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  • JamieMania! - The Features
    Music: JamieMania will be playing mostly a blend of rock, indie and alternative music, intertwined with occasional bits of dance, rap and other sorts of music! The main bands that will most likely feature on the show are Blur, Oasis, Radiohead, REM, Coldplay, David Gray, Feeder, The White Stripes, Nirvana, Audioslave, Saliva, U2, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers and so many other acts that I just can't think of right now... but if they play guitars, are not called 'Electric Six' and don't scream too much, there's a very big chance I'll play them.

    Chat: I bet you're wondering what we talk about... and like all other shows claim to be, we truly are random. But we will also probably be very stupid as well. We'll talk about matters covering from our lives, news, sport, gossip, wrestling, celebrity gossip and anything trivial that's worth mentioning. That is JamieMania in a nutshell!

    Impressions Segment: After doing Noel Gallacher's Diary for 6 months, a well-earned change is needed.. see the new segment for its first time on Friday February 13th.. yes, Friday the 13th.. something is bound to go wrong.

    Wrestling Update: I know for a fact that I will be grabbing a large audience from the e-fed world or just wrestling fans in general, therefore I'm gonna have something which i ejoy talking about and something the vast majority of my listeners will enjoy listening to. We'll basically round up all the week's wrestling news from the WWE, NWA/TNA and any other wrestling that needs mentioning... and we'll discuss it live on air! So if you're a fan of wrestling, tune in and enjoy!

    Malone: The last and most important feature is ME... yes, I am the host of the show... I say what I want... what I say goes... I decide what goes in the show, what doesn't... the whole thing only happens because of me so I am a damn feature, ok? Haha..