Hello and welcome to my application. I hope you like it. If not, I'll have to set the dogs on you I hope you don't get too bored at any rate.

Roleplay is the thing I do most on neopets, and I love having new characters to work with. I normally roleplay my neopets in anthro form, rather than as neopets. I'll use this to host my rp samples, and so you can have a look and see if they appeal to you.

The ship was by far the most beautiful in the harbour. It covered a huge amount of space, and had a deck large enough to hold the harbour's bustling crowd several times over. The varnish coating the ship glimmered in the sunlight, as did the ship's name, picked out in gold letters on the prow and accompanied by the figurehead of a beautiful maiden. This was The Dark Lady, considered by many the most beautiful ship in the world.
Two men were standing at the foot of the ramp leading onto the ship. One was a tall man with long, dark hair and stubble. A ragged, white scar sliced across his cheek, from jaw to brow. It gave him a slightly intimidating look, but didn’t detract from his handsome appearance. An open-necked tan shirt covered his equally scarred chest, and his turquoise trousers were tucked into his boots.
The other man was clearly a market trader. He was wearing slightly tattered clothes, and holding a crate filled with bottles of ale. He handed it over to the pirate, who grinned.
“And you’ll pay me tomorrow?” The trader asked, apparently anxious.
“I’ll scout yeh out specially, yeh have my word.” The pirate promised, still grinning.
This seemed to satisfy the trader, who walked off. The pirate turned back to his ship, laughing “Who takes the word of a pirate to mean anythin’?” He sighed.
This man was Maritumus. The son of the infamous Captain Pravus, here was a man who had clearly inherited both his father’s good looks and his disregard for rules. Underestimated by many, at their peril, he was far sharper and cleverer than he at first seemed. Full of charm, and with a definite eye for the ladies, he was never short of people he could bribe and persuade to do his work for him.
The Captain walked over to the stern rail. Leaning heavily on it, he stared into the milling crowds. How mundane it would be to live your whole life in one place.
The sea was in his blood, and the idea of staying put was alien to him. many a woman had claimed Maritumus held more affection for his watery mistress than he ever had for them. They were probably right. no woman had ever made an impact on him, save one...
"No, don't think of her. Surely there's someone here worthy of your eye" he muttered, hoping this were true.

Distracted by the sound of hooves approaching her stone tower, a figure turned from her ornate mirror, toward the window. The curtains danced gently in the light breeze. Each movement seemed to be calling to her, coaxing her to the window with promises of the unknown stranger.
Dropping a silver hairbrush onto the dressing table, the girl approached her window. For a moment, she merely stood there, eye closed, letting the gentle breeze wash over her face. It was so peaceful, standing there. Her long, violet dress and silky dark hair joined the drapes in their gentle twirls and leaps. Snapping her eyes open, the girl forced herself to abandon her dreams and look down to the ground. As she had come to expect, reality was far less exciting, and far more tiresome, than dreams. Especially when reality came in this form.
The man below was tying his horse to a nearby tree. His slow, deliberate movements told the girl that he was well aware he was being watched. The girl sighed. So typical of Sir Pietro. The man never did anything nicely, unless he knew he was being watched. Having finished his show of tying his steed, the man at last straightened up. He was a handsome man, the girl had to admit. However, she reflected, as with most handsome men, the knight was well aware of the effect his sweeping dark hair and piercing blue eyes had on the hearts and minds of women.
“Women more foolish and feeble than I!” The girl muttered, forcefully.
The man raised a heavily chain mailed armed and waved up at the girl. His smile accentuated the high cheekbones, which so many women admired, and so many men coveted. However, the girl had learn not to judge on appearances. The boorish nature while hid behind the perfect façade had immediately turned the girl against the knight.
“Eriana!” The man called, waving again.
Eriana turned and crossed the room, cursing. Collapsing on the bed, she sighed deeply. Sir Pietro’s presence in her father’s court today could mean only one thing. The time had come. King Hran had decided the time was right for Sir Pietro to take his only daughter’s hand in marriage.
This was not a new idea to Eriana, but still one that repulsed her greatly. Her father had first mentioned it some months ago, over dinner. It had not been mentioned since, and Eriana had presumed that her violent outburst upon hearing the idea had made her father change his mind.
“Over my dead body will I marry Pietro!” She told the empty room.

I think that Sinystr would make a good soldier. He would be loyal to his city, and fight to the death to protect it. Due to his youth and inexperience, however, I think he would be easily swayed by the opinions of others, and not have the complete confidence in himself to follow his gut instincts.

I do enjoy to draw my pets. However, I'm hardly Monet standard. More unintentionally abstract. I gave my best shot at drawing Sinystr for you:

Although I'm clearly not very good at it, I do enjoy drawing. I'm a roleplayer not an artist, although I would love to improve on both over time.

One type of art that I am good at is CSS and HTML. I love to take time and make lookups for all my pets. My user lookup has links out to my two side accounts, so you can look there. Currently, all of my pets have lookups, except my fosters, and I'm planning on working on petpages soon.

Well, what to say about me? My name is Jo and I'm a fifteen year old girl from England. I like to sleep, go shopping and play neopets.

I love pretty things. I'm rather like a magpie, I'm attracted to shiny objects. I tend to waste my money on random stuff that serves no real purpose and I tire of in around a week. Like fingerless gloves and rings that look like spiders.

You can see from the shield on my user lookup that I have been on neopets since May 6th of this year. I used to play neopets when my friends and I were younger, but lost interest because it wasn't "cool". Yes, I'm a sheep. Baa. My oldest account is Lilac_scout, at three years.

I have one main account, and two sides. My side accounts are Escaping_Gravity and Social_Morphine. I use them both to store pets. Sinystr would be joining me on my main account.

Now I'm going to tell you a little bit about my NeoFamily. I'm still working their personalities and what makes them click.

Thestara is my lab pet. She started as a blue lupe, since I was hoping her to change to robot. Now she's a blue koi, which is pretty, but I already have Lishien, so I'm keeping zapping. She loves to play with her brothers and sisters, and is addicted to coffee.

Andalucite is very girly and loves to play with Anvoid, my gelert. Although she keeps changing gender, she is definitely a girl at heart!

Threzi's the baby of the family and is spoilt rotten. Threzi likes to explore the Haunted Woods, and boasts that he's the bravest Wocky in the West.

Anvoid is my island gelert. She likes to explore mystery island, and hang around with the Island Faerie. I'm sure she annoys the heck out of Jhuidah sometimes, but I've never heard any complaints. Anvoid has a heart of gold and good intention. At least most of the time.

Syphran, on the other hand, has been known to be a right pain sometimes. He's at the stage where he thinks all girls have cooties, and so wont go near his sisters. He loves playing with other Maraquan friends, and would love to have Sinystr as a brother!

Le_Moutarde is a bit of a brat. She was my first ever pet and so I spoilt her rotten. She wont accept that she isn’t the only pet in the world, and I need to teach her how to share *sigh* why cant I have well behaved pets?

Derandal is my usuki usul. He got fed up of people mistaking him for a girl, so begged me to get him an usuki paintbrush.

The others are foster pets, who I plan to zap at some point.

I'm going to tell you a little about how I think Crawfe really is. I mentioned this above, in the roleplay section, but I'll reiterate. He is quite young, so is not sure how best to approach some of the situation presented to him. He tends to want to please everyone, and often ends up pleasing no-one. He has a good sense of right and wrong, but can be intimidated sometimes into doing bad things. Overall, he is a good man, although has a tendancy towards vanity and jealousy at times.


Crawfe loves to have the chance to defend the weak. Whether it is a beautiful maiden, or a city under seige, he is the first to volunteer to raise sword and help. He likes to stay well groomed. He used to dream of becoming a pirate, and these dreams have not yet entirely faded. He also holds a soft spot for the beautiful Court Dancer (although he did not hesitate to rush to Meridell's defence against her master).


Crawfe detests mushy peas. He wont talk about why, but he hates them. Maybe he had a bad experience with them in the past o.0 Like most males, he has a fear of letting his emotions show. he hates mushy stuff like love (and, apparently, peas). He detests healthy food. Coming from desert climes, he hates the cold and snow. He also hates fish, which is unusual for a pteri.

Well that's my application to adopt Crawfe. I hope you haven't fallen asleep reading this, or slammed a fist through your monitor screen in frustration that someone as evil as I dare apply for him. That wouldn't be good. Even if you don't pick me to be his new owner, I hope you find a great person to take care of Crawfe.

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