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Notes: Reaction to Orithain’s ‘Balance



July 2005

Disclaimers: Do I look like I own them?

Okay, why am I shivering in my bed at a much too early hour in the morning when I should be warm and asleep next to my very comfortable body pillow, John Sheppard?

The sheets beside me are cool, and so is the breeze coming in from the open balcony door... Open balcony door? What the...

For a moment, I’m sure I’m dreaming because I swear there’s an angel standing there in the early morning light. Not one of the harp, robe, and white wings angels, but one of the post-modern, hard-edged ones. Dangerous, smart, and so fucking gorgeous they make you cry.

I know the physics behind the refraction of light rays, but that doesn’t change the fact that right now he looks like he has a halo. It’s fitting somehow, considering how many times he’s saved our asses here. John Sheppard, guardian angel of Atlantis and, in particular, of one Dr Rodney McKay.

All right, I’m not going to get any sleep knowing he’s out there, and only part of that is because the sight of him has me so hard I hurt. Fuck, the floor’s cold; why didn’t the Ancients develop heated tiling?

Pants, pants... there they are, last night’s sweats that got tossed in the corner once they weren’t needed any longer. Word to the wise: going to bed with any clothes on is not allowed when your lover is John Sheppard.

God, the balcony is even colder than the room, but I’ll survive because when John doesn’t notice my not so quiet approach behind him, something’s wrong.

He stiffens slightly when I slide my arms around his waist and press up against his back, the skim warming quickly with our combined body heat. The dog tags he gave me are a small disconnect between us, but soon they’re simply a conduit between us, channeling the heat and comfort.

My palm’s splayed flat on his chest, and I can feel the steady beat of his heart, the beats somewhat quicker than normal, but still even. It’s this sound I fall asleep to every night and that I wake to each morning. It’s this sound that has become the aural center of my world, the rhythmic cadence I could happily listen to for the rest of my life.

I press my hand against his chest, feeling the vibration that matches the tones in my ear, then press a kiss against his shoulder. "Good morning."

And it is.

  since 02-04-07



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