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Hagen's Horror Haven

Halloween 2

Halloween 2 takes off right where the original Halloween ends. I actually consider Halloween 1 and 2 part of the same movie. The casting is perfect with everybody who survived in the first returning. The score is almost as good as the first, with the only downfall being the title having a weird feel to it. And the plot is pretty much flawless.

The only gripe that I have with this film is that at the end, there is no way that Myers or Loomis could possibly surive. Thus any Halloween after 2 with Myers or Loomis is pretty much absurd. Eventhough this has nothing to do with the film itself, I thought I would note it.

Halloween 2 is another amazing addition to any horror collection and I would recommend that if you own the first, buy the second.

- PhatThrower1428 -

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