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"Photoshop for Digital Video" book in stores!

iVIEW Media Services owner, Archie Cocke and co-author Mike Gondek ( have their advance copies of their new book "Photoshop for Digital Video" from Focal Press, an imprint of Elsevier.

This book will be a serious companion to video editors and graphic artists that promises to show how many cutting edge effects and designs are created with the world standard image editor from Adobe. Currently, the book is availible online from vendors such as Amazon, Focal Press and Barnes and Noble

Taylor Business Institute launches new TV ad campaign

The independent school in Chicago based on the magnificent mile signed on iVIEW Media Services to give their image an overhaul. The first round was 4 15-second spots known as "The Classifieds". iView Owner Archie Cocke wrote, produced, directed and edited each one.

As TBI adds to their roster of degrees they offer, look for them on WCIU, WPWR, and PAX during daytime programming. iVIEW looks forward to a great relationship with a great school.

The Licks music video finished

"Come to the Light" by The Licks marks iVIEW's 1st music video. Directed by Mitch Cohen (not related to the Cohen brothers) the video was shot and edited by Archie Cocke of iVIEW.

The video tells the story of an average guy that gets dumped by his girlfriend for another guy in a band. In order to regain his dignity, Blake (the dumped guy) orders a "Band In A Box" from a magazine ad. Check out the video and see if Blake can manage to become cool enough to lead The Licks!


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Updated: March '05