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MSHmusic Presents:

In Your House Concerts


Here's an idea sure to entertain... Ready? How about having a live concert, right in the comfort of your own home?


Host a House Concert and enjoy the best that Home Entertainment has to offer. Live Music! It beats putting in another DVD or playing tired old board games. Celebrate this Winter by doing something special. Have your very own private concert. Something your friends and family are sure to remember. IYHC provides you with stellar entertainment by Independent Artist's whose talents often go beyond that of the mainstream market. Our Artist's own 100% of their music and are not bound by fame and legalities which make it impossible for "big" acts to ever get this close to their audiences. You may not know it but there is a music revolution going on. The internet and digital media has turned the recording industry upside down, resulting in more and more Artist's "doing it themselves." I personally love supporting Independent music and this is one way that you too can help shed light on this vast and growing market, while at the same time, enjoying yourself profusely; in the comfort of your own home!

Book a date now and "Let the Music lift you up!"


MARSIA SHURON HARRIS (Original SoulFolk + Rock)

"the deepest, darkest, most delicious voice..." Martin Sexton


MOTHER TURTLE (Acoustic, Soul, Groove, Rock)

Put On Your Dancin' Shoes!


Here's how it works:

If you have the space and can gather a minimum of 30 or more folks together, one of our talented Acts will come and play for you! Book a full band or an intimate evening with one of our gifted solo Artists.

The Concept

A house concert is not a new concept; in fact it dates back to the days of chamber music where people would gather in their drawing rooms and salons to listen to traveling musicians. It was a way to get together with friends and, at the same time, to be introduced to artists and their work. It was a time when involvement in the arts was a part of everyday life.

Today, most of us are accustomed to concerts where the performer is inaccessible, so the experience of a private concert in an intimate setting provides a refreshing contrast. House Concerts are unique events. The audience is close enough to see the details of the artist�s performance � the nuances of a facial expression � or see the artist�s fingers attack the strings before they hear the sound of the notes. Not only can the guests see and hear the performance better, they also have multiple opportunities to meet and mingle with the performer.

The Folk music community has successfully kept this concept alive over the years. Now, it is MSHmusic's hope to successfully extend the concept to other musical genres as well.

The Format

Most people think you need a BIG house, not so. A house concert can be held in a living room, basement, garage, a backyard, a community center, a church basement, etc. All you really need is a space that can hold about 50 people comfortably.

You may need to rent some chairs and a small PA system (some performers may supply their own sound system). It would be nice to have an all acoustic performance (and some artist's may be willing to play unplugged) but you have no idea how much sound 50 people absorb in a small space. The PA makes it easier on the artist and provides a cleaner more polished sound as well. We ask for a non-smoking environment but food and refreshments are totally up to you. Some people may opt for non-alcoholic beverages and offer coffee, tea, pop and munchies in the admission price. Other folks we know have pot luck suppers prior to the show. All of this is of minimal cost to you and will be re-couped after the show.


This is important because it allows you to avoid a host of licensing and by-law issues. You should check your household liability insurance though. You may want to encourage your guests to bring friends as long as they let you know in advance. A $10-20 donation should be collected at the door. After recovering your expenses, the Artist is paid. We ask for a $300.00 guarantee for our solo acts and a $500.00 guarantee for the bands. Believe me, this is minor pay for such fine musicians, who often travel from far and wide to play for you. More people equal more money, which after the guarantee, can be split evenly between host and performer(s). So you see, you might just make a few extra dollars yourself!

Typically, a Host will open their doors around 7:00 PM, an hour before the concert. Start the concert at 8:00 PM sharp and have a 45 minute set, followed by a half hour intermission. This allows guests to enjoy more refreshments buy a CD or two for their music collection, get it autographed and maybe a chat with the artist. Then there�s another 45 minute set, and socializing afterward.

Finally, you need an AUDIENCE. Contact your neighbors (a good policy anyway), your friends and family and your co-workers. You�d be surprised how fast the list will grow!

The Benefits:

The Audience - Many of the people attending our concerts are �baby boomers� or older. They don�t go to the bars or to major concerts to see these artists because of the noise and the crowds. They appreciate the �up close, personal and intimate� setting that a house concert provides. Some attendees are reminded of the �coffee houses� of their youth.

The Artists - They appreciate the venue because they also get to be up close and personal with their audience; a rare opportunity these days. They can try out new material; play songs they�ve written that may not have commercial appeal and generally have a good time in a relaxed atmosphere. They can also use these concerts to gain new fans and of course put some coin in their pockets to help pay the bills.

The Hosts - get the satisfaction of sharing their passion for the Arts with friends and neighbors and providing quality music in a comfortable environment, something people are sure to take away as a night to remember.


House Concerts are a tangible way in which you can support the music community and give independent artists the opportunity to build grass-roots audiences. By supporting or hosting a House Concert, you are making a significant contribution to the Arts an independent artist�s career.

If interested, please reply to subject: House Concert

Or call MSHmusic House Concerts at 413/364/2273 to book one of our exceptional Artists.





Why Host a House Concert?


Marsia Shuron Harris (SouFolk + Rock)
Mother Turtle (Soul, Groove, Rock, Jam, Dance Band)