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News: New photos btw!


Hiya :) Today my loser bank charged me thirteen quid for going overdrawn by 99population I wouldn't mind but I don't know why they let me go overdrawn in the first place when there is no overdraft facility on my account… You caould only ever go over by less than a pound. I want to know why I could go over at all! FFS it's entrapment. Ah ffs… You live n learn…

Oh yeah I quit both my jobs… I gave mango a good half hours notice too J in fact I think I was late for work when I handed my notice in… Quietly through the letterbox J mwahaha. Noooo that onlyhappened 'cos some bint spazzed up my holidays and they reckoned I was going to work while Beth was stayin with me… Hm yeah course Ellie you're not like, well fick, is ya!?

Ummm… SHIT! J I'm going to uni this Sunday!!! OMG this is fucking alarming as I have no common sense or survival skills. Shit man! So far this year I've lost about £100 in parking fiunes and overdraft fees… I'll never survive… And I had to spend £30 yesterday on an osteopath appointment. I went in and he cracked my bones a bit then I left… Well shit! I could crack my bones already. People should pay me to do it… Granted I'd have no idea which ones to crack for which problem but I think if you crack every single on you're gonna hit at least one problem… And if you cause another they'll come back for more treatment!!! It's perfect :) All I need now is a degree… I think I've got one in my hotmail inbox somewhere… ;)

Sooooo if you're someone I've met at uni, hi :) You should hang out with me 'cos I'm well cool. No really… Just ask the multitude of people online who I've never met J they'll tell ya :D

Uni is such a big fucking prospect… I guess however that if I don't make any friends at all I can get a good degree J it's win win baby! True I might come out a recluse with no social skills… It'd show that not everyone changes at uni J hehehe… hohoho… yeah.

Hm… Shiiiiiiiiiiittt! Fuck it! J Anyone reading this should go and download some placebo songs 'cos they are fuckin' ace! And 3DD too J hehehehehe. Now I aint kiddin

Everyone else… Sign my guestbook… (everyone else apart from anyone… Good work Craig… ffs)




In Aberdeen they call frogs "Puddicks" how apt is that??? :D



my photos


