Most recent update (logged): 01/07/12

Yep! - You found the right place - four years without an update, what happened? Good question.

No recent changes or additions have been made to the best of my memory. I've not been writing in some time; the talent isn't gone but my older self has also found other ways to express my emotions. has re-evolved again over the last couple of years, but I hope to continue to improve it and add to it.
There are going to be several sections here to choose from.

---For my individual area, travel "West." You'll see all those great poems and song lyrics in print across the globe.
I have only a few pieces of ancient Contortion and Tornacade material for this web page. If you have something that is Tornacade (old or new) or Contortion related, send it my way for review and possibly to be posted (with credit to your name). These are tribute pages; I spent some good years with these guys when we were all younger and I think it left a lasting impression on me for a very long time.

Choose a direction

(West) Original material of SVM
(North) Tornacade material
(South) Contortion material
(East) Other
