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Iowa City Food Not Bombs!

IC FNB Wishlist

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This is NOT the old Iowa City Food Not Bombs, we are currently serving on Sundays from 12:30 to 2:00ish in the Ped Mall of downtown Iowa City. (in the event of rain we will be serving on college green)We serve vegetarian food to hungry people in public places for three reasons. 1.To show how much food is being thrown out by our over-consumerist and wastefull capitalist society. 2.To show how many people under this system are in need and are in poverty. and 3.To educate about millitarism and government spending. FNB is based on direct action which means taking things into your own hands to make sure they get done. Instead of passing things through established channels, we find food going to waste and give it to people in need. ICFNB is also currently doing a side project called food nor bombs yet mittens, in which we are giving away blankets, scarves, hats, and mittens to people in need. ICFNB is autonomous, anyone can contribute and anyone can be a part of the action, the more the better. If you would like to get involved or donate let us know by emailing us at the address below. Thanks to everyone that helped to get the ball rolling, and to the places that have given us food to serve. If you would like us to do an event or demonstration let us know a week or so in advance and we can work it all out. Thanks for reading... ICFNB crew
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