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Jones web site
The Jones Family Web Site

Last Updated:
July 22, 2008

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Alexandra, Liam, Camryn, Rebecca & Pete
Would like to say Hello to you all

Video of
Our Trip
Yankee Stadium

“Alexandra and Camryn“

“Alexandra and Camryn“

“Liam watching a Thunder & lightning storm“

“Rebecca and Liam looking at a lizard on some guys back“

“Liam swimming“

“Camryn in the pool“

“Camryn doing a swan dive“

“Camryn getting all warmed up after a hard day of swimming“

“Liam climbing on the monkey bars“

“Liam still climbing on the monkey bars“

“Liam at the Yankee Game July 19, 2008“

“Dad & Liam at the game“

“The Jones Boys“
Pete, Liam and Brett

“Liam with his NY pretzel“