maybe 30 of 'em) moved from the club to the street, where we where then pushed off by the owner of the club across the street, so we migrated toward the main road which led to the station, and took over the steps of the bank on the corner for a good hour.

Out there I meet up with a friend of Missy's, who was one of the few people I could count on to make it to my old band's j-rock shows in NYC. Turns out this friend, Saya, is also friends with Bishop. Small world!

I also meet end up chatting with a few more girls as well, including Yuki and Okun. Okun's 21, and Yuki's my age! So it's nice to know I'm not the only person at the club that's not in high school! I also say hey to Roza-Lia again (they were by the "bar" earlier, where I repeated "Suki deshita, suki deshita!" over and over again, but also managed to elicit from the drummer that they had formed 8 months ago from the ashes of other bands.)

Outside, they were all standing around seperately, except the elusive lead singer who had left already. I gathered them all together ("Stop getting girls' phone numbers and come over here and take a picture with me, dammit!") and gave my camera to the nearest girl, for a quick photo. Besides covering the flash with her finger, she did well enough, I suppose... grumble grumble grumble! <punch punch punch!> So i had to amp up the contrast in Photoshop, sorry for the poor quality!

Roza-Lia Dayoooooo
Okay guys, you can go back to getting girls' phone numbers now, thank you!

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